Species: Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Nils Rogn
Rogn, Hagane (Innlandet, Norway)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Lyst urtefly (Caradrina montana)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Tofarget pyramidefly (Amphipyra perflua)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Small Dingy Tubic (Borkhausenia fuscescens)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Suffused Groundling (Carpatolechia alburnella)
Manchester Treble-bar (Carsia sororiata)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Lyngheinebbmott (Crambus ericella)
Cameo (Crypsedra gemmea)
Burnished Brass (Diachrysia chrysitis)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Square-spot Dart (Euxoa obelisca)
Orange Crest (Helcystogramma rufescens)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Small Dusty Wave (Idaea seriata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Twin-spot Carpet (Mesotype didymata)
Metalampra cinnamomea
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Barred Rivulet (Perizoma bifaciata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Phyllonorycter junoniella
Cousin German (Protolampra sobrina)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Privet Hawk-moth (Sphinx ligustri)
Bud Moth (Spilonota ocellana)
Red Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Six-striped Rustic (Xestia sexstrigata)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Ash-coloured Sober (Acompsia cinerella)
Rognesmalmott (Acrobasis advenella)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Stengelfly (Amphipoea)
Birch Sober (Anacampsis blattariella)
Scarce Brindle (Apamea lateritia)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Archinemapogon yildizae
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Dark Spruce Knot-horn (Assara terebrella)
Poplar Cosmet (Batrachedra praeangusta)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata)
Manchester Treble-bar (Carsia sororiata)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Haworth's Minor (Celaena haworthii)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Small Chocolate-tip (Clostera pigra)
Black-headed Conch (Cochylis atricapitana)
Little Conch (Cochylis dubitana)
Lyngheinebbmott (Crambus ericella)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Cameo (Crypsedra gemmea)
Four-dotted Footman (Cybosia mesomella)
Marbled Piercer (Cydia splendana)
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
Pine Lappet (Dendrolimus pini)
Denisia similella
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Dark Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria abietella)
New Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria sylvestrella)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Elachista adscitella
Elachista dispilella/triatomea
Triple-spot Dwarf (Elachista maculicerusella)
Elachista utonella
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Blotched Marble (Endothenia quadrimaculana)
Brown-barred Tortrix (Epagoge grotiana)
Large Birch Bell (Epinotia brunnichana)
Grey Poplar Bell (Epinotia nisella)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Nut Bud Moth (Epinotia tenerana)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
Small Argent and Sable (Epirrhoe tristata)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Chequered Straw (Evergestis pallidata)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Black Groundling (Gelechia nigra)
Harpella forficella
Orange Crest (Helcystogramma rufescens)
Square-spot Crest (Hypatima rhomboidella)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Krattengmåler (Idaea deversaria)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Purple-bordered Gold (Idaea muricata)
Blek engmåler (Idaea pallidata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Osperingfly (Ipimorpha subtusa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis)
Bulrush Cosmet (Limnaecia phragmitella)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Tawny-barred Angle (Macaria liturata)
Metalampra cinnamomea
Rust-blotch Cosmet (Mompha lacteella)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Common Wainscot (Mythimna pallens)
Svartflekket kjukemøll (Nemapogon nigralbella)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Sallow Nycteoline (Nycteola degenerana)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Tawny Marbled Minor (Oligia latruncula)
Rosy-Striped Knot-Horn (Oncocera semirubella)
Bjørnebærbladvikler (Pandemis dumetana)
Bartremunkefly (Panthea coenobita)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Pretty Pinion (Perizoma blandiata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Pale Shining Brown (Polia bombycina)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
White-barred Groundling (Recurvaria leucatella)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Lesser Cream Wave (Scopula immutata)
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura)
Fulvous Clothes Moth (Tinea semifulvella)
Dusky Pearl (Udea prunalis)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Six-striped Rustic (Xestia sexstrigata)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Spruce Bud Moth (Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Maple Button (Acleris forsskaleana)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Ash-coloured Sober (Acompsia cinerella)
Grey Dagger (Acronicta psi)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Brindled Plume (Amblyptilia punctidactyla)
Stengelfly (Amphipoea)
Birch Sober (Anacampsis blattariella)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Ospeløvvikler (Apotomis inundana)
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Downland Argent (Argyresthia abdominalis)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Dark Spruce Knot-horn (Assara terebrella)
Poplar Cosmet (Batrachedra praeangusta)
Small Dingy Tubic (Borkhausenia fuscescens)
Suffused Groundling (Carpatolechia alburnella)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Black-headed Conch (Cochylis atricapitana)
Speckled Footman (Coscinia cribraria)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Cameo (Crypsedra gemmea)
Marbled Piercer (Cydia splendana)
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
Pine Lappet (Dendrolimus pini)
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Blotched Marble (Endothenia quadrimaculana)
Large Birch Bell (Epinotia brunnichana)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
Small Grey (Eudonia mercurella)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Bordered Pug (Eupithecia succenturiata)
Great Brocade (Eurois occulta)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Scotch Annulet (Gnophos obfuscata)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Svovelfjærmøll (Hellinsia osteodactylus)
The Uncertain (Hoplodrina octogenaria)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Square-spot Crest (Hypatima rhomboidella)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Krattengmåler (Idaea deversaria)
Small Dusty Wave (Idaea seriata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Osperingfly (Ipimorpha subtusa)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula)
White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Metalampra cinnamomea
Large Clothes Moth (Morophaga choragella)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Common Wainscot (Mythimna pallens)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Sallow Nycteoline (Nycteola degenerana)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)
Bartremunkefly (Panthea coenobita)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Mother of Pearl (Patania ruralis)
Heather Knot-horn (Pempelia palumbella)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Pretty Pinion (Perizoma blandiata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
Grey Arches (Polia nebulosa)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
White-barred Groundling (Recurvaria leucatella)
Orange-spotted Shoot (Rhyacionia pinicolana)
Lesser Cream Wave (Scopula immutata)
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Smoky Wave (Scopula ternata)
Bud Moth (Spilonota ocellana)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Spruce Bud Moth (Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Ash-coloured Sober (Acompsia cinerella)
Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pale-streak Grass-veneer (Agriphila selasella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Tofarget pyramidefly (Amphipyra perflua)
Birch Sober (Anacampsis blattariella)
Marimjelleengmott (Anania fuscalis)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Røddusket engfly (Apamea rubrirena)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Ospeløvvikler (Apotomis inundana)
Archinemapogon yildizae
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Bright Neb (Argolamprotes micella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Dark Spruce Knot-horn (Assara terebrella)
Gold Spangle (Autographa bractea)
Poplar Cosmet (Batrachedra praeangusta)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Small Dingy Tubic (Borkhausenia fuscescens)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Bucculatrix humiliella
Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Suffused Groundling (Carpatolechia alburnella)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
The Annulet (Charissa obscurata)
Chionodes continuella
Small Chocolate-tip (Clostera pigra)
Green Carpet (Colostygia pectinataria)
Purple Bar (Cosmorhoe ocellata)
Lyngheinebbmott (Crambus ericella)
Svart nebbmott (Crambus heringiellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Wood Grass-veneer (Crambus silvella)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Cameo (Crypsedra gemmea)
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
Pine Lappet (Dendrolimus pini)
Burnished Brass (Diachrysia chrysitis)
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Common Drill (Dichrorampha petiverella)
New Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria sylvestrella)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Bird's Wing (Dypterygia scabriuscula)
Common Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma truncata)
Bluebell Shade (Eana incanana)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Elachista adscitella
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Blotched Marble (Endothenia quadrimaculana)
Brown-barred Tortrix (Epagoge grotiana)
Large Birch Bell (Epinotia brunnichana)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
Ground-moss Grey (Eudonia truncicolella)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Grey Sallow Groundling (Gelechia muscosella)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Double-striped Pug (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata)
Buff Arches (Habrosyne pyritoides)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Orange Crest (Helcystogramma rufescens)
The Uncertain (Hoplodrina octogenaria)
Square-spot Crest (Hypatima rhomboidella)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Small Dusty Wave (Idaea seriata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Osperingfly (Ipimorpha subtusa)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis)
Bulrush Cosmet (Limnaecia phragmitella)
The Blackneck (Lygephila pastinum)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Meadow Neb (Metzneria metzneriella)
Little Cosmet (Mompha raschkiella)
Montescardia tessulatellus
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Svartflekket kjukemøll (Nemapogon nigralbella)
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Noctua fimbriata)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Sallow Nycteoline (Nycteola degenerana)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Tawny Marbled Minor (Oligia latruncula)
Sorrel Bent-wing (Opostega salaciella)
Fagerklokkemøll (Orophia ferrugella)
Bartremunkefly (Panthea coenobita)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Pretty Pinion (Perizoma blandiata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Pale Shining Brown (Polia bombycina)
Ash Bud Moth (Prays fraxinella)
Cousin German (Protolampra sobrina)
White Plume (Pterophorus pentadactyla)
White-barred Groundling (Recurvaria leucatella)
Orange-spotted Shoot (Rhyacionia pinicolana)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Lesser Cream Wave (Scopula immutata)
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Bud Moth (Spilonota ocellana)
Poplar Lutestring (Tethea or)
Orange Swift (Triodia sylvina)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Red Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Summer Fruit Tortrix (Adoxophyes orana)
Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella)
Dark Sword-grass (Agrotis ipsilon)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Copper Underwing (Amphipyra pyramidea)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Grey Chi (Antitype chi)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Clifden Nonpareil (Catocala fraxini)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Haworth's Minor (Celaena haworthii)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Goat Moth (Cossus cossus)
Cameo (Crypsedra gemmea)
Small Wainscot (Denticucullus pygmina)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Blotched Marble (Endothenia quadrimaculana)
Canary-shouldered Thorn (Ennomos alniaria)
Colt’s-foot Bell (Epiblema sticticana)
Large Birch Bell (Epinotia brunnichana)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Autumnal Rustic (Eugnorisma glareosa)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
The Chevron (Eulithis testata)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Juniper Pug (Eupithecia pusillata)
Euspilapteryx auroguttella
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Double Dart (Graphiphora augur)
Square-spot Crest (Hypatima rhomboidella)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Osperingfly (Ipimorpha subtusa)
Pale-shouldered Brocade (Lacanobia thalassina)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Tawny-barred Angle (Macaria liturata)
Linjelundmåler (Mesotype parallelolineata)
Høstlærfly (Mniotype satura)
Little Cosmet (Mompha raschkiella)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Swallow-tailed Moth (Ourapteryx sambucaria)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Small White (Pieris rapae)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Satin Lutestring (Tetheella fluctuosa)
Spruce Carpet (Thera variata)
Hedge Rustic (Tholera cespitis)
Pale Eggar (Trichiura crataegi)
American Wax Moth (Vitula serratilineella)
The Sallow (Xanthia icteritia)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Red Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Setaceous Hebrew Character (Xestia c-nigrum)
Six-striped Rustic (Xestia sexstrigata)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Copper Underwing (Amphipyra pyramidea)
Slender Brindle (Apamea scolopacina)
Rustic Shoulder-knot (Apamea sordens)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Gold-ribbon Argent (Argyresthia brockeella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Heather Neb (Aristotelia ericinella)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Poplar Cosmet (Batrachedra praeangusta)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
The Annulet (Charissa obscurata)
Speckled Footman (Coscinia cribraria)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
New Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria sylvestrella)
Dark Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma citrata)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Elachista adscitella
Cherry Bark Moth (Enarmonia formosana)
Brown-barred Tortrix (Epagoge grotiana)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Rosy Rustic (Hydraecia micacea)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Svarthvit reirmøll (Monopis spilotella)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Cousin German (Protolampra sobrina)
Brown Knot-horn (Pyla fusca)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Blood-vein (Timandra comae)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Red Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Ash-coloured Sober (Acompsia cinerella)
Rognesmalmott (Acrobasis advenella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Fredløsmåler (Anticollix sparsata)
Slender Brindle (Apamea scolopacina)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Sallow Marble (Apotomis capreana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Gold-ribbon Argent (Argyresthia brockeella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Scarce Alder Slender (Caloptilia falconipennella)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Little Conch (Cochylis dubitana)
Scarce Grass-veneer (Crambus pratella)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Flekkskogmåler (Dysstroma latefasciata)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Elachista adscitella
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Alder Kitten (Furcula bicuspis)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Square-spot Crest (Hypatima rhomboidella)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Common Wainscot (Mythimna pallens)
Cork Moth (Nemapogon cloacella)
Chalk Rose Bell (Notocelia incarnatana)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Pretty Pinion (Perizoma blandiata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Eyed Hawk-moth (Smerinthus ocellata)
Spruce Carpet (Thera variata)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Red-letter Flat-body (Agonopterix ocellana)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Birch Sober (Anacampsis blattariella)
Green Arches (Anaplectoides prasina)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Skogengfly (Apamea illyria)
Scarce Brindle (Apamea lateritia)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Slender Brindle (Apamea scolopacina)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Fen Wainscot (Arenostola phragmitidis)
Gold-ribbon Argent (Argyresthia brockeella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Dark Spruce Knot-horn (Assara terebrella)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Poplar Cosmet (Batrachedra praeangusta)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Suffused Groundling (Carpatolechia alburnella)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Gold Pine Ermel (Cedestis gysseleniella)
Haworth's Minor (Celaena haworthii)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
The Annulet (Charissa obscurata)
Svart nebbmott (Crambus heringiellus)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Scarce Grass-veneer (Crambus pratella)
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
Denisia similella
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Flekkskogmåler (Dysstroma latefasciata)
Bluebell Shade (Eana incanana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Elachista adscitella
Triple-spot Dwarf (Elachista maculicerusella)
Large Birch Bell (Epinotia brunnichana)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Marsh Grey (Eudonia pallida)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
The Phoenix (Eulithis prunata)
The Chevron (Eulithis testata)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Orange Crest (Helcystogramma rufescens)
The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Purple-bordered Gold (Idaea muricata)
Osperingfly (Ipimorpha subtusa)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Rosy Minor (Litoligia literosa)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Rust-blotch Cosmet (Mompha lacteella)
Montescardia tessulatellus
Large Clothes Moth (Morophaga choragella)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Sallow Nycteoline (Nycteola degenerana)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)
Bjørnebærbladvikler (Pandemis dumetana)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Pretty Pinion (Perizoma blandiata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Pale Shining Brown (Polia bombycina)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
White-barred Groundling (Recurvaria leucatella)
Tyttebærhakevikler (Rhopobota ustomaculana)
Orange-spotted Shoot (Rhyacionia pinicolana)
Bud Moth (Spilonota ocellana)
Pale Eggar (Trichiura crataegi)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Dark Smudge (Ypsolopha horridella)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Thistle Conch (Aethes cnicana)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Tofarget pyramidefly (Amphipyra perflua)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Røddusket engfly (Apamea rubrirena)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
The Annulet (Charissa obscurata)
Chionodes continuella
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Bluebell Shade (Eana incanana)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Triple-spot Dwarf (Elachista maculicerusella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Bordered Marbled (Endothenia marginana)
Nut Bud Moth (Epinotia tenerana)
Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Seljedvergmåler (Eupithecia tenuiata)
The Crescent (Helotropha leucostigma)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Dog's Tooth (Lacanobia suasa)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Common Wainscot (Mythimna pallens)
Cork Moth (Nemapogon cloacella)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Sallow Nycteoline (Nycteola degenerana)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Phyllonorycter junoniella
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Common Purple & Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)
Scallop Shell (Rheumaptera undulata)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Satin Lutestring (Tetheella fluctuosa)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Ash-coloured Sober (Acompsia cinerella)
Angelica Flat-body (Agonopterix angelicella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Archinemapogon yildizae
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Bordered White (Bupalus piniaria)
Mottled Rustic (Caradrina morpheus)
Suffused Groundling (Carpatolechia alburnella)
Royal Mantle (Catarhoe cuculata)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Barred Marble (Celypha striana)
The Annulet (Charissa obscurata)
Small Chocolate-tip (Clostera pigra)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Four-dotted Footman (Cybosia mesomella)
Purple Clay (Diarsia brunnea)
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Bordered Marbled (Endothenia marginana)
Blotched Marble (Endothenia quadrimaculana)
Common Spruce Bell (Epinotia tedella)
Nut Bud Moth (Epinotia tenerana)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Bånddvergmåler (Eupithecia sinuosaria)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Scotch Annulet (Gnophos obfuscata)
Double-striped Pug (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata)
Svovelfjærmøll (Hellinsia osteodactylus)
Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Blåbærbladmåler (Jodis putata)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Rosy Minor (Litoligia literosa)
The Blackneck (Lygephila pastinum)
Rust-blotch Cosmet (Mompha lacteella)
Bracken Neb (Monochroa cytisella)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Common Wainscot (Mythimna pallens)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
Lempke's Gold Spot (Plusia putnami)
White Plume (Pterophorus pentadactyla)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Bud Moth (Spilonota ocellana)
Satin Lutestring (Tetheella fluctuosa)
Chestnut-coloured Carpet (Thera cognata)
Dusky Pearl (Udea prunalis)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Square-spot Rustic (Xestia xanthographa)
White-shouldered Smudge (Ypsolopha parenthesella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Stengelfly (Amphipoea)
Birch Sober (Anacampsis blattariella)
Green Arches (Anaplectoides prasina)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
The Confused (Apamea furva)
Slender Brindle (Apamea scolopacina)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Spruce Tortrix (Dichelia histrionana)
Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Canary-shouldered Thorn (Ennomos alniaria)
Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
The Chevron (Eulithis testata)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Great Brocade (Eurois occulta)
Chequered Straw (Evergestis pallidata)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Rosy Minor (Litoligia literosa)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Noctua fimbriata)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Muslin Footman (Nudaria mundana)
Sallow Nycteoline (Nycteola degenerana)
The Vapourer (Orgyia antiqua)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Brown Knot-horn (Pyla fusca)
Meal Moth (Pyralis farinalis)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Six-striped Rustic (Xestia sexstrigata)
Timothy Tortrix (Zelotherses paleana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Dag O. Bollingmo
Haltdalen (Trøndelag, Norway)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Green Arches (Anaplectoides prasina)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Rødt fjellengfly (Apamea schildei)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Kobberfly (Chersotis cuprea)
Dark Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma citrata)
Flekkskogmåler (Dysstroma latefasciata)
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Grey Mountain Carpet (Entephria caesiata)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Juniper Pug (Eupithecia pusillata)
Great Brocade (Eurois occulta)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Double Dart (Graphiphora augur)
Iris Rover Moth (Hillia iris)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Blue-bordered Carpet (Plemyria rubiginata)
Cousin German (Protolampra sobrina)
Scarce Silver Y (Syngrapha interrogationis)
Chestnut-coloured Carpet (Thera cognata)
Red Carpet (Xanthorhoe decoloraria)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Grått taigafly (Xestia speciosa)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis)
Angelica Flat-body (Agonopterix angelicella)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Tofarget pyramidefly (Amphipyra perflua)
Birch Sober (Anacampsis blattariella)
Grey Chi (Antitype chi)
Slender Brindle (Apamea scolopacina)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Lyst urtefly (Caradrina montana)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Haworth's Minor (Celaena haworthii)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Small Chocolate-tip (Clostera pigra)
Four-dotted Footman (Cybosia mesomella)
Marbled Piercer (Cydia splendana)
Satin Beauty (Deileptenia ribeata)
Pine Lappet (Dendrolimus pini)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Angle-striped Sallow (Enargia paleacea)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
The Phoenix (Eulithis prunata)
Great Brocade (Eurois occulta)
Chequered Straw (Evergestis pallidata)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Rosy Minor (Litoligia literosa)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
Common Lutestring (Ochropacha duplaris)
Oblique Carpet (Orthonama vittata)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Cousin German (Protolampra sobrina)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Dew Moth (Setina irrorella)
Satin Lutestring (Tetheella fluctuosa)
Dark-barred Twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Otteid (Storedal) (Østfold, Norway)
White-triangle Button (Acleris holmiana)
Hvithodesmalmott (Acrobasis repandana)
Poplar Grey (Acronicta megacephala)
Heart and Dart (Agrotis exclamationis)
Dotted Carpet (Alcis jubata)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Green Arches (Anaplectoides prasina)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Scarce Brindle (Apamea lateritia)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Røddusket engfly (Apamea rubrirena)
Slender Brindle (Apamea scolopacina)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Barred Marble (Celypha striana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Latticed Heath (Chiasmia clathrata)
Little Conch (Cochylis dubitana)
Rosy Marsh Moth (Coenophila subrosea)
Speckled Footman (Coscinia cribraria)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Four-dotted Footman (Cybosia mesomella)
Marbled Piercer (Cydia splendana)
Marbled White Spot (Deltote pygarga)
Pine Lappet (Dendrolimus pini)
Tutts Burnished Brass (Diachrysia stenochrysis)
Dark Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria abietella)
Brown Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria simplicella)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Flekkskogmåler (Dysstroma latefasciata)
Praktskyggevikler (Eana penziana)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Common Footman (Eilema lurideola)
Gul lavspinner (Eilema lutarella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Chequered Straw (Evergestis pallidata)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Scotch Annulet (Gnophos obfuscata)
Double Dart (Graphiphora augur)
The Crescent (Helotropha leucostigma)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Plain Wave (Idaea straminata)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula)
Rosy Minor (Litoligia literosa)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
The Blackneck (Lygephila pastinum)
Tawny-barred Angle (Macaria liturata)
Brown-line Bright-eye (Mythimna conigera)
The Clay (Mythimna ferrago)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Tawny Marbled Minor (Oligia latruncula)
Fagerklokkemøll (Orophia ferrugella)
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis heparana)
Waved Black (Parascotia fuliginaria)
The Rivulet (Perizoma affinitata)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)
Lempke's Gold Spot (Plusia putnami)
Pale Shining Brown (Polia bombycina)
Cousin German (Protolampra sobrina)
White Plume (Pterophorus pentadactyla)
Brown Knot-horn (Pyla fusca)
Bordered Sallow (Pyrrhia umbra)
Orange-spotted Shoot (Rhyacionia pinicolana)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Cream Wave (Scopula incanata)
Pine Hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri)
Scarce Silver Y (Syngrapha interrogationis)
Satin Lutestring (Tetheella fluctuosa)
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Six-striped Rustic (Xestia sexstrigata)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
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