Christer Kamsvåg

SpeciesScientific name2015201620172018
Red AdmiralVanessa atalanta211 
Angelica Flat-bodyAgonopterix angelicella  1 
 Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana55 2
Common Flat-bodyAgonopterix heracliana  2 
Dark-fringed Flat-bodyAgonopterix nervosa 94 
Red-letter Flat-bodyAgonopterix ocellana36  
Downland ArgentArgyresthia abdominalis  1 
Gold-ribbon ArgentArgyresthia brockeella1 3 
Juniper ArgentArgyresthia dilectella  4 
Juniper PugEupithecia pusillata81713 
Variable BellEpinotia solandriana 5  
Barred ChestnutDiarsia dahlii133 
Ground-moss GreyEudonia truncicolella2   
Cousin GermanProtolampra sobrina1 3 
Barred RedHylaea fasciaria201115 
Larch TortrixZeiraphera griseana2   
Poplar CosmetBatrachedra praeangusta  1 
Grass-veneerCrambus pascuella13  
Scarce TissueRheumaptera cervinalis 2 1
BramblingFringilla montifringilla   2
Birch MochaCyclophora albipunctata  1 
Birch MarbleApotomis betuletana2   
Lesser Swallow ProminentPheosia gnoma1 1 
Early Tooth-stripedTrichopteryx carpinata9533
Pale Straw PearlUdea lutealis21112 
Early ThornSelenia dentaria35 4
Pearl VeneerAgriphila straminella1311  
Blek ringmålerYezognophos vittaria 14 
BlåbærbladmålerJodis putata8  3
Bilberry PugPasiphila debiliata  1 
BlåbærflatviklerAcleris maccana  1 
Glaucous ShearsPapestra biren11  
Northern SpinachEulithis populata71624 
BlåbærsigdviklerAncylis myrtillana 418
Smoky WaveScopula ternata1 4 
Blue TitCyanistes caeruleus   2
ChaffinchFringilla coelebs   1
Barred UmberPlagodis pulveraria1533
Map-winged SwiftKorscheltellus fusconebulosa122418 
Beautiful BrocadeLacanobia contigua  1 
Rannoch LooperMacaria brunneata121 
Wormwood PugEupithecia absinthiata113 
Chestnut-coloured CarpetThera cognata335 
Winter MothOperophtera brumata1   
Scarce ProminentOdontosia carmelita 1  
Lesser RedpollAcanthis cabaret   1
Rosy RusticHydraecia micacea11313 
The CrescentHelotropha leucostigma  1 
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica26201016
Common Marbled CarpetDysstroma truncata6410 
Bordered PugEupithecia succenturiata11  
Dusky PearlUdea prunalis8812 
Dark-triangle ButtonAcleris laterana 159 
Pale-shouldered BrocadeLacanobia thalassina4923
Scallop ShellRheumaptera undulata111 
The SatelliteEupsilia transversa26 1
The BrickAgrochola circellaris  1 
Scalloped OakCrocallis elinguaria10114 
Grey TortrixCnephasia stephensiana1   
 Caloptilia betulicola/elongella 21 
White-triangle SlenderCaloptilia stigmatella12 2
Black-speckled GroundlingCarpatolechia proximella 1  
Grey ChiAntitype chi 31 
Grey-streaked SmudgePlutella porrectella 12 
 Denisia stipella 1  
Eurasian BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhula   1
Iron ProminentNotodonta dromedarius1   
Small RivuletPerizoma alchemillata235 
Oak EggarLasiocampa quercus  1 
Edinburgh PugEupithecia intricata 2  
 Elachista adscitella236 
White-headed DwarfElachista albifrontella   2
Pearl DwarfElachista apicipunctella  1 
Little DwarfElachista canapennella1   
 Elachista humilis  1 
Large GreyScoparia subfusca2   
Thyme MarbleCelypha cespitana  1 
Fen Square-spotDiarsia florida  2 
 Epinotia cinereana/nisella  2 
Green PugPasiphila rectangulata111 
 Eriocrania semipurpurella/sangii 11 
Pea MothCydia nigricana   1
Lesser Broad-bordered YellowNoctua janthe 11 
Red CarpetXanthorhoe decoloraria13  
The CampionSideridis rivularis222 
The StreamerAnticlea derivata32  
Red ChestnutCerastis rubricosa18867
Beautiful Golden YAutographa pulchrina9910 
Pink-barred SallowXanthia togata 79 
Autumnal MothEpirrita autumnata 63 
Pine CarpetPennithera firmata471 
Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos major   1
Brown China-markElophila nymphaeata  1 
CameoCrypsedra gemmea 1  
Peach-BlossomThyatira batis  1 
FlekkskogmålerDysstroma latefasciata4511 
The HeraldScoliopteryx libatrix 11 
Fruitlet Mining TortrixPammene rhediella1 1 
Brown House MothHofmannophila pseudospretella361 
GoldcrestRegulus regulus   1
Grey Pine CarpetThera obeliscata81714 
Tawny-barred AngleMacaria liturata2 3 
Ochreous PugEupithecia indigata21  
Pine Beauty MothPanolis flammea11224
Brown Pine Knot-hornDioryctria simplicella 71 
Bordered WhiteBupalus piniaria931 
Silver YAutographa gamma772 
Broken-barred CarpetElectrophaes corylata  1 
Dwarf PugEupithecia tantillaria  1 
Dark Pine Knot-hornDioryctria abietella7 1 
Barred CarpetMartania taeniata867 
Willow TitPoecile montanus   1
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis292935 
Yellow-barred BrindleAcasis viretata5  1
European GreenfinchChloris chloris   2
Green ArchesAnaplectoides prasina3 1 
Grey Mountain CarpetEntephria caesiata1722 
Dark-barred TortrixSyndemis musculana2 11
Juniper CarpetThera juniperata  4 
Marbled Orchard TortrixHedya nubiferana125 
Grå skogmålerDysstroma infuscata  2 
Grå svevefjærmøllHellinsia didactylites 1  
Grå-/konkavflatviklerAcleris effractana/emargana1 2 
Mealy RedpollAcanthis flammea   2
House SparrowPasser domesticus   1
Autumnal RusticEugnorisma glareosa365 
The SpectacleAbrostola tripartita1   
Mouse MothAmphipyra tragopoginis 1  
Grått taigaflyXestia speciosa1   
Gul båndviklerParamesia gnomana327 
Barred Grass-veneerAgriphila inquinatella11313 
Common WaveCabera exanthemata1026196
Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa156 
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata857 
YellowhammerEmberiza citrinella   1
The PhoenixEulithis prunata51415 
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba223638 
Yellow-faced BellNotocelia cynosbatella615102
Common WainscotMythimna pallens  1 
Nut-tree TussockColocasia coryli  2 
Triangle PlumePlatyptilia gonodactyla366 
Colt’s-foot BellEpiblema sticticana1   
Currant PugEupithecia assimilata4 11
Silver-ground CarpetXanthorhoe montanata131617 
Common White WaveCabera pusaria613113
White-shouldered MarbleApotomis turbidana  2 
White-faced TortrixPandemis cinnamomeana3 3 
Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta514131
Twin-spot CarpetMesotype didymata452 
Square-spot CrestHypatima rhomboidella 12 
Small CopperLycaena phlaeas2   
Pale Feathered BrightIncurvaria pectinea  1 
Strawberry BrightIncurvaria praelatella 1  
Green-brindled CrescentAllophyes oxyacanthae 44 
Jordbær-/buskflatviklerAcleris comariana/laterana  2 
Strawberry TortrixAcleris comariana 7  
Common GreyScoparia ambigualis91591
Coxcomb ProminentPtilodon capucina2 3 
Dotted ClayXestia baja161613 
Many-plumed MothAlucita hexadactyla184 5
Tawny OwlStrix aluco   1
Clouded-bordered BrindleApamea crenata854 
Cherry Fruit MothArgyresthia pruniella 32 
Large EmeraldGeometra papilionaria439 
Great TitParus major   1
Chequered Grass-veneerCatoptria falsella442 
Large Wall BrownLasiommata maera 11 
White-shouldered House MothEndrosis sarcitrella652 
Red-clover Case-bearerColeophora deauratella  11
Double-striped PugGymnoscelis rufifasciata11 1
KobberflyChersotis cuprea1 3 
Silver-barred BellEpinotia fraternana2   
The ChevronEulithis testata41314 
Double DartGraphiphora augur7512 
Hooded CrowCorvus cornix   1
Gold SpotPlusia festucae212 
Bramble False-featherSchreckensteinia festaliella   1
Honeysuckle MothYpsolopha dentella245 
LinjelundmålerMesotype parallelolineata198 
Small Angle ShadesEuplexia lucipara1142
Neglected RusticXestia castanea  3 
Common HeathEmaturga atomaria2111
LyngprydviklerPhiaris schulziana11  
Autumn Green CarpetChloroclysta miata4722
Barred Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis cerasana1   
Light EmeraldCampaea margaritaria1025 
MarimjelleengmottAnania fuscalis2422
Garden Rose TortrixAcleris variegana 76 
Pale Brindled BeautyPhigalia pilosaria2812
Yellow-barred GoldMicropterix aureatella   1
Tutts Burnished BrassDiachrysia stenochrysis311 
Clouded CosmetMompha langiella1333
Little CosmetMompha raschkiella 1 1
BlackcapSylvia atricapilla   1
Red-green CarpetChloroclysta siterata21292
The ConfusedApamea furva1   
The LychnisHadena bicruris191 
Great BrocadeEurois occulta613 
Emperor MothSaturnia pavonia 121
Pale ProminentPterostoma palpina   1
The RivuletPerizoma affinitata   1
Sandy Long-hornNematopogon schwarziellus  2 
Large Long-hornNematopogon swammerdamella 1  
SnoutHypena proboscidalis71017 
Small TortoiseshellAglais urticae 223
Deep-brown PiercerGrapholita tenebrosana1   
Common Grass-veneerAgriphila tristella 26 
Common MarbleCelypha lacunana459 
Woodland MarbleOrthotaenia undulana1   
Golden ArgentArgyresthia goedartella  4 
Poplar GreyAcronicta megacephala  1 
White Cloaked ShootGypsonoma sociana 1  
Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi 421
Red PiercerLathronympha strigana 1  
Pearl-band Grass VeneerCatoptria margaritella2 5 
Light StreakPleurota bicostella 21 
Arctic RedpollAcanthis hornemanni   1
Purple ThornSelenia tetralunaria   1
PraktskyggeviklerEana penziana215 
PrikkfjærmøllHellinsia tephradactyla 1  
The SaxonHyppa rectilinea 22 
Grey Poplar BellEpinotia nisella  1 
Clouded BorderLomaspilis marginata6583
Green-veined WhitePieris napi7523
Tawny Marbled MinorOligia latruncula4 5 
Foxglove PugEupithecia pulchellata 1  
 Rhigognostis annulatella 11 
 Rhigognostis schmaltzella11 1
 Rhigognostis senilella 11 
The V-MothMacaria wauaria161320 
Currant-shoot BorerLampronia capitella2   
Apple Fruit MothArgyresthia conjugella9 11
Welsh WaveVenusia cambrica849 
Minor Shoulder-knotBrachylomia viminalis346 
Blue-bordered CarpetPlemyria rubiginata122 
Ruddy HighflyerHydriomena ruberata3445
Dark Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis heparana411 
Plain Golden YAutographa jota114 
Purple ClayDiarsia brunnea339 
Fulvous Clothes MothTinea semifulvella  2 
Twin-spot PlumeStenoptilia bipunctidactyla3 1 
RobinErithacus rubecula   1
Broom MothCeramica pisi 121
Flounced ChestnutAgrochola helvola 92 
RedwingTurdus iliacus   1
True Lover's KnotLycophotia porphyrea162017 
Broken-barred RollerAncylis unguicella 112
Six-spot BurnetZygaena filipendulae  1 
July HighflyerHydriomena furcata91613 
Sallow ButtonAcleris hastiana 333
Swallow ProminentPheosia tremula 12 
Early Flat-bodySemioscopis avellanella2 24
Dawn Flat-bodySemioscopis steinkellneriana95 3
Yellow-ringed CarpetEntephria flavicinctata1 2 
Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata57105
Eurasian MagpiePica pica   1
Mottled BeautyAlcis repandata241920 
Large Ivy TortrixLozotaenia forsterana6410 
Wood WhiteLeptidea sinapis1   
Golden-rod BrindleXylena solidaginis 71 
Scarce Silver YSyngrapha interrogationis1593 
Little GreyEudonia lacustrata  3 
Speckled WoodPararge aegeria6124
Ingrailed ClayDiarsia mendica16258 
Brassy TortrixEulia ministrana1  2
Dusky BrocadeApamea remissa111 
Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-mothHemaris tityus1   
Hook-streaked Grass-VeneerCrambus lathoniellus2382
NuthatchSitta europaea   1
Feathered ThornColotois pennaria 13 
Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus   1
Ghost MothHepialus humuli357 
Mottled UmberErannis defoliaria1 1 
Puss MothCerura vinula 1  
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha1788 
Black RusticAporophyla nigra 24 
Common Spruce BellEpinotia tedella21  
Burnished BrassDiachrysia chrysitis133 
Haworth's MinorCelaena haworthii135 
Holly TortrixRhopobota naevana 27 
Small Birch BellEpinotia ramella397 
Green CarpetColostygia pectinataria1   
Svarthvit reirmøllMonopis spilotella  1 
Red Sword-grassXylena vetusta   1
Coal TitPeriparus ater   1
Flame CarpetXanthorhoe designata13553
Common BlackbirdTurdus merula   1
Birch ErmelSwammerdamia caesiella 11 
 Swammerdamia compunctella   1
Lilac LeafminerGracillaria syringella 12 
Small Dotted BuffPhotedes minima71313 
Yellow Satin VeneerCrambus perlella1 4 
Camberwell BeautyNymphalis antiopa 1  
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata91599
Scarce BrindleApamea lateritia722 
Hoary BellEucosma cana 83 
Thistle ConchAethes cnicana 11 
Pearl Grass-veneerCatoptria pinella  1 
Manchester Treble-barCarsia sororiata1 1 
Eurasian TreecreeperCerthia familiaris   1
Double Square-spotXestia triangulum3   
Six-striped RusticXestia sexstrigata217 
Common QuakerOrthosia cerasi131459
Eurasian Collared DoveStreptopelia decaocto   1
TyttebærhakeviklerRhopobota ustomaculana  1 
TyttebærprydviklerStictea mygindiana1  2
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella149123
Lesser Yellow UnderwingNoctua comes151925 
The ChestnutConistra vaccinii1517911
Clouded DrabOrthosia incerta1110710
Cork MothNemapogon cloacella131 
Common RollerAncylis badiana 352
Common PugEupithecia vulgata1112
Riband WaveIdaea aversata5910 
Dark Marbled CarpetDysstroma citrata2109 
Small EngrailedEctropis crepuscularia43 2
Holly BlueCelastrina argiolus 1 1
Garden CarpetXanthorhoe fluctuata875 
Dotted BorderAgriopis marginaria7849
Yellow HornedAchlya flavicornis6231
White-shouldered SmudgeYpsolopha parenthesella 1  
White Sallow BellEpinotia subocellana11  
Garden Grass-veneerChrysoteuchia culmella1821
 Coleophora sp.  1 
GrasengflyMesapamea sp.268 
 Nematopogon sp.   2
 Parornix sp.  1 
StengelflyAmphipoea sp.285