Species: Lampronia rupella

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Geirr O Pedersen
Grindvoll i Lunner (Akershus, Norway)
Thistle Conch (Aethes cnicana)
Yarrow Conch (Aethes smeathmanniana)
Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Heart and Dart (Agrotis exclamationis)
Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)
Flame (Axylia putris)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Karminpraktvikler (Cochylis flaviciliana)
Large Clover Case-bearer (Coleophora trifolii)
Green Carpet (Colostygia pectinataria)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Burnished Brass (Diachrysia chrysitis)
Clouded Buff (Diacrisia sannio)
Dark Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma citrata)
Common Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma truncata)
Bitter-cress Smudge (Eidophasia messingiella)
White-foot Bell (Epiblema foenella)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Yarrow Plume (Gillmeria pallidactyla)
Prikkfjærmøll (Hellinsia tephradactyla)
Ghost Moth (Hepialus humuli)
Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)
Dingy Knot-horn (Hypochalcia ahenella)
Dog's Tooth (Lacanobia suasa)
Lampronia rupella
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
The Blackneck (Lygephila pastinum)
Bramble Shoot Moth (Notocelia uddmanniana)
Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta)
Chimney Sweeper (Odezia atrata)
Woodland Marble (Orthotaenia undulana)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Pale Shining Brown (Polia bombycina)
White Plume (Pterophorus pentadactyla)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Bordered Gothic (Sideridis reticulata)
White Ermine (Spilosoma lubricipeda)
Grey Pine Carpet (Thera obeliscata)
Peach-Blossom (Thyatira batis)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Even Mjaaland
Eidsborg (Telemark, Norway)
The Spectacle (Abrostola tripartita)
Ash-coloured Sober (Acompsia cinerella)
Poplar Grey (Acronicta megacephala)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Elder Pearl (Anania coronata)
Gullrisengmott (Anania funebris)
Marimjelleengmott (Anania fuscalis)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Small Festooned Roller (Ancylis diminutana)
Blåbærsigdvikler (Ancylis myrtillana)
Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Skogengfly (Apamea illyria)
Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
Brun blåvinge (Aricia eumedon)
Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne)
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)
Lesser Marbled Fritillary (Brenthis ino)
Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Latticed Heath (Chiasmia clathrata)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Chocolate-tip (Clostera curtula)
Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)
Purple Bar (Cosmorhoe ocellata)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Mazarine Blue (Cyaniris semiargus)
Clouded Buff (Diacrisia sannio)
Ingrailed Clay (Diarsia mendica)
Common Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma truncata)
Sølvskyggevikler (Eana argentana)
Small Phoenix (Ecliptopera silaceata)
Common Heath (Ematurga atomaria)
Tyrihjelmstilkvikler (Endothenia hebesana)
Golden Lance-wing (Epermenia chaerophyllella)
Epiblema cirsiana/scutulana/sticticana
Common Spruce Bell (Epinotia tedella)
Square-barred Bell (Epinotia tetraquetrana)
Burnet Companion (Euclidia glyphica)
Sharp-angled Carpet (Euphyia unangulata)
Lead-coloured Pug (Eupithecia plumbeolata)
Dwarf Pug (Eupithecia tantillaria)
Euspilapteryx auroguttella
Yarrow Plume (Gillmeria pallidactyla)
Green-underside Blue (Glaucopsyche alexis)
Glyphipterix bergstraesserella
Cocksfoot Moth (Glyphipterix simpliciella)
Scotch Annulet (Gnophos obfuscata)
Lilac Leafminer (Gracillaria syringella)
Marbled Coronet (Hadena confusa)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Orange Crest (Helcystogramma rufescens)
Grå svevefjærmøll (Hellinsia didactylites)
The Fern (Horisme tersata)
Strawberry Bright (Incurvaria praelatella)
Little Emerald (Jodis lactearia)
Lampronia rupella
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Large Wall Brown (Lasiommata maera)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Yellow-barred Gold (Micropterix aureatella)
Mompha idaei
Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus)
Scalloped Hazel (Odontopera bidentata)
Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)
The Rivulet (Perizoma affinitata)
Grass Rivulet (Perizoma albulata)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Pretty Pinion (Perizoma blandiata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Gullprydvikler (Phiaris metallicana)
Red Birch Midget (Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella)
Gold Swift (Phymatopus hecta)
Small Purple-barred (Phytometra viridaria)
Large White (Pieris brassicae)
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Triangle Plume (Platyptilia gonodactyla)
Silvery Arches (Polia hepatica)
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Small Purple and Gold (Pyrausta aurata)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Cream Wave (Scopula floslactata)
Smoky Wave (Scopula ternata)
Birch Ermel (Swammerdamia caesiella)
Poplar Lutestring (Tethea or)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
Red Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
Blek ringmåler (Yezognophos vittaria)
Brown Ash Ermel (Zelleria hepariella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Trond Einar Brobakk
Solemsvåttan (Trøndelag, Norway)
Gullrisengmott (Anania funebris)
Marimjelleengmott (Anania fuscalis)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Lampronia rupella
Barred Carpet (Martania taeniata)
Gold Swift (Phymatopus hecta)
Båndengmott (Udea hamalis)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Halvorset (Buskerud, Norway)
Lampronia rupella
Red Carpet (Xanthorhoe decoloraria)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Kongsvoll (Trøndelag, Norway)
Lampronia rupella
Alpine Blue (Plebejus orbitulus)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Haukeli (Telemark, Norway)
Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Common Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
Mountain Argus (Aricia artaxerxes)
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)
Haworth's Minor (Celaena haworthii)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Denisia similella
Dotted Shade (Eana osseana)
Fjellkveldvikler (Epinotia mercuriana)
Common Spruce Bell (Epinotia tedella)
Arran Brown (Erebia ligea)
Heimosemott (Eudonia sudetica)
Lampronia rupella
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Scarce Copper (Lycaena virgaureae)
Rannoch Looper (Macaria brunneata)
Idas blue (Plebejus idas)
Brown Plume (Stenoptilia pterodactyla)
Pale Straw Pearl (Udea lutealis)
Klokkeengmott (Udea nebulalis)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Svein Sellevold Bekkum
Bekkum, Kvikneskogen (Innlandet, Norway)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Lampronia rupella
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Kongsvoll (Trøndelag, Norway)
Lampronia rupella
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Fjellmetallfly (Syngrapha diasema)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Moelv (Innlandet, Norway)
Marimjelleengmott (Anania fuscalis)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Blåbærsigdvikler (Ancylis myrtillana)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Birch Conch (Cochylis nana)
Brassy Tortrix (Eulia ministrana)
Blåbærbladmåler (Jodis putata)
Lampronia rupella
Okerprydvikler (Olethreutes arcuella)
Poplar Bent-wing (Phyllocnistis unipunctella)
Cream Wave (Scopula floslactata)
Dark-barred Tortrix (Syndemis musculana)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Skårefjellet kraftstasjon. (Vestland, Norway)
Bridge Roller (Ancylis uncella)
Bronze Argent (Argyresthia arceuthina)
Birch Bent-wing (Bucculatrix demaryella)
Little Conch (Cochylis dubitana)
Elachista exactella
White Sallow Bell (Epinotia subocellana)
Square-barred Bell (Epinotia tetraquetrana)
Brassy Tortrix (Eulia ministrana)
Sedge Fanner (Glyphipterix forsterella)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Raspberry Moth (Lampronia corticella)
Lampronia rupella
Northern Wall Brown (Lasiommata petropolitana)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Nematopogon pilella
Heather Groundling (Neofaculta ericetella)
Brown Birch Slender (Parornix betulae)
Small Purple-barred (Phytometra viridaria)
Cream Wave (Scopula floslactata)
Sallow Pygmy (Stigmella salicis)
Dark-barred Tortrix (Syndemis musculana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Dalen (Telemark, Norway)
Small Magpie (Anania hortulata)
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Latticed Heath (Chiasmia clathrata)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Mazarine Blue (Cyaniris semiargus)
Lampronia rupella
Gullprydvikler (Phiaris metallicana)
Speckled Yellow (Pseudopanthera macularia)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Haukeli (Telemark, Norway)
Dotted Shade (Eana osseana)
Yarrow Plume (Gillmeria pallidactyla)
Lampronia rupella
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Smoky Wave (Scopula ternata)
Brown Plume (Stenoptilia pterodactyla)
Klokkeengmott (Udea nebulalis)
Red Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Tore Vogsland
Drangedal (Telemark, Norway)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Lampronia rupella
Twin-spot Plume (Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Øvre Eidfjord (Vestland, Norway)
Lampronia rupella
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