Species: Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)

Phenology of the North Calotte
Vestre Jakobselv skole
Vestre Jakobselv (Finnmark, Norway)
2004-06-21 Flowering downy birch
2004-09-15 Becoming yellow (50%) downy birch
2004-07-01 Flowering rowan
2004-09-06 Ripening rowan
2004-07-21 Ripening cloudberry
2004-08-04 Ripening bilberry
2004-06-04 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2004-06-04 First green leaves rowan
2004-06-13 Flowering cloudberry
2004-06-20 Flowering bilberry
2004-09-08 Ripening cowberry
2004-08-26 Spreading of seeds rosebay willowherb
Stasjonsfjellet skole
Skolens tomt/naturområde (Oslo, Norway)
Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
Heather (Calluna vulgaris)
Rosebay Willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium)
Norway Spruce (Picea abies)
Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Aspen (Populus tremula)
Bringebær (Rubus idaeus)
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Dandelion (Taraxacum)
Rødkløver (Trifolium pratense)
Common Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
Stein-Rune Karlsen
Tromsøya (Troms, Norway)
Globe flower (Trollius europaeus)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Phenology of the North Calotte
Pasvik skole
Pasvik (Finnmark, Norway)
2004-09-10 Ripening cowberry
2004-09-01 Spreading of seeds rosebay willowherb
2004-09-10 Ripening rowan
2004-07-27 Ripening cloudberry
2004-08-28 Ripening bilberry
Phenology of the North Calotte
Korsfjord Oppvekstsenter/Avdeling skole
Korsfjord (Finnmark, Norway)
2004-06-23 Flowering downy birch
2004-06-24 Flowering rowan
2004-09-01 Ripening rowan
2004-07-24 Ripening cloudberry
2004-07-20 Ripening bilberry
2004-08-31 Ripening cowberry
2004-07-20 Ripening dwarf cornel
2004-06-28 Flowering cowberry
2004-06-14 Flowering dwarf cornel
2004-07-12 Flowering rosebay willowherb
2004-05-23 Første observasjon arctic tern
2004-05-26 Første observasjon common cuckoo
2004-04-26 Første observasjon white wagtail
2004-05-25 Første observasjon willow warbler
2004-04-10 Første observasjon snow bunting
2004-05-08 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2004-05-09 First green leaves rowan
2004-05-23 Flowering globe flower
2004-05-27 Flowering cloudberry
2004-06-08 Flowering bilberry
2004-04-30 First bite mosquito
2004-04-17 Første observasjon bumble-bee
2004-04-28 First ants on the hill ant
2004-05-04: Fields free from snow
2004-05-08: Waters free of ice
Phenology of the North Calotte
Alta oppvekstkontor
Gakori (Finnmark, Norway)
2004-07-02 Flowering rowan
2004-07-28 Ripening cloudberry
2004-07-30 Ripening bilberry
2004-07-08 Flowering cowberry
2004-08-07 Ripening dwarf cornel
2004-07-17 Flowering rosebay willowherb
Phenology of the North Calotte
Bugøynes Oppvekstsenter/Avdeling skole
Mosedalen (Finnmark, Norway)
2004-06-16 Flowering cloudberry
2004-06-17 Flowering bilberry
2004-06-19 Flowering dwarf cornel
Phenology of the North Calotte
Alta oppvekstkontor
Gakori (Finnmark, Norway)
2004-06-19 Flowering labrador-tea
2004-06-09 Første observasjon arctic tern
2004-05-31 Første observasjon common cuckoo
2004-05-07 Første observasjon white wagtail
2004-05-31 Første observasjon willow warbler
2004-05-31 Første observasjon bluethroat
2004-05-08 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2004-05-28 First green leaves rowan
2004-06-19 Flowering globe flower
2004-06-09 Flowering cloudberry
2004-06-15 Flowering bilberry
2004-06-18 Flowering dwarf cornel
2004-05-03 First bite mosquito
2004-05-04 Første observasjon bumble-bee
2004-05-03 First ants on the hill ant
Bokn skule
Alvestad (Rogaland, Norway)
Marikåpe (Alchemilla sp.)
Hundekjeks (Anthriscus sylvestris)
Alpine Milk-vetch (Astragalus alpinus)
Skogburkne (Athyrium filix-femina)
Tiriltunge (Lotus corniculatus)
Forglemmegei (Myosotis sp.)
Tepperot (Potentilla erecta)
Bregneplanter (Pteropsida)
Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
Red Campion (Silene dioica)
Dandelion (Taraxacum)
Rødkløver (Trifolium pratense)
Hvitkløver (Trifolium repens)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana)
Stein-Rune Karlsen
Tromsøya (Troms, Norway)
Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Stein-Rune Karlsen
Tromsøya (Troms, Norway)
Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
Dwarf Cornel (Chamaepericlymenum suecicum)
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Globe flower (Trollius europaeus)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Spring phenology
Lister videregående skole/Avd Kvinesdal
Faret-Gullestad (Agder, Norway)
2004-05-08 Leaves unrolling aspen
2004-05-07 Flowering european bird cherry
2004-05-10 Flowering liljekonvall
2004-05-06 Flowering fiolfamilien
2004-05-06 Flowering marikåpe
2004-05-07 Flowering markjordbær
2004-05-07 Flowering bilberry
2004-05-06 Adult orange tip
2004-05-06 Flowering water avens
Bioforsk Midt-Norge
Vifstadlia (Trøndelag, Norway)
Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
Grey Alder (Alnus incana)
Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa)
Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
Common Hazel (Corylus avellana)
Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)
Liverleaf (Blue anemone) (Hepatica nobilis)
Apple (Malus ×domestica)
Aspen (Populus tremula)
Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus)
Garden Plum (Prunus domestica)
European Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)
Red Currant (Ribes rubrum)
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Colt's-foot (Tussilago farfara)
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Phenology of the North Calotte
Pasvik skole
Pasvik (Finnmark, Norway)
2003-09-12 Ripening rowan
2003-09-15 Becoming yellow (50%) downy birch
2003-09-01 Ripening bilberry
2003-09-01 Ripening cowberry
Phenology of the North Calotte
Korsfjord Oppvekstsenter/Avdeling skole
Korsfjord (Finnmark, Norway)
2003-10-12 Start falling leaves downy birch
2003-10-12 Start falling leaves rowan
2003-09-01 Ripening cowberry
2003-09-15 Becoming yellow (50%) downy birch
2003-09-15 Ripening rowan
2003-07-21 Ripening cloudberry
2003-08-10 Ripening bilberry
2003-06-23 Flowering cowberry
2003-08-08 Ripening dwarf cornel
2003-07-10 Flowering rosebay willowherb
2003-09-20: First snow
2003-10-17: Waters covered by ice
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