Family: Gossamer-winged butterflies (Lycaenidae)

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Svein Sellevold Bekkum
Harestien 27 (Nordland, Norway)
Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
Spring phenology
Per Torgersen
Bjørkelangen (Akershus, Norway)
2024-05-28 Adult mazarine blue
2024-05-22 Flowering hundekjeks
2024-05-23 Flowering creeping buttercup
2024-05-27 Første observasjon padde
2024-05-22 Flowering tveskjeggveronika
2024-05-27 Arrival common swift
2024-05-23 Adult lacewings
2024-05-23 Adult stankelbein
2024-05-21 Adult øyenstikkere
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Lucy Birgitte Liahjell
Sletta, Nes verk (Agder, Norway)
Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io)
Silver-Washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Scarce Copper (Lycaena virgaureae)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Hamre kyrkje (Vestland, Norway)
Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)
Large White (Pieris brassicae)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Svein Sellevold Bekkum
Kanstadmyra (Nordland, Norway)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Hans Brubak
Vanakleivdalen (Akershus, Norway)
Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Hans Brubak
Kloterudveien (Akershus, Norway)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Common Heath (Ematurga atomaria)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-album)
Spring phenology
Åsmund Berg
Lappland (Innlandet, Norway)
2024-05-18 Adult orange tip
2024-05-18 Adult green hairstreak
2024-05-19 Flowering sour cherry
2024-05-18 Flowering red-berried elder
2024-05-18 Flowering skogstorkenebb
2024-05-18 Adult hover flies
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Blindheim (Vestland, Norway)
Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
Small Engrailed (Ectropis crepuscularia)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Brown Silver-line (Petrophora chlorosata)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Linnakåsa (Telemark, Norway)
The Streamer (Anticlea derivata)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
Red Chestnut (Cerastis rubricosa)
Dotted Chestnut (Conistra rubiginea)
Small Engrailed (Ectropis crepuscularia)
Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla)
Brown Silver-line (Petrophora chlorosata)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-album)
Meal Moth (Pyralis farinalis)
Scarce Tissue (Rheumaptera cervinalis)
Spring phenology
Charlotte Bakke
Hovet (Telemark, Norway)
2024-05-12 Adult green hairstreak
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Øyvind Stickler
Gjennestadvannet NV (Vestfold, Norway)
Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io)
Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
Queen of Spain Fritillary (Issoria lathonia)
Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Small White (Pieris rapae)
Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-album)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Svein Sellevold Bekkum
Kanstadmyra (Nordland, Norway)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Spring phenology
Gunvor Hustoft
Hustoft gnr. 150/4 (Rogaland, Norway)
2024-05-04 Adult common blue
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Øyvind Stickler
Gjennestadvannet NV (Vestfold, Norway)
Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io)
Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
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