John Skartveit

SpeciesScientific name197719801982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200520062007200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192021202220232024
 Coenagrion sp.                           1              
OakQuercus sp.                              12           
 Acilius sulcatus                           2              
Small Barred Long-hornAdela croesella               2            2    1        
Green Long-hornAdela reaumurella        1                     2 1         
High Brown FritillaryArgynnis adippe1                                         
Red AdmiralVanessa atalanta                1         1 311 1 9 2   1011
Dark Green FritillaryArgynnis aglaja               1   1      112   12        
Angelica Flat-bodyAgonopterix angelicella                              1  3       1
Brindled Flat-bodyAgonopterix arenella                             1            
 Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana                             87 121       
Common Flat-bodyAgonopterix heracliana                                       2 2
Red-letter Flat-bodyAgonopterix ocellana                             43        3  
Black-spot Flat-bodyAgonopterix propinquella                                       422
Blomer's RivuletVenusia blomeri                            114   4 1    3
Gold-ribbon ArgentArgyresthia brockeella                             1   1       1
Sallow ArgentArgyresthia pygmaeella                              1           
AshFraxinus excelsior                              3           
The CoronetCraniophora ligustri                              3  1 1      
Yellow-spot TortrixPseudargyrotoza conwagana                            2 1           
Juniper PugEupithecia pusillata       1    11 31           916102 18 1   232019
Variable BellEpinotia solandriana                                 1        
Barred ChestnutDiarsia dahlii                                 2     5 4
Orange TipAnthocharis cardamines     1   2     1 1         151  13     5 6
Dingy Knot-hornHypochalcia ahenella               1                       1  
Grizzled SkipperPyrgus malvae             111   1                      
Ground-moss GreyEudonia truncicolella                             38  13     1923
Buff FootmanEilema depressa                              1           
Cousin GermanProtolampra sobrina                                 4        
Barred RedHylaea fasciaria       1            1       113  1        
BeiteengmottDiasemia reticularis                            6          1  
Grass-veneerCrambus pascuella                          1 2251 2     1  
Scarce TissueRheumaptera cervinalis    1                        1            
Northern Wall BrownLasiommata petropolitana              1 11          21   2       2
BeaverCastor fiber                              1           
Downy BirchBetula pubescens                              1           
Rusty Birch ButtonAcleris notana                             1         1  
Satin LutestringTetheella fluctuosa        1                     2    1      
Peppered MothBiston betularia         1  1  1          1 13224312   222
Birch MochaCyclophora albipunctata                             2   1      13
Birch MarbleApotomis betuletana                                 4      71
Birch Knot-hornOrtholepis betulae                1                         
Small EggarEriogaster lanestris    1                                     
Lesser Swallow ProminentPheosia gnoma            1  1            31914521    1 
Early Tooth-stripedTrichopteryx carpinata               1           2 144 721 22 212
Orange UnderwingArchiearis parthenias             1             11          21 
BjørnebærbladviklerPandemis dumetana                              1           
Little EmeraldJodis lactearia        1      1 1          3           1 
Bleached PugEupithecia expallidata                              1           
Pale Straw PearlUdea lutealis       1   1    1                12     845
Blek engmålerIdaea pallidata         1                                
Northern Winter MothOperophtera fagata       4                    143         1  
Chequered StrawEvergestis pallidata                              3           
Marsh GreyEudonia pallida                                 6       3
Early ThornSelenia dentaria             1 21   1       14  1 1  1 431
Pearl VeneerAgriphila straminella           11   1         1  251       19217
Blek ringmålerYezognophos vittaria               1             1         1  
Cream WaveScopula floslactata        1                 1 6             
The SallowXanthia icteritia                                 1       1
Common FootmanEilema lurideola                              5  1 4      
BlåbærbladmålerJodis putata         1 11   1    1      19  1  1      
Bilberry PugPasiphila debiliata                                 1        
Glaucous ShearsPapestra biren            11            1  2  1  1   11 
Northern SpinachEulithis populata       12  141 3    2       11781 1932   121117
Beautiful SnoutHypena crassalis                            4 2  1     1  
BlåbærsigdviklerAncylis myrtillana                             4     3   111
Smoky WaveScopula ternata        1      1             1         1 3
Small Purple-barredPhytometra viridaria               1     1                    
Brown-spot PinionAgrochola litura                            1             
Blue TitCyanistes caeruleus                            2             
ChaffinchFringilla coelebs                            1             
Barred UmberPlagodis pulveraria           11112     1   1  151 3   2  327
Broad-bordered Yellow UnderwingNoctua fimbriata            1                    1        
Red-fringed ConchFalseuncaria ruficiliana                                   1      
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-mothHemaris fuciformis            1      1                      
BregneengmottUdea decrepitalis                                         1
Brown Silver-linePetrophora chlorosata             1              1  131  1  1627
Map-winged SwiftKorscheltellus fusconebulosa   1       1211           1 104 4 5 6   17522
Raspberry ClearwingPennisetia hylaeiformis                                      2   
Raspberry MothLampronia corticella           3   2             1           5
Fox MothMacrothylacia rubi            1                 1          1
Small Square-spotDiarsia rubi               1              1 61  2  14430
Scarce DaggerAcronicta auricoma                             1  1         
Shaded Broad-barScotopteryx chenopodiata       1     1 2    1                     
Rose TortrixArchips rosana                              1           
Garden TigerArctia caja   1                         1 1       4  
Rannoch LooperMacaria brunneata  1    1 1                  8 1  1     213
Wormwood PugEupithecia absinthiata           1                  1  1 1     1
Chestnut-coloured CarpetThera cognata               2             24  4 1   237
Brun engmottUdea inquinatalis                             1            
Spotted Shoot MothRhyacionia pinivorana                            1             
Winter MothOperophtera brumata    1  2                    2361        1  
Shoulder-stripeAnticlea badiata      1        1             2            
Scarce ProminentOdontosia carmelita                             2  2        1
Small Pearl-bordered FritillaryBoloria selene    1   2     1 1  3        821  1 1   2  
Red-line QuakerAgrochola lota      11                    2 1  2        
Smoky WainscotMythimna impura            1               3315311583   241516
Pale PinionLithophane socia                             41        1 1
Dog's ToothLacanobia suasa                             12 1        3
Dark BrocadeMniotype adusta                             1 1 2     2  
Burnet CompanionEuclidia glyphica       111     1          1               
Rosy RusticHydraecia micacea  1    2                    1621210 1   372040
The CrescentHelotropha leucostigma                                 2        
White-markedCerastis leucographa   1           1                          
Cinereous GroundlingBryotropha terrella                            1  2 1       2
Oak Bent-wingBucculatrix ulmella                                1         
Plain WaveIdaea straminata                              1  2        
Silvery ArchesPolia hepatica                            1             
Marbled MinorOligia strigilis            2  11         1  214 11      1
Small Fan-footHerminia grisealis                                   1      
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica            1              1 16515116255 21289
Common Marbled CarpetDysstroma truncata       1    1 121           11128412214   232126
Bluebell ShadeEana incanana                                         1
Bordered PugEupithecia succenturiata               1                          
Dusky PearlUdea prunalis           121 1             123 5 1   266
Dark-triangle ButtonAcleris laterana                               3       3716
Pale-shouldered BrocadeLacanobia thalassina             1            1 2 3 13     315
BærtegeDolycoris baccarum                           2              
Scallop ShellRheumaptera undulata                                       1  
The SatelliteEupsilia transversa                            31   4        
The BrickAgrochola circellaris      1     11 1            2             
Scalloped OakCrocallis elinguaria      1      2            1 327  951   7 2
Ringed CarpetCleora cinctaria                            24  3         
BåndengmottUdea hamalis                 1                        
Clouded SilverLomographa temerata                                1         
BåndprydviklerPhiaris bipunctana                            1            1
Setaceous Hebrew CharacterXestia c-nigrum            1                   14     8110
 Callisto coffeella                             1            
Yellow-triangle SlenderCaloptilia alchimiella                                1         
Black-speckled GroundlingCarpatolechia proximella                            151           
Grey ChiAntitype chi       2       1              1  2      1 
 Coenagrion pulchellum                           1              
Common Rush Case-bearerColeophora alticolella                              1           
Grey-streaked SmudgePlutella porrectella                            1             
Peacock ButterflyAglais io             1 1          11 71 12      1 
Hummingbird Hawk-mothMacroglossum stellatarum                            2             
Dance FlyEmpis borealis                             1            
 Depressaria daucella                                       1  
Pignut Flat-bodyDepressaria pulcherrimella                                         1
 Depressaria radiella                                       11 
FlameAxylia putris                          1  7754121   13 
Eurasian BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhula                            2             
Iron ProminentNotodonta dromedarius       11                   2142 622   4  
DvergbjørkkveldviklerEpinotia indecorana                             2            
DvergbjørkspinnerEriogaster arbusculae                             5   3        
Small BlueCupido minimus        1      1                          
Marsh Oblique-barredHypenodes humidalis                                 3     3 6
Gold SwiftPhymatopus hecta       11    2 11  11       22            
DvergsigdviklerAncylis comptana                                         1
Common Oak PurpleDyseriocrania subpurpurella                            1  11         
Small RivuletPerizoma alchemillata           11                48   1     11
Rusty Oak ButtonAcleris ferrugana                            1             
September ThornEnnomos erosaria                                 1        
Marbled PiercerCydia splendana                              5           
Cock's-head BellZeiraphera isertana                              41 2       2
Common Cloaked ShootGypsonoma dealbana                              4           
Oak BeautyBiston strataria                                 2        
Long-horned Flat-bodyCarcina quercana                              2  11       
Red RollerAncylis mitterbacheriana                              2           
Oak EggarLasiocampa quercus   1   1                  1        2      
Purple HairstreakFavonius quercus      1                    1              
Edinburgh PugEupithecia intricata                                       2  
Little DwarfElachista canapennella                             1            
 Elachista humilis                                    1     
 Enallagma cyathigerum                           1              
Mazarine BlueCyaniris semiargus        1      1   3        1             
Satyr PugEupithecia satyrata      1     3  2     2       11    1   10 1
Grass RivuletPerizoma albulata 1             22           3    1        
Small Argent and SableEpirrhoe tristata         2   1 1    1                     
Large GreyScoparia subfusca       1 1 23  1   1      1   61 3     4 15
Lesser Marbled FritillaryBrenthis ino            1      2                      
Thyme MarbleCelypha cespitana                          1 1          1 3
Small HeathCoenonympha pamphilus      1        1   2        1   11       2
Large SkipperOchlodes sylvanus   1    1      1   1      3 1111 1         
Fen Square-spotDiarsia florida            2                 1  2 4     10
The BlackneckLygephila pastinum                    1            1        
 Epinotia cinereana/nisella                                 2        
Green PugPasiphila rectangulata                              23 4        
Washed PurpleEriocrania cicatricella              1                           
 Eriocrania semipurpurella/sangii                     1                    
Northern Cresent PiercerGrapholita lunulana                            1             
Lesser Broad-bordered YellowNoctua janthe               1            238 1101    858
Red CarpetXanthorhoe decoloraria        1   2  12  1             2     4  
The CampionSideridis rivularis                            1 1 1        1
The StreamerAnticlea derivata               1             1          1 
Red ChestnutCerastis rubricosa             1               82 43   3 117 
Fiolettbrunt jordflyEuxoa recussa               1                          
Beautiful Golden YAutographa pulchrina            41 1    1       7371 815   6213
Pink-barred SallowXanthia togata       1     1  1           1482 7      1 
Autumnal MothEpirrita autumnata      111                   52   2     1 3
Mountain BurnetZygaena exulans  1 1        11 1         1  2   1     1  
Alpine BluePlebejus orbitulus  1 1       2 1                           
FjellengmottLoxostege ephippialis                1                         
FjellkveldviklerEpinotia mercuriana                           1 1            
FjellmetallflySyngrapha diasema            4                             
Black Mountain MothGlacies coracina  1           111                         
FjellnebbmottCatoptria furcatellus            1  1                          
Mountain FritillaryBoloria napaea            3              3            1 
Dewy RingletErebia pandrose    1         2            1111  3        
Iris Rover MothHillia iris            1  1             2         1  
Feathered BeautyPeribatodes secundaria                            31            
Pine CarpetPennithera firmata      1                     1142 7     313
FlatøstersOstrea edulis                            2             
Dark-barred Twin-spotXanthorhoe ferrugata                            2             
Brown China-markElophila nymphaeata   1       1   1            41   2     1 2
CameoCrypsedra gemmea       1     1              4161 4     394
Peach-BlossomThyatira batis            1                             
Pretty PinionPerizoma blandiata        4       3         1               
Spotted BeautyArichanna melanaria                            5 1   1       
FlekkskogmålerDysstroma latefasciata       1                    2 1  1        
The HeraldScoliopteryx libatrix             1 11         1  2            
Scalloped Hook-tipFalcaria lacertinaria                            12   1        
Arran BrownErebia ligea    1   3   2 3             5 1  1     1  
DipperCinclus cinclus                            1             
Brown House MothHofmannophila pseudospretella                              1112       1
Freija's FritillaryBoloria freija              1                           
GoldcrestRegulus regulus                            1             
Grey Pine CarpetThera obeliscata  1                     1   67 1 8       1
Tawny-barred AngleMacaria liturata                                         1
Ochreous PugEupithecia indigata                             2            
Pine Beauty MothPanolis flammea                            111  2  12 11 
Brown Pine Knot-hornDioryctria simplicella                              3        1  
Parrot CrossbillLoxia pytyopsittacus                            1             
Bordered WhiteBupalus piniaria  1              1        1 62   1 2      
Pine LappetDendrolimus pini                                 1     1  
Pine Hawk-mothSphinx pinastri                  1         3             
The ConformistLithophane furcifera       1                                  
Silver YAutographa gamma   1   1    2 212   1      128774113 1   615
Small PhoenixEcliptopera silaceata                              5 2 2 1  101426
 Geotrupes stercorosus                            1             
Winter WrenTroglodytes troglodytes                            2             
Broken-barred CarpetElectrophaes corylata                             21     1     
Cotton-grass FannerGlyphipterix haworthana                            2             
GnistdagflySympistis heliophila               2                 1        
Spruce CarpetThera variata                              1  1        
Dwarf PugEupithecia tantillaria                             1            
Perth ButtonAcleris abietana                              1           
Dark Pine Knot-hornDioryctria abietella                              5  3     2  
Barred CarpetMartania taeniata                            617  14 4    48
Willow TitPoecile montanus                            41            
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis      11 1   1            11910253119410   282235
Straw-barred PearlPyrausta despicata        11 1 11                1          
Grumset dvergmålerEupithecia subfuscata                              1 3         
Green Oak TortrixTortrix viridana                                1  2      
ForesterAdscita statices        1          2                      
Green tiger beetleCicindela campestris                           1 2            
Yellow-barred BrindleAcasis viretata                                     1    
Eurasian SiskinCarduelis spinus                             1            
Green HairstreakCallophrys rubi      1            1        42  1  1      
Merveille du JourGriposia aprilina                                 4        
Green ArchesAnaplectoides prasina                          2  16  432    1 
Grey Mountain CarpetEntephria caesiata            4 111   1      1421  4     325
Dark-barred TortrixSyndemis musculana                             4   3        
Sharp-angled PeacockMacaria alternata                              1           
Juniper CarpetThera juniperata       1   1   1            1163  18     115
Small Dusty WaveIdaea seriata                              1           
Poplar KittenFurcula bifida                                         1
Marbled Orchard TortrixHedya nubiferana                             364       241
Common CarpetEpirrhoe alternata                            1             
Northern GreyScoparia ancipitella           1 1                2  7     5 3
Large Dark ProminentNotodonta torva                                1         
Grå skogmålerDysstroma infuscata                1                         
Grå syremålerTimandra griseata        2                                 
Grå-/konkavflatviklerAcleris effractana/emargana                            143  1     2 2
Muslin MothDiaphora mendica         1                                
Gråbrunt metallflyAutographa buraetica                            1    1 2      
The Fan-footHerminia tarsipennalis                             131   1   1  
Grey HeronArdea cinerea                            1             
Herring GullLarus argentatus                            3             
Mealy RedpollCarduelis flammea                             1            
House SparrowPasser domesticus                            1             
Red-necked GrebePodiceps grisegena                            1             
Northern DartXestia alpicola                                       2 1
Grey ArchesPolia nebulosa                              43 1 4   1  
Softly's Shoulder-knotLithophane consocia                                 1        
Autumnal RusticEugnorisma glareosa  1                          37  4      12
Northern Deep-brown DartAporophyla lueneburgensis            1                             
The SpectacleAbrostola tripartita                          1 1111 1     1  
Mouse MothAmphipyra tragopoginis       1   1                              
Mother ShiptonCallistege mi       1 1                                
Grått taigaflyXestia speciosa            2                  1 5     1  
Peacock MothMacaria notata                                2  1      
Yellow Oak ButtonAleimma loeflingiana                              21          
Scarce UmberAgriopis aurantiaria       1     1              1242  1        
Small Yellow WaveHydrelia flammeolaria        1   1                11 1      1  
Barred Grass-veneerAgriphila inquinatella         1                   12  3        
Common WaveCabera exanthemata           1 1 1             7352  11  7517
Dotted ShadeEana osseana                          11  4  41    348
Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa       1   112                1  4        
The ShearsHada plebeja                              2 21     2  
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata        2           1       4411 2     3 3
GullprydviklerPhiaris metallicana                             1            
RingletAphantopus hyperantus   1   2           1            22        
Golden-rod PugEupithecia virgaureata                                 1     1  
GullrisengmottAnania funebris                   1        1          1  
GulrandsmalmottCatastia marginea               2                          
Straw DotRivula sericealis                          1  319  395   17 
The Dun-barCosmia trapezina   1   1                    2171 24     21
The PhoenixEulithis prunata                1           1 11 1 1   1  
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba  1          1              7229423966   402421
Bright-line Brown-eyeLacanobia oleracea            2               3324 7     513
Yellow-faced BellNotocelia cynosbatella                                         3
Black-veined WhiteAporia crataegi                            1             
Chequered Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis corylana                             214           
Nut-tree TussockColocasia coryli                   1         1  1 2      2
Small White WaveAsthena albulata      1         1           1            1
Long-tailed DuckClangula hyemalis                            1             
White-tailed EagleHaliaeetus albicilla                            1             
HeggflatviklerAcleris umbrana                               1          
Bird-cherry ErmineYponomeuta evonymella           1                 215        5714
HeibladviklerAphelia viburniana                              1           
Dark TussockGynaephora fascelina                             1            
HeimosemottEudonia sudetica                           1              
Oak CutterHeliozela sericiella                            1  13         
Triangle PlumePlatyptilia gonodactyla        2                    1 1   2   11 
Colt’s-foot BellEpiblema sticticana                            1            11
HesteigleHaemopis sanguisuga                           2              
Bee MothAphomia sociella         1 1                 112    1  4 3
Currant PugEupithecia assimilata                                        11
Silver-ground CarpetXanthorhoe montanata        31 31  11   31    1 1187148  3  1077
Comma ButterflyPolygonia c-album                  1   1                   
Lime-speck PugEupithecia centaureata               1                          
Common White WaveCabera pusaria  1        1                5244 42 1  5615
White-shouldered MarbleApotomis turbidana                                         2
Brown-line Bright-eyeMythimna conigera                                  2       
Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta       1   1                2616336221  7114
Skin MothMonopis laevigella                                       1  
The MillerAcronicta leporina      1                                   
Twin-spot CarpetMesotype didymata  1    2   1 3 11          18191 5 3   8913
Elder PearlAnania coronata                              2           
Square-spot CrestHypatima rhomboidella               2              22 1        
Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilis                            1             
The VapourerOrgyia antiqua       1                    21            
December MothPoecilocampa populi      11    1               32   2        
Idas bluePlebejus idas  1   1 1      2          12311  8     11 
Small CopperLycaena phlaeas  1          1             22    3      12
Feathered BrightIncurvaria masculella          111                1            
 Incurvaria oehlmanniella/masculella                                         1
Pale Feathered BrightIncurvaria pectinea              21              1           
Strawberry BrightIncurvaria praelatella                            2             
 Incurvaria vetulella                             1            
Green-brindled CrescentAllophyes oxyacanthae      11             1      13102 8     1 4
 Ischnura elegans                           1              
Great Northern DiverGavia immer                            1             
Jordbær-/buskflatviklerAcleris comariana/laterana                            310193 5     87 
Strawberry TortrixAcleris comariana              1                           
Common GreyScoparia ambigualis               21         1 3821 3     2 2
Coxcomb ProminentPtilodon capucina      1    1 1 1     1      443411112  2 1
Dotted ClayXestia baja                          1 1413  2063   232132
Many-plumed MothAlucita hexadactyla                           1151 31     1  
Clouded-bordered BrindleApamea crenata            72              31   3 6   938
Cherry Fruit MothArgyresthia pruniella                                 2        
Large EmeraldGeometra papilionaria      11                    2 31  1    246
Mother of PearlPatania ruralis              1              14           
Waved BlackParascotia fuliginaria                              2  1        
Great TitParus major                            1             
KlippefjellflyLasionycta leucocycla               1                          
Chequered Grass-veneerCatoptria falsella                             353 3       1
Large Wall BrownLasiommata maera   1        21     2         2            
White-shouldered House MothEndrosis sarcitrella       1                    131     1  4 1
Double-striped PugGymnoscelis rufifasciata           112               12   1      1
Mute SwanCygnus olor                            1             
Translucent PearlParatalanta hyalinalis                            16             
KobberflyChersotis cuprea            2              112   2     245
Silver-spotted SkipperHesperia comma1             1                           
Lempke's Gold SpotPlusia putnami                             12           
The ChevronEulithis testata  2    1       1             57  7     167
KrattengmålerIdaea deversaria                                       1  
Double DartGraphiphora augur            2             2 111  1 1   10613
Summer Rose BellNotocelia roborana                              1  1        
Hooded CrowCorvus cornix                            3             
Common GoldeneyeBucephala clangula                            5             
Heath ButtonAcleris hyemana                             1            
The AnomalousStilbia anomala               1                          
Galium CarpetEpirrhoe galiata                            1             
GraylingHipparchia semele 1            1              1  1         
Cabbage MothMamestra brassicae           1   1                 1        
Garden PebbleEvergestis forficalis         1                             3 3
 Lampronia rupella            2      1             1        
Marbled BellEucosma campoliliana                             3 1       2  
Gold SpotPlusia festucae            1                 3  11 2   5 2
Dark Sword-grassAgrotis ipsilon       1                     1            
Bramble False-featherSchreckensteinia festaliella                                    1    4
Honeysuckle MothYpsolopha dentella            1               1 1           
Barred Tooth-stripedTrichopteryx polycommata                             1           1
 Libellula quadrimaculata                           1              
Privet Hawk-mothSphinx ligustri         1                                
Small-leaved LimeTilia cordata                              2           
Orange SallowTiliacea citrago               1                 1        
LinjelundmålerMesotype parallelolineata                            2    2      21
Small QuakerOrthosia cruda                             6  1         
Sallow KittenFurcula furcula                                1         
Small Spruce BellEpinotia nanana                              1           
Small WhitePieris rapae 1       1                       1        
Small Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila porcellus               1                 1        
Small Angle ShadesEuplexia lucipara                          1 3 1 22     3 5
Neglected RusticXestia castanea       1       1                 1        
Narrow-winged PugEupithecia nanata       1      1                           
Beautiful PlumeAmblyptilia acanthadactyla                             1            
LyngheinebbmottCrambus ericella                              1     1  1  
Common HeathEmaturga atomaria  111  1       2     1      241 11 1     1
LyngprydviklerPhiaris schulziana                             1     3   1  
Lunar Marbled BrownDrymonia ruficornis                                5         
Autumn Green CarpetChloroclysta miata       1       1        1   7101 33   1 1 1
The SharkCucullia umbratica                              1           
Lyst klippeflyEpipsilia grisescens                            1          1  
The UncertainHoplodrina octogenaria                                 4        
Lyst urteflyCaradrina montana                              2  1        
Barred Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis cerasana                            1461 1     2 1
LærløperCarabus coriaceus                           1 1            
Ashy ButtonAcleris sparsana                            1            1
Barred MarbleCelypha striana                              1  1        
Light EmeraldCampaea margaritaria            1  1            9444 61    322
Goat MothCossus cossus        1 1                               
Heath FritillaryMelitaea athalia       1           2                      
Netted PugEupithecia venosata               1                          
Garden Rose TortrixAcleris variegana                            233        2 1
Pale Brindled BeautyPhigalia pilosaria        1     1       1      31   2       
Bedstraw Hawk-mothHyles gallii                            1 1  1      1 
Mediterranean Flour MothEphestia kuehniella         1 1  1                           
Yellow-barred GoldMicropterix aureatella           3   11    2   1  141  2        
Plain GoldMicropterix calthella        1                                 
Black-headed GoldMicropterix mansuetella                            1             
Red-barred GoldMicropterix tunbergella        1   1               1   2         
Tutts Burnished BrassDiachrysia stenochrysis                            1             
MinkNeovison vison                            2             
Ginger ButtonAcleris aspersana                              1  1        
Northern Grizzled SkipperPyrgus centaureae               11             1           
Large Dark CosmetMompha conturbatella        2                                 
 Mompha idaei        1                                 
Clouded CosmetMompha langiella                           1674           
Red CosmetMompha locupletella                                       1  
Little CosmetMompha raschkiella                                    3    1
Kentish CosmetMompha sturnipennella                             1          22
Common BuzzardButeo buteo                            2             
Water-mint ConchPhalonidia manniana                               1          
Cranberry BluePlebejus optilete                3  3                      
MyrdagflySympistis funebris                             1            
Rosy Marsh MothCoenophila subrosea                                 3      11
Moorland Clouded YellowColias palaeno               1   2                      
MyrkorsmålerRheumaptera subhastata         1                                
Cranberry FritillaryBoloria aquilonaris    1       2 1               1           
MyrprydviklerPhiaris turfosana                             1            
Red-green CarpetChloroclysta siterata      1 1    1 1            1186226     121
Bilberry MarbleApotomis sauciana                             2            
Northern RusticStandfussiana lucernea                            111           
The LychnisHadena bicruris             1              21         2 1
The RusticHoplodrina blanda                                   2      
Great BrocadeEurois occulta           11                 3 112     111
Muslin FootmanNudaria mundana                             2 1   1      
Emperor MothSaturnia pavonia     1                      1             
Pale ProminentPterostoma palpina   1        11               1     21  821
The RivuletPerizoma affinitata           11  1    1     1 1 31  411   1 
 Nematopogon pilella                   1            1         
Sandy Long-hornNematopogon schwarziellus             1              1             
Large Long-hornNematopogon swammerdamella        1  11  1             11         21
 Nemophora bellela               1                          
Yellow-barred Long-hornNemophora degeerella                    2                     
Heather GroundlingNeofaculta ericetella                1                         
 Neofriseria peliella                              1           
Common Nettle-tapAnthophila fabriciana                            1    3     316
Small MagpieAnania hortulata   1                      1            3115
SnoutHypena proboscidalis         1 1    1   1     1 1583 531   1249
Small TortoiseshellAglais urticae   1    1   1 2   1       113173119221  821
Rhomboid TortrixAcleris rhombana                             1            
The GothicNaenia typica            1                  1       226
Nornens ringvingeOeneis norna               1                          
Deep-brown PiercerGrapholita tenebrosana                          1               
Common Grass-veneerAgriphila tristella       1                     421  26 2   382921
OkerprydviklerOlethreutes arcuella                    1                     
Buff-tipPhalera bucephala             1 1            2 2 1         
Pale November MothEpirrita christyi                             1            
Great TortrixChoristoneura hebenstreitella               1                          
OlivenfjellmottMetaxmeste phrygialis            1 14                          
Brindled BeautyLycia hirtaria                             1   1      3 
Common MarbleCelypha lacunana                    1     1  855 5 1   13820
Great ProminentPeridea anceps                              1 31        
Sorrel Bent-wingOpostega salaciella                                         1
Scarce CopperLycaena virgaureae       1            1      11 1  2        
Golden ArgentArgyresthia goedartella                                 7        
May HighflyerHydriomena impluviata             1                   1     1  
Canary-shouldered ThornEnnomos alniaria       1                     11  2        
Alder MothAcronicta alni                                1         
Nut Bud MothEpinotia tenerana           1                             3
Dusky Hook-tipDrepana curvatula    1            1       1  21   1       1
Dark Bordered BeautyEpione vespertaria                             11   1       
Hornet MothSesia apiformis                         1                
Poplar LutestringTethea or                              1 1         
Poplar GreyAcronicta megacephala                              3    2      
OspesmalmottSciota hostilis                                       1  
Poplar AdmiralLimenitis populi                          1     2         
Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi       1                   1232  3 21  127
The SeraphimLobophora halterata                                1        3
Speckled YellowPseudopanthera macularia                            2   1         
Brown Birch SlenderParornix betulae                             1            
Red PiercerLathronympha strigana                            222        215
Pearl-band Grass VeneerCatoptria margaritella           12                 1  10 3   9613
White Oak MidgetPhyllonorycter harrisella                                1         
Pale Oak MidgetPhyllonorycter heegeriella                                1         
Sallow MidgetPhyllonorycter hilarella                             1            
Common Alder MidgetPhyllonorycter rajella                                2         
Red Birch MidgetPhyllonorycter ulmifoliella                             1            
Striped BrightPhylloporia bistrigella                             1            
HedgehogErinaceus europaeus                           1 1            
Wood TigerParasemia plantaginis   1                        1 1  1     1  
Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus                            1             
PjuskemålerMacaria fusca            2 112             1          1
Regal PiercerPammene regiana                          1  1            
Lead-coloured DrabOrthosia populeti                             1   2        
Light StreakPleurota bicostella         1 1  1 1           2    1 1     1
PolarurtemålerScopula frigidaria                3                         
Beautiful China-markNymphula nitidulata         1                   3   1 1   2 4
Slender BrindleApamea scolopacina                              2 1 2       
Orange-spotted ShootRhyacionia pinicolana                              1  3        
Argent & SableRheumaptera hastata                    11                    
Purple ThornSelenia tetralunaria                             1  31        
PraktskyggeviklerEana penziana                          1               
PrikkfjærmøllHellinsia tephradactyla                              1        1  
Glanville FritillaryMelitaea cinxia               1                          
 Prolita sexpunctella                            1             
Humped CrestPsoricoptera gibbosella                              1           
PudderflyAmmoconia caecimacula                              2  2        
Obscure WainscotLeucania obsoleta                              1           
Common LutestringOchropacha duplaris             1 2   12       1313 132    12
Powdered QuakerOrthosia gracilis                                1         
White ErmineSpilosoma lubricipeda    11      4               514176 25  361939
Common Purple & GoldPyrausta purpuralis                            4             
Purple-edged CopperLycaena hippothoe     1  1     1               1         2 
 Pyrrhosoma nymphula                           1              
The SaxonHyppa rectilinea            1               2       1     
Grey Poplar BellEpinotia nisella                             521 1        
Small Fan-footed WaveIdaea biselata             1 1            7 14  972   3410
Clouded BorderLomaspilis marginata   1   1   1                6103211  3  239
Meadow BrownManiola jurtina                3         22141          2
Green-veined WhitePieris napi  111   11  1 2      1   11414214 11622   23626
Common RavenCorvus corax                            3             
Tansy plumeGillmeria ochrodactyla                                        1 
Tawny Marbled MinorOligia latruncula                            3 1  4 1   1  
Yellow-line QuakerAgrochola macilenta                            4  1 5        
Foxglove PugEupithecia pulchellata                            624  11    1  
Black-veined MothSiona lineata        2      1                          
The V-MothMacaria wauaria       1   1                 131 5 2   122
Currant-shoot BorerLampronia capitella           1                             1
Copper ErmelRoeslerstammia erxlebella                                       1  
RowanSorbus aucuparia                              1           
Apple Fruit MothArgyresthia conjugella                             4 1 1     512
Welsh WaveVenusia cambrica               2            1  1 54    2110
Orchard ErmineYponomeuta padella                             2            
Red Twin-spot CarpetXanthorhoe spadicearia                             1          1 
Minor Shoulder-knotBrachylomia viminalis            1  1     1    11456  71      1
Blue-bordered CarpetPlemyria rubiginata  1     1                     3  32    2 4
Eurasian WoodcockScolopax rusticola                            1             
Ruddy HighflyerHydriomena ruberata                             3         4210
Tawny Speckled PugEupithecia icterata           2                  1           
Spruce Bud MothZeiraphera ratzeburgiana                          1      3     1  
Bramble Shoot MothNotocelia uddmanniana                              2           
Ruby TigerPhragmatobia fuliginosa             1               1      1     
Latticed HeathChiasmia clathrata        1                                 
Yarrow PlumeGillmeria pallidactyla       13                     5  1       1
Small LappetPhyllodesma ilicifolia                                1         
Dark Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis heparana                             12  1     1  
Plain Golden YAutographa jota      1     1             1 1  2 3 2   1  
Rødbrystet åtselbilleOiceoptoma thoracica                           2              
Røddusket engflyApamea rubrirena                              6  5        
Pearl-bordered FritillaryBoloria euphrosyne      1  1   1 1   1 1                    
Large Red-belted ClearwingSynanthedon culiciformis             1                            
Chocolate-tipClostera curtula                             1  12   1    
Clouded BuffDiacrisia sannio   1            1  1          1    2      
Green Silver-linesPseudoips prasinana                            1          1  
Purple ClayDiarsia brunnea            1  1            3713 7 4   5 4
Fulvous Clothes MothTinea semifulvella                              11       1  
Middle-barred MinorOligia fasciuncula           11                2 1 1     1  
Twin-spot PlumeStenoptilia bipunctidactyla                              3           
The SuspectedParastichtis suspecta                                 1     21 
Rosy MinorLitoligia literosa                              4           
RødrandtegeCorizus hyoscyami                            2             
Rødt fjellbakkeflyXestia tecta            1                             
Rødt fjellengflyApamea kuusamoensis                                         1
Broom MothCeramica pisi            1   1           1310 512 5   3 4
Beautiful Yellow UnderwingAnarta myrtilli  1              1                        
Flounced ChestnutAgrochola helvola       1                    2462 6        
True Lover's KnotLycophotia porphyrea       1    1               6294 853   1024
Broken-barred RollerAncylis unguicella                             21           
Roe DeerCapreolus capreolus                              1           
Dotted RusticRhyacia simulans               1                          
Whooper SwanCygnus cygnus                            1             
Mountain ArgusAricia artaxerxes        1          2                      
Six-spot BurnetZygaena filipendulae        1           1     1              2
July HighflyerHydriomena furcata       1   1   3           1161417221821   22129
White Satin MothLeucoma salicis                              1  1        
Sallow ButtonAcleris hastiana                                    2     
Sallow MarbleApotomis capreana                                 1     2 1
Swallow ProminentPheosia tremula  1         1               122 241    21 
Early Flat-bodySemioscopis avellanella                             22        2  
Dawn Flat-bodySemioscopis steinkellneriana                             11  1      2 
Bohemian WaxwingBombycilla garrulus                            1             
Pebble ProminentNotodonta ziczac             1               11  1        
Red-breasted MerganserMergus serrator                            5             
Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata       1             2       1  12        
BrimstoneGonepteryx rhamni  1               1         910221111 1  855
White-winged ScoterMelanitta fusca                            1             
Eurasian MagpiePica pica                            1             
Rock PipitAnthus petrosus                            2             
Mottled BeautyAlcis repandata  1      1 1  111    1    1 928  434   4 4
Large Ivy TortrixLozotaenia forsterana                                         1
SkogbåndmålerXanthorhoe annotinata                1                         
SkogengflyApamea illyria                              1 1      1  
Wood WhiteLeptidea sinapis         1   111 1         12    1        
Golden-rod BrindleXylena solidaginis                           11111          
Scarce Silver YSyngrapha interrogationis            1  2          1      5     413
Little GreyEudonia lacustrata                              31 16 1   7 2
Speckled WoodPararge aegeria        1        31       1               
Ingrailed ClayDiarsia mendica  1         41 32   1       11919111181   331733
Brassy TortrixEulia ministrana                             11     5   24
Brown RusticRusina ferruginea               1            863 32 2   11712
Barred StrawEulithis pyraliata                              1           
Dusky BrocadeApamea remissa            61      1       612  1012   1139
Scorched WingPlagodis dolabraria                              1 1         
Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-mothHemaris tityus                            11   1        
Hook-streaked Grass-VeneerCrambus lathoniellus        2  21  1              1 3      11 
Silky WainscotChilodes maritima               1                          
Horse ChestnutPachycnemia hippocastanaria                              1           
SmellefjellflyLasionycta proxima                                       1  
Chimney SweeperOdezia atrata       11                                 
NuthatchSitta europaea                            2             
Spinkelt taigaflyXestia laetabilis                    1                     
Feathered ThornColotois pennaria      2        1            73   6       2
SpireaprydviklerCelypha siderana                                 1     2 7
Variegated Golden TortrixArchips xylosteana                              4  1        
Flax TortrixCnephasia asseclana                             15           
Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus                            1             
Ghost MothHepialus humuli              41            1          1 1
Small WainscotDenticucullus pygmina      1        1            3862114 1   261020
Harbour sealPhoca vitulina                            11            
Black-dotted GroundlingStenolechia gemmella                               1          
The MagpieAbraxas grossulariata     1                       1            
Long-tailed TitAegithalos caudatus                            1             
Swallow-tailed MothOurapteryx sambucaria                             12  21       
MallardAnas platyrhynchos                            2             
Mottled UmberErannis defoliaria  1    3       1            71   1     1  
Large Fruit-tree TortrixArchips podana                               2       1  
Puss MothCerura vinula                  1             1         
Stor humleflueBombylius major                           2 1            
Large WhitePieris brassicae       1          1 1        1  12  1  316
Nursery web spiderPisaura mirabilis                           1              
Treble-barAplocera plagiata               1            1          1  
Stor ryggsvømmerNotonecta glauca                           2              
Festooned RollerAncylis geminana           1                        2  127
Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila elpenor               1    1        11 25        
Stor vannkalvDytiscus marginalis                           2              
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carbo                            5             
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha  11   1 1 12 111           4523 261    2156
Black RusticAporophyla nigra       1                    1             
Saltmarsh Grass-veneerPediasia aridella               1                          
Mottled PugEupithecia exiguata                             21           
Hook-tipped RollerAncylis apicella                                         2
Burnished BrassDiachrysia chrysitis                    1        164 623   521
StålormAnguis fragilis                           1              
Cyclamen TortrixClepsis spectrana                              3           
Double LobedLateroligia ophiogramma                             25  101    966
Oblique CarpetOrthonama vittata                               1       1 3
Marsh Grass-veneerCrambus uliginosellus                          1            1  
SwallowtailPapilio machaon      1                     1             
Small TwitcherProchoreutis myllerana                            1             
Svart fjellmottMetaxmeste schrankiana            2  1            1             
Haworth's MinorCelaena haworthii       1                    2 1  8     476
Svart åtselgraverNicrophorus humator                             2            
Black ScoterMelanitta nigra                            1             
Small Birch BellEpinotia ramella                             12  12     7415
Green CarpetColostygia pectinataria         1     1            8 2  9 5   755
Broad-bordered White UnderwingAnarta melanopa                             1            
Red Sword-grassXylena vetusta    1                        1         1  
Coal TitPeriparus ater                            1             
Black AlderAlnus glutinosa                              1           
Flame CarpetXanthorhoe designata            1        1    1 6128248122  352429
Common BlackbirdTurdus merula                            1             
Little ConchCochylis dubitana                            1             
Brindled PlumeAmblyptilia punctidactyla      1                                   
SvovelfjærmøllHellinsia osteodactylus                                       1  
Knot GrassAcronicta rumicis  1                       1 2          1  
Lilac LeafminerGracillaria syringella                             2            
Amanda's BluePolyommatus amandus      111                                 
Small Dotted BuffPhotedes minima            1               1111 5 21  9818
Scarce FootmanEilema complana                              4   1       
Yellow Satin VeneerCrambus perlella       111 21       1        416 211 2   5159
Olive MarblePhiaris micana                            1          2  
Camberwell BeautyNymphalis antiopa                  21   1                  
Wall BrownLasiommata megera             1                            
Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosa               2          1     13 1   1  
Wainscot VeneerChilo phragmitella                                 1        
Scarce Grass-veneerCrambus pratella                          1   1           
Purple CloudActinotia polyodon                            2 1 11        
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata    1       11       1      334211 24  6411
Scarce BrindleApamea lateritia               1             57  111    4  
The ClayMythimna ferrago                              1  221      
Black GuillemotCepphus grylle                            1             
Large GroundlingTeleiopsis diffinis                              1           
Brindled OchreDasypolia templi      1 1                                 
European (Essex) SkipperThymelicus lineola                                 1        
 Tinagma perdicella                            1             
Common BluePolyommatus icarus  11    1                    11        1 1
Dingy SkipperErynnis tages             2     1       12             
Lesser PearlSitochroa verticalis        3                               1 
Hoary BellEucosma cana                              1        4414
Thistle ConchAethes cnicana                   1             1     4 2
Painted LadyVanessa cardui 1              1         12 2   2        
Pearl Grass-veneerCatoptria pinella                              5           
LinnetCarduelis cannabina                             1            
Thore's FritillaryBoloria thore            1 11                          
Toadflax BrocadeCalophasia lunula             1                   1        
Manchester Treble-barCarsia sororiata                               1       113
Treflekket nebbmottCatoptria permutatellus                    1        213  3       1
Eurasian TreecreeperCerthia familiaris                            2             
Double Square-spotXestia triangulum               2            11153 151   5613
Common QuakerOrthosia cerasi            4  2             165 761234 364
Brown PlumeStenoptilia pterodactyla                            1 1           
Golden PlusiaPolychrysia moneta            1                             
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus                            1             
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella                             824 1  1  4214
Lesser Yellow UnderwingNoctua comes       1   1   1            254  82    235
The ChestnutConistra vaccinii      1      1 1            8142128     644
Clouded DrabOrthosia incerta            2  1           1 123128414  85 
Valerian PugEupithecia valerianata               11                         
Common RollerAncylis badiana                          1  2      2  427
Convolvulus Hawk-mothAgrius convolvuli                             1            
Common PugEupithecia vulgata               1             2         2 5
Riband WaveIdaea aversata           1                7291 671   31 
Dark Marbled CarpetDysstroma citrata             1      1       67182 11     322
March MothAlsophila aescularia   1     1                 2 52 132 1  21 
Early GreyXylocampa areola                           1 41  1     1  
Small EngrailedEctropis crepuscularia               2 1           2113 11   215
Holly BlueCelastrina argiolus      1       1    1       123 111       1
Garden CarpetXanthorhoe fluctuata       2                               1 1
Least Black ArchesNola confusalis                                2         
Dotted BorderAgriopis marginaria   1        11 1             8612 3111 11 
Yellow HornedAchlya flavicornis   1   1             1       11  23 1  1  
Water CarpetLampropteryx suffumata                             51 1      31 
Rannoch SprawlerBrachionycha nubeculosa   1                          2  2     14 
Winter ShadeTortricodes alternella                                 1        
 Yponomeuta padella/malinellus/cagnagella                                  1       
White-shouldered SmudgeYpsolopha parenthesella                            7752       115
Variable SmudgeYpsolopha ustella                              4  3       1
Common EiderSomateria mollissima                            4             
Purple BarCosmorhoe ocellata           1   1            52 21 11   2 4
Rustic Shoulder-knotApamea sordens             1              1          1  
Heart and DartAgrotis exclamationis        1   1                1531111      
Garden Grass-veneerChrysoteuchia culmella         1 111 1          1 41111114 12  13612
 Acleris sp.                            321           
 Aethes sp.                               1          
 Agonopterix sp.                             12        11 
 Alopecosa sp.                           11             
 Anasimyia sp.                           1              
 Ancylis sp.                                         1
 Aphelia sp.                                 1        
 Apotomis sp.                                         1
 Argyresthia sp.                            2 1           
 Bactra sp.                                 2        
 Bibio sp.                             1            
BjørkemålereEpirrita sp.        1      2            1576  12        
 Boloria sp.              1                           
 Bryotropha sp.                          1            113
 Caloptilia sp.                            1 1         1 
 Caryocolum sp.                              1           
 Cedestis sp.                                         1
 Clepsis sp.                                         2
 Cnephasia sp.                              2  3        
 Coleophora sp.                                 1     4 2
 Corixa sp.                           1              
 Crambus sp.                           1 1            
 Depressaria sp.                          1  1   1      12
 Dioryctria sp.                                        1 
DvergmålereEupithecia sp.                          1 1945215 2     2
 Ectoedemia sp.                                1         
 Eilema sp.                              1  1        
 Elachista sp.                                 1       15
 Empis sp.                            1             
 Epinotia sp.                              1  1        
 Eriocrania sp.                            122 3         
 Eudonia sp.                                 1        
 Glyphipterix sp.                         1   1           1
GrasengflyMesapamea sp.       1 1  31            1 2 42 1631   8125
 Hellinsia sp.                                        1 
 Hemaris sp.                            1             
HumleblomsterfluerVolucella sp.                           1              
 Hybomitra sp.                           1              
JordløpereCarabus sp.                            1             
 Lampronia sp.                                1         
 Leptura sp.                           1              
 Mesoligia sp.                              1           
 Mompha sp.                                        11
 Oligia sp.                             1   111      
 Operophtera sp.                             1            
 Orthosia sp.                                3         
 Pammene sp.                          1               
 Pandemis sp.                             11  122      
 Panorpa sp.                            2             
 Perizoma sp.                            22    1       
 Phiaris sp.                            1             
 Pipiza sp.                            1             
 Platycheirus sp.                           1              
 Plusia sp.                             1            
 Scoparia sp.                                   2      
 Sericomyia sp.                           1              
StengelflyAmphipoea sp.       1                    3211 141    361
 Stigmella sp.                             1  2         
 Sympistis sp.                                 1        
 Syrphus sp.                            1             
 Udea sp.                                        1 
UrteblomsterfluerCheilosia sp.                           11             
 Xanthorhoe sp.                          1               
 Yponomeuta sp.              1             22            
 Zeiraphera sp.                                        2 
 Crambinae indet.                          1 18             
 Depressariinae indet.                                1         
GjødselbillerAphodiinae indet.                             1            
GullbasserCetoniinae indet.                            1             
OldenborrerMelolonthinae indet.                            1 1           
RingvingerSatyrinae indet.                            1             
 Scopariinae indet.                    1       1826        527
BladbillerChrysomelidae indet.                           12             
Hover fliesSyrphidae indet.                           3              
BløtbukkerOedemeridae indet.                            1             
BreitegerPentatomidae indet.                            11            
BåndfluerTephritidae indet.                            1             
Twirler mothsGelechiidae indet.                            12   2       5
Pigmy mothsNepticulidae indet.                         1  1             
Plume mothsPterophoridae indet.                            3            1
FlatmøllDepressariidae indet.                            61         1  
FlekkfluerOtitidae indet.                           1              
FlekkmøllIncurvariidae indet.                            1             
GlansmyggPtychopteridae indet.                           1              
GressmøllElachistidae indet.                            212  2  1  1 2
Snout mothsPyralidae indet.                              1  2        
HumlefluerBombyliidae indet.                            1             
HårmyggBibionidae indet.                           11             
KorsblomstmøllPlutellidae indet.                            4             
LøpebillerCarabidae indet.                           2              
MarihønerCoccinellidae indet.                            1             
Owlet mothsNoctuidae indet.             1              1          1 1
OljebillerMeloidae indet.                            1             
OrkidéfamilienOrchidaceae indet.                           1              
Daddy long-legs spidersPholcidae indet.                             1            
Bagworm MothsPsychidae indet.                            1             
SmellereElateridae indet.                           11             
SneglefluerSciomyzidae indet.                           11             
Snipe FliesRhagionidae indet.                           1              
SoppsnutebillerAnthribidae indet.                           11             
StankelbeinTipulidae indet.                           2  1           
Wolf spidersLycosidae indet.                            1             
Tortrix mothsTortricidae indet.                          1 28  2 6  1  2  
ÅtselbillerSilphidae indet.                             2            
TorngresshopperTetragoidea indet.                           1 1            
TegerHeteroptera indet.                           1              
Moths and butterfliesLepidoptera indet.                                         2