Family: Fluesnapperfamilien (Muscicapidae)

Spring phenology
Lotta Einan Støback
Kana (Akershus, Norway)
2024-04-28 Arrival eurasian woodcock
2024-05-01 Arrival pied flycatcher
Spring phenology
Per Ivar Høvring
Myragutua 23 (Akershus, Norway)
2024-05-01 Arrival pied flycatcher
Spring phenology
Arne Olav Basgård
Basgård (Agder, Norway)
2024-04-24 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2024-04-04 Arrival chaffinch
2024-04-25 Flowering wood anemone
2024-04-11 Leaves unrolling goat willow
2024-05-01 Arrival pied flycatcher
2024-04-17 Adult bumble-bee
Spring phenology
Odd Magne Berge Iversen
Vervik (Rogaland, Norway)
2024-04-29 Arrival pied flycatcher
Spring phenology
Arne Kjell Askeland
Bokn (Rogaland, Norway)
2024-04-26 Arrival wheatear
Spring phenology
Byrknes skule
Byrknes Skule (Vestland, Norway)
2024-04-20 Arrival wheatear
Fugler ved foringsplassen
Hilde Marie Sivertsen
Bæregveien 150 (Akershus, Norway)
Common Redstart (1)
Fugler ved foringsplassen
Ken-Gøran G. Pedersen
Skoganvarre Øst (Finnmark, Norway)
Common Redstart (1)
Fugler ved foringsplassen
wiggo rossing
Nesbru (Akershus, Norway)
Pied Flycatcher (1)
Phenology of the North Calotte
Vestre Jakobselv skole
Vestre Jakobselv (Finnmark, Norway)
2023-09-10 Becoming yellow (50%) downy birch
2023-05-27 Første observasjon bluethroat
2023-09-10 Spreading of seeds rosebay willowherb
2023-09-08 Ripening cowberry
Fugler ved foringsplassen
Sonja Jorfald
Helling Søre. Gnr,20 Bnr,1 i Opheim (Buskerud, Norway)
Wood Pigeon (17)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (13)
Eurasian Siskin (10)
Chaffinch (9)
Eurasian Bullfinch (8)
European Greenfinch (7)
Blue Tit (6)
Eurasian Red Squirrel (5)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (5)
Yellowhammer (5)
Great Tit (5)
Black-billed Magpie (5)
Hawfinch (4)
Nuthatch (4)
Badger (3)
White Wagtail (3)
Eurasian Jay (3)
Roe Deer (3)
Redwing (3)
Common Blackbird (3)
Common Kestrel (3)
Ring Ouzel (2)
Coal Tit (2)
Willow Tit (1)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Northern Goshawk (1)
Song Thrush (1)
Nutcracker (1)
Robin (1)
Eurasian Sparrowhawk (1)
Pied Flycatcher (1)
Fugler og fuglekasser
Linda Marie Wigelius
Øynoveien 62 (Rogaland, Norway)
Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
Spring phenology
Bjørg Vaage
Haugerenga (Akershus, Norway)
2023-06-04 Flowering globe flower
2023-05-10 Leaves unrolling downy birch
2023-04-08 Flowering liverleaf (blue anemone)
2023-03-23 Arrival chaffinch
2023-04-25 Arrival chiffchaff
2023-05-22 Arrival spotted flycatcher
2023-04-18 Arrival fieldfare
2023-05-07 Flowering yellow star-of-bethlehem
2023-04-25 Leaves unrolling european bird cherry
2023-05-20 Flowering european bird cherry
2023-04-15 Flowering colt's-foot
2023-06-04 Flowering hundekjeks
2023-05-17 Flowering wood anemone
2023-04-18 Arrival hedge accentor
2023-05-25 Flowering jonsokkoll
2023-04-06 Arrival hawfinch
2023-05-17 Flowering korsknapp
2023-05-24 Flowering liljekonvall
2023-04-25 Arrival white wagtail
2023-05-10 Adult small white
2023-05-14 Arrival willow warbler
2023-05-09 Arrival barn swallow
2023-05-11 Flowering golden-saxifrage
2023-05-06 Flowering marianøkleblom
2023-05-20 Flowering markjordbær
2023-04-25 Arrival song thrush
2023-04-17 Adult small tortoiseshell
2023-03-20 Arrival wood pigeon
2023-03-20 Birds are singing wood pigeon
2023-03-30 Arrival robin
2023-04-18 Arrival redwing
2023-04-22 Pussy willows goat willow
2023-05-07 Adult brimstone
2023-05-25 Flowering skogstorkenebb
2023-05-15 Flowering stemorsblom
2023-03-27 Arrival european starling
2023-05-05 Arrival pied flycatcher
2023-03-20 Arrival common blackbird
2023-03-20 Birds are singing common blackbird
2023-05-07 Adult camberwell beauty
2023-06-04 Flowering tiriltunge
2023-05-27 Arrival common whitethroat
2023-06-02 Flowering tveskjeggveronika
2023-05-17 Arrival common swift
2023-05-14 Flowering winter-cress
2023-05-05 Flowering alpine penny-cress
2023-04-17 Adult bier og humler
2023-04-30 Flowering fiolfamilien
2023-04-18 Adult bumble-bee
2023-05-20 Flowering dandelion
2023-06-04 Flowering engsoleie
Fugler ved foringsplassen
Mette Fagerhaug Koskinen
Sylling (Buskerud, Norway)
Hawfinch (9)
Black-billed Magpie (9)
European Goldfinch (9)
European Greenfinch (8)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (8)
Great Tit (7)
Blue Tit (6)
Eurasian Siskin (6)
Chaffinch (5)
Eurasian Bullfinch (4)
Brambling (3)
Common Blackbird (3)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (2)
Robin (2)
Stock Pigeon (2)
Nuthatch (2)
Pied Flycatcher (2)
Hooded Crow (1)
Spring phenology
Per Torgersen
Bjørkelangen (Akershus, Norway)
2023-05-31 Arrival pied flycatcher
2023-06-02 Birds are singing pied flycatcher
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