Species: Twin-spotted Quaker (Anorthoa munda)

Vitenskapelige synonymer: Noctua munda,
Perigrapha munda og Orthosia munda.

Other names: stort seljefly

Norwegian name: Tvillingplettseljefly

Host plants: Agnbøkslekta (Carpinus), Aspen and Poplar (Populus), Beech (Fagus), Elm (Ulmus), Kirsebærslekta (Prunus), Lime (Tilia), Oak (Quercus), Willows, Sallows and Osiers (Salix)

Systematics :

KingdomAnimals (Animalia)
Phylum Articulate animals (Arthropoda)
Klasse  Insects (Insecta)
Order   Moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Group    Macro-moths («Macro-heterocera»)
Family     Owlet moths (Noctuidae)
Subfamily      Hadeninae
Genus       Anorthoa
Species        Twin-spotted Quaker (Anorthoa munda)