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Earth Hour

Aktivitet:CO₂ på skoleveienHovedside Vis resultater
Deltaker:National Highschool of ArtsDeltakerside
Område:National Highschool of Arts (Călărași, Romania)Områdeside

Earth Hour flyer
National Highschool of Arts "Queen Mary" invites you to take action. Earth Hour movement began in 2007 with the participation of two million Australians and continues at worldwide level aiming, in 2009 to involve more than one billion people. In Romania, the first signs of commitment appeared already last year and we hope that this year the impact of Earth Hour will be much higher. Because we also care! Every year, last Saturday of March, for one hour, people are urged to turn off the light. Why? To show that they care about NATURE. At this time energy consumption decreses and so is the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. It is an attempt to make more people aware of the problems caused by pollution and to make them act more carefully in order to preserve, protect and create green energy. This year we expect you to get involved too on March 28th , from 20.30hrs to 21.30hrs. Now, you know what Earth Hour is, so you have no excuse to ignore! Turn off the lights, close the TV, the computer and go for a walk in the parc.
Adriana Timofte
