Genus: Willows, Sallows and Osiers (Salix)

Spring phenology
Rune Nilsen
Mosvold (Agder, Norway)
2024-02-17 Pussy willows goat willow
Stryn vidaregåande skule
Ljøbrekka (Møre og Romsdal, Norway)
Ryllikslekta (Achillea)
Heather (Calluna vulgaris)
Veitistel (Cirsium vulgare)
Firkantperikum (Hypericum maculatum)
Lintorskemunn (Linaria vulgaris)
Smørtelg (Oreopteris limbosperma)
Steinnype (Rosa canina)
Bringebær (Rubus idaeus)
Sheep's Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
Creeping Willow (Salix repens)
Red Campion (Silene dioica)
Blåknapp (Succisa pratensis)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Stemorsblom (Viola tricolor)
Bergen katedralskole
Mjølfjell (Vestland, Norway)
Bog-rosemary (Andromeda polifolia)
Fjellburkne (Athyrium distentifolium)
Dunbjørk (Betula pubescens subsp. pubescens)
Heather (Calluna vulgaris)
Flaskestarr (Carex rostrata)
Rosebay Willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium)
Torvmyrull (Eriophorum vaginatum)
Sauesvingel (Festuca ovina subsp. ovina)
Gulskinn (Flavocetraria nivalis)
Fjelleiner (Juniperus communis subsp. nana)
Dwarf Cudweed (Omalotheca supina)
Bjørnemoser (Polytrichum)
Bringebær (Rubus idaeus)
Stone Bramble (Rubus saxatilis)
Dwarf Willow (Salix herbacea)
Torvmoser (Sphagnum)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
Bergen katedralskole
Mjølfjell (Vestland, Norway)
Dwarf Willow (Salix herbacea)
Bergen katedralskole
Mjølfjell (Vestland, Norway)
Fir Clubmoss (Huperzia selago)
Dwarf Willow (Salix herbacea)
Spring phenology
Bjørg Vaage
Haugerenga (Akershus, Norway)
2023-06-04 Flowering globe flower
2023-05-10 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2023-04-08 Flowering liverleaf (blue anemone)
2023-03-23 Arrival chaffinch
2023-04-25 Arrival chiffchaff
2023-05-22 Arrival spotted flycatcher
2023-04-18 Arrival fieldfare
2023-05-07 Flowering yellow star-of-bethlehem
2023-04-25 Leaves unrolling european bird cherry
2023-05-20 Flowering european bird cherry
2023-04-15 Flowering colt's-foot
2023-06-04 Flowering hundekjeks
2023-05-17 Flowering wood anemone
2023-04-18 Arrival hedge accentor
2023-05-25 Flowering jonsokkoll
2023-04-06 Arrival hawfinch
2023-05-17 Flowering korsknapp
2023-05-24 Flowering liljekonvall
2023-04-25 Arrival white wagtail
2023-05-10 Adult small white
2023-05-14 Arrival willow warbler
2023-05-09 Arrival barn swallow
2023-05-11 Flowering golden-saxifrage
2023-05-06 Flowering marianøkleblom
2023-05-20 Flowering markjordbær
2023-04-25 Arrival song thrush
2023-04-17 Adult small tortoiseshell
2023-03-20 Arrival wood pigeon
2023-03-20 Birds are singing wood pigeon
2023-03-30 Arrival robin
2023-04-18 Arrival redwing
2023-04-22 Pussy willows goat willow
2023-05-07 Adult brimstone
2023-05-25 Flowering skogstorkenebb
2023-05-15 Flowering stemorsblom
2023-03-27 Arrival european starling
2023-05-05 Arrival pied flycatcher
2023-03-20 Arrival common blackbird
2023-03-20 Birds are singing common blackbird
2023-05-07 Adult camberwell beauty
2023-06-04 Flowering tiriltunge
2023-05-27 Arrival common whitethroat
2023-06-02 Flowering tveskjeggveronika
2023-05-17 Arrival common swift
2023-05-14 Flowering winter-cress
2023-05-05 Flowering alpine penny-cress
2023-04-17 Adult bier og humler
2023-04-30 Flowering fiolfamilien
2023-04-18 Adult bumble-bee
2023-05-20 Flowering dandelion
2023-06-04 Flowering engsoleie
Frede Thorsheim
Krossleitet (Vestland, Norway)
Jonsokkoll (Ajuga pyramidalis)
Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa)
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
Skogburkne (Athyrium filix-femina)
Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
Bjørnekam (Blechnum spicant)
Heather (Calluna vulgaris)
Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis)
Common Scurvygrass (Cochlearia officinalis)
Flekkmarihand (Dactylorhiza maculata)
Revebjelle (Digitalis purpurea)
Rosebay Willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium)
Bell-hather (Erica cinerea)
Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix)
Red Fescue (Festuca rubra)
Markjordbær (Fragaria vesca)
Hårsveve (Hieracium pilosella)
Firkantperikum (Hypericum maculatum)
Fagerperikum (Hypericum pulchrum)
Common Juniper (Juniperus communis)
Skorpelav (Lecanorales Skorpelav)
Kaprifol (Lonicera caprifolium)
Tiriltunge (Lotus corniculatus)
Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale)
Rome (Narthecium ossifragum)
Kystmyrklegg (Pedicularis sylvatica)
Hengeving (Phegopteris connectilis)
Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)
Smalkjempe (Plantago lanceolata)
Blåfjær (Polygala vulgaris)
Sisselrot (Polypodium vulgare)
Bjørnemose (Polytrichum sp.)
Tepperot (Potentilla erecta)
Einstape (Pteridium aquilinum)
Kartlav (Rhizocarpon)
Bjørnebærslekta (Rubus spp.)
Ugrasløvetann-gruppa (Ruderalia)
Northern Dock (Rumex longifolius)
Willows, Sallows and Osiers (Salix)
Goat Willow (Salix caprea)
Krypvier (Salix repens var. repens)
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Torvmoser (Sphagnum sp.)
Skogstjerne (Trientalis europaea)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
Spring phenology
Linda Jasmin Skålvik
Vassmoen, Lauvøya (Trøndelag, Norway)
2023-05-14 Flowering sour cherry
2023-04-22 Arrival white wagtail
2023-04-22 Birds are singing white wagtail
2023-05-09 Arrival willow warbler
2023-05-09 Birds are singing willow warbler
2023-05-08 Leaves unrolling goat willow
2023-02-28 Flowering snøklokke
2023-03-25 Arrival european starling
2023-03-25 Birds are singing european starling
2023-03-25 Nest building european starling
2023-05-10 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2023-05-16 Arrival common cuckoo
2023-05-16 Birds are singing common cuckoo
2023-05-13 Adult green hairstreak
2023-04-11 Arrival greylag goose
2023-04-16 Arrival fieldfare
2023-04-16 Birds are singing fieldfare
2023-05-08 Arrival european golden plover
2023-05-08 Birds are singing european golden plover
2023-04-02 Flowering colt's-foot
2023-05-17 Flowering wood anemone
2023-05-10 Leaves unrolling sour cherry
2023-05-13 Første observasjon european black slug
2023-03-12 Arrival eurasian oystercatcher
2023-03-12 Birds are singing eurasian oystercatcher
2023-04-09 Arrival eurasian collared dove
2023-04-09 Birds are singing eurasian collared dove
2023-04-08 Arrival northern lapwing
2023-04-08 Birds are singing northern lapwing
2023-04-06 Flowering vårkrokus
2023-04-15 Adult ant
2023-05-02 Adult bumble-bee
Spring phenology
Hatteng skole
(Troms, Norway)
2023-05-15 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2023-05-08 Flowering colt's-foot
2023-05-15 Leaves unrolling goat willow
2023-05-10 Adult bumble-bee
Spring phenology
Liv Marie Sæther Sandberg
Sander ved Mjøsbrua,kulturlandskap, beb (Innlandet, Norway)
2023-05-10 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2023-05-05 Flowering wood anemone
2023-04-30 Arrival white wagtail
2023-04-19 Pussy willows goat willow
Spring phenology
Rune Nilsen
Mosvold (Agder, Norway)
2023-04-18 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2023-04-24 Flowering downy birch
2023-05-02 Leaves unrolling common beech
2023-04-22 Flowering red currant
2023-04-29 Leaves unrolling common hazel
2023-04-04 Leaves unrolling european bird cherry
2023-04-25 Leaves unrolling goat willow
Spring phenology
Åsmund Berg
Lappland (Innlandet, Norway)
2023-04-21 Flowering liverleaf (blue anemone)
2023-04-21 Arrival fieldfare
2023-04-19 Flowering colt's-foot
2023-04-19 Arrival hedge accentor
2023-04-18 Arrival hawfinch
2023-04-17 Adult small tortoiseshell
2023-04-21 Arrival redwing
2023-04-21 Flowering goat willow
2023-04-21 Adult honningbier
Spring phenology
Gunvor Hustoft
Hustoft gnr. 150/4 (Rogaland, Norway)
2023-04-26 Flowering torvmyrull
2023-04-25 Leaves unrolling eared willow
Spring phenology
Gunvor Hustoft
Hustoft gnr. 150/4 (Rogaland, Norway)
2023-04-24 Flowering myrfiol
2023-04-25 Leaves unrolling rowan
2023-04-25 Leaves unrolling goat willow
2023-04-24 Leaves unrolling alder
Spring phenology
Harestua skole
(Akershus, Norway)
2023-04-24 Flowering colt's-foot
2023-04-24 Pussy willows goat willow
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