Frank Lyngvær

SpeciesScientific name200920102011201220132015201620172019202020212024
Feral PigeonColumba livia domestica516111  1   
Red AdmiralVanessa atalanta        62  
Dark Green FritillaryArgynnis aglaja        1   
Brindled Flat-bodyAgonopterix arenella      3     
 Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana          1 
Common Flat-bodyAgonopterix heracliana      1 1 11
Red-letter Flat-bodyAgonopterix ocellana      1     
Juniper PugEupithecia pusillata        11  
Orange TipAnthocharis cardamines      1     
Ground-moss GreyEudonia truncicolella        1   
BramblingFringilla montifringilla3 1     334 
Early Tooth-stripedTrichopteryx carpinata           1
Glaucous ShearsPapestra biren          2 
Northern SpinachEulithis populata         1  
Blue TitCyanistes caeruleus516111  334 
ChaffinchFringilla coelebs3   1   3 4 
Map-winged SwiftKorscheltellus fusconebulosa        1   
Shaded Broad-barScotopteryx chenopodiata        1   
Chestnut-coloured CarpetThera cognata        1   
Winter MothOperophtera brumata        1   
Small Pearl-bordered FritillaryBoloria selene        2   
Lesser RedpollCarduelis cabaret          4 
Rosy RusticHydraecia micacea        22  
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica      861131
Common Marbled CarpetDysstroma truncata        2   
Scalloped OakCrocallis elinguaria        1   
White-triangle SlenderCaloptilia stigmatella        1   
Black-speckled GroundlingCarpatolechia proximella        1   
Grey ChiAntitype chi         1  
Eurasian BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhula  6     334 
Gold SwiftPhymatopus hecta        1   
Small HeathCoenonympha pamphilus        2   
Red ChestnutCerastis rubricosa      41 111
Pink-barred SallowXanthia togata         1  
Autumnal MothEpirrita autumnata        3   
Pine CarpetPennithera firmata         1  
Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos major        331 
Dark-barred Twin-spotXanthorhoe ferrugata        1   
CameoCrypsedra gemmea         1  
The HeraldScoliopteryx libatrix        1   
Arran BrownErebia ligea      1 1   
Brown House MothHofmannophila pseudospretella        2   
GoldcrestRegulus regulus          2 
Grey Pine CarpetThera obeliscata         1  
Silver YAutographa gamma        11  
Winter WrenTroglodytes troglodytes        31  
Willow TitPoecile montanus        334 
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis        1   
European GreenfinchCarduelis chloris516111  334 
Eurasian SiskinCarduelis spinus         14 
Green HairstreakCallophrys rubi      2 221 
Juniper CarpetThera juniperata        1   
Herring GullLarus argentatus112 11      
Mealy RedpollCarduelis flammea5 6     234 
House SparrowPasser domesticus516111  334 
FieldfareTurdus pilaris1           
Autumnal RusticEugnorisma glareosa         1  
Barred Grass-veneerAgriphila inquinatella        1   
Common WaveCabera exanthemata        1   
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata      1 2   
GullrisengmottAnania funebris        1   
YellowhammerEmberiza citrinella        334 
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba         1  
Mountain hareLepus timidus          1 
White-tailed EagleHaliaeetus albicilla 1 1 1  112 
Silver-ground CarpetXanthorhoe montanata      1 21  
Common White WaveCabera pusaria        1   
December MothPoecilocampa populi        1   
Idas bluePlebejus idas         1  
Green-brindled CrescentAllophyes oxyacanthae        31  
Common GreyScoparia ambigualis        1   
HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustes        2 3 
Great TitParus major516111  334 
White-shouldered House MothEndrosis sarcitrella        1 1 
The ChevronEulithis testata         1  
Hooded CrowCorvus cornix3131 1  132 
LinjelundmålerMesotype parallelolineata        1   
Small WhitePieris rapae      1     
Common HeathEmaturga atomaria      4 1   
Autumn Green CarpetChloroclysta miata        21  
Marsh TitPoecile palustris        232 
Pale Brindled BeautyPhigalia pilosaria      33131 
Clouded CosmetMompha langiella       1    
BlackcapSylvia atricapilla          4 
Red-green CarpetChloroclysta siterata        1   
Large Long-hornNematopogon swammerdamella        1   
Common Nettle-tapAnthophila fabriciana        1   
Small MagpieAnania hortulata        1   
Small TortoiseshellAglais urticae       2752 
Common Grass-veneerAgriphila tristella        1   
Brindled BeautyLycia hirtaria          1 
Woodland MarbleOrthotaenia undulana        1   
Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi       1    
Pearl-band Grass VeneerCatoptria margaritella        1   
Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus         32 
Lead-coloured DrabOrthosia populeti      1 1   
Arctic RedpollCarduelis hornemanni          2 
The NonconformistLithophane lamda        1 1 
Argent & SableRheumaptera hastata        1   
PraktskyggeviklerEana penziana        1   
Green-veined WhitePieris napi      1 1   
Common RavenCorvus corax   1    122 
The V-MothMacaria wauaria        2   
Minor Shoulder-knotBrachylomia viminalis         1  
Ruddy HighflyerHydriomena ruberata           1
Ruby TigerPhragmatobia fuliginosa       1    
Plain Golden YAutographa jota          1 
Pearl-bordered FritillaryBoloria euphrosyne        2   
RobinErithacus rubecula216111  334 
Flounced ChestnutAgrochola helvola        1   
Broken-barred RollerAncylis unguicella        1   
Roe DeerCapreolus capreolus         13 
Whooper SwanCygnus cygnus         1  
Six-spot BurnetZygaena filipendulae        3   
July HighflyerHydriomena furcata        11  
SeljedvergmålerEupithecia tenuiata        1   
Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata        11  
BrimstoneGonepteryx rhamni      1     
Eurasian MagpiePica pica315111  234 
Mottled BeautyAlcis repandata          1 
Wood WhiteLeptidea sinapis      1 52  
Speckled WoodPararge aegeria        1   
Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-mothHemaris tityus      1 3   
NuthatchSitta europaea        334 
Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus1  11   221 
Ghost MothHepialus humuli        1   
European GoldfinchCarduelis carduelis          2 
Mottled UmberErannis defoliaria        1   
Puss MothCerura vinula         1  
Large WhitePieris brassicae      2 1   
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha         1  
Black RusticAporophyla nigra         1  
European StarlingSturnus vulgaris1 1         
Small Birch BellEpinotia ramella         1  
Red Sword-grassXylena vetusta      1   1 
Coal TitPeriparus ater   11   334 
Common BlackbirdTurdus merula516111  334 
Brindled PlumeAmblyptilia punctidactyla      1     
Scarce Grass-veneerCrambus pratella        1   
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata      1   1 
Scarce BrindleApamea lateritia         1  
Common BluePolyommatus icarus      1  1  
Painted LadyVanessa cardui        3   
Common QuakerOrthosia cerasi      2    1
Brown PlumeStenoptilia pterodactyla        1   
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella        1   
The ChestnutConistra vaccinii      1 3   
Clouded DrabOrthosia incerta      13 1 1
Common RollerAncylis badiana        1   
Dark Marbled CarpetDysstroma citrata         1  
Holly BlueCelastrina argiolus      1 13  
Dotted BorderAgriopis marginaria      6421  
Yellow HornedAchlya flavicornis      23331 
 Agonopterix sp.        1   
BjørkemålereEpirrita sp.        1   
StengelflyAmphipoea sp.         1