Marte Falkenberg

SpeciesScientific name20082009201020112012201420152020
Red AdmiralVanessa atalanta112     
Brindled Flat-bodyAgonopterix arenella 2      
Gold-ribbon ArgentArgyresthia brockeella 2      
The CoronetCraniophora ligustri 1      
Yellow-spot TortrixPseudargyrotoza conwagana 1      
Orange TipAnthocharis cardamines   1    
Ground-moss GreyEudonia truncicolella 41     
Cousin GermanProtolampra sobrina 2      
Barred RedHylaea fasciaria  1     
Scarce TissueRheumaptera cervinalis 3 1    
Peppered MothBiston betularia 21     
Lesser Swallow ProminentPheosia gnoma 43     
Early Tooth-stripedTrichopteryx carpinata 2      
Orange UnderwingArchiearis parthenias 1     1
Pearl VeneerAgriphila straminella 21     
BlåbærblomstmålerPasiphila debiliata 1      
Northern SpinachEulithis populata 32     
Small Square-spotDiarsia rubi 1      
Rannoch LooperMacaria brunneata  1     
Chestnut-coloured CarpetThera cognata 2      
Winter MothOperophtera brumata1       
Pale PinionLithophane socia 1      
Dog's ToothLacanobia suasa  1     
Cinereous GroundlingBryotropha terrella  1     
Marbled MinorOligia strigilis 22     
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica 4      
Common Marbled CarpetDysstroma truncata  2     
Dusky PearlUdea prunalis 21     
Pale-shouldered BrocadeLacanobia thalassina 21     
The SatelliteEupsilia transversa 1      
Scalloped OakCrocallis elinguaria 32     
Ringed CarpetCleora cinctaria 4      
Iron ProminentNotodonta dromedarius 31     
Marsh Oblique-barredHypenodes humidalis 1      
Satyr PugEupithecia satyrata 1      
Green PugPasiphila rectangulata 11     
Lesser Broad-bordered YellowNoctua janthe 42     
Red ChestnutCerastis rubricosa 3      
Beautiful Golden YAutographa pulchrina 22     
Pink-barred SallowXanthia togata1       
FlekkmålerArichanna melanaria 11     
FlekkskogmålerDysstroma latefasciata  1     
Arran BrownErebia ligea1 11    
Brown House MothHofmannophila pseudospretella 1      
Tawny-barred AngleMacaria liturata 1      
Pine Beauty MothPanolis flammea 3      
Bordered WhiteBupalus piniaria  1     
Pine Hawk-mothSphinx pinastri  1     
Silver YAutographa gamma  3     
Dark Pine Knot-hornDioryctria abietella  1     
Barred CarpetMartania taeniata 32     
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis 52     
Green HairstreakCallophrys rubi      1 
Marbled Orchard TortrixHedya nubiferana 11     
The Fan-footHerminia tarsipennalis 41     
The SpectacleAbrostola tripartita  1     
Gul båndviklerParamesia gnomana 1      
Scarce UmberAgriopis aurantiaria1       
Barred Grass-veneerAgriphila inquinatella  1     
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata 12     
RingletAphantopus hyperantus1       
The PhoenixEulithis prunata 1      
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba 31     
Bright-line Brown-eyeLacanobia oleracea 1      
Common WainscotMythimna pallens  2     
Common White WaveCabera pusaria  1     
The MillerAcronicta leporina  1     
Twin-spot CarpetMesotype didymata  1     
Small CopperLycaena phlaeas2       
Common GreyScoparia ambigualis 1      
Coxcomb ProminentPtilodon capucina 1      
Dotted ClayXestia baja 32     
Many-plumed MothAlucita hexadactyla 1      
Clouded-bordered BrindleApamea crenata  1     
Large EmeraldGeometra papilionaria 11     
Large Wall BrownLasiommata maera  1     
Double-striped PugGymnoscelis rufifasciata 4      
Gold SpotPlusia festucae 1      
Barred Tooth-stripedTrichopteryx polycommata 1      
Small Angle ShadesEuplexia lucipara 1      
Common HeathEmaturga atomaria     1  
Heather Knot-hornPempelia palumbella 1      
Autumn Green CarpetChloroclysta miata 3      
The UncertainHoplodrina octogenaria 1      
Barred Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis cerasana  1     
Light EmeraldCampaea margaritaria 22     
Yellow-barred GoldMicropterix aureatella  1     
Rosy Marsh MothCoenophila subrosea  2     
Great BrocadeEurois occulta  1     
Pale ProminentPterostoma palpina 1      
SnoutHypena proboscidalis 1      
Small TortoiseshellAglais urticae 41     
Common Grass-veneerAgriphila tristella 31     
Common MarbleCelypha lacunana 31     
Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi 1      
The SeraphimLobophora halterata 1      
Orange-spotted ShootRhyacionia pinicolana  2     
Common LutestringOchropacha duplaris 1      
Small Fan-footed WaveIdaea biselata 4      
Clouded BorderLomaspilis marginata  1     
Green-veined WhitePieris napi113  1  
Tawny Marbled MinorOligia latruncula 1      
Foxglove PugEupithecia pulchellata 2      
Wood PigeonColumba palumbus 1      
The V-MothMacaria wauaria  1     
Welsh WaveVenusia cambrica 11     
Blue-bordered CarpetPlemyria rubiginata 1      
Plain Golden YAutographa jota  1     
Røddusket engflyApamea rubrirena  1     
Chocolate-tipClostera curtula 1      
Purple ClayDiarsia brunnea 32     
Broom MothCeramica pisi 3      
True Lover's KnotLycophotia porphyrea 41     
July HighflyerHydriomena furcata 32     
Swallow ProminentPheosia tremula  2     
Dawn Flat-bodySemioscopis steinkellneriana 2      
BrimstoneGonepteryx rhamni133 1 1 
Mottled BeautyAlcis repandata 32     
Little GreyEudonia lacustrata 12     
Ingrailed ClayDiarsia mendica 11     
Brown RusticRusina ferruginea 1      
Dusky BrocadeApamea remissa 2      
Feathered ThornColotois pennaria21      
Mottled UmberErannis defoliaria1       
Large WhitePieris brassicae  1     
Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila elpenor 1      
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha 32     
Burnished BrassDiachrysia chrysitis  2     
Double LobedLateroligia ophiogramma  1     
Holly TortrixRhopobota naevana 1      
Small Birch BellEpinotia ramella  1     
Green CarpetColostygia pectinataria 3      
Red Sword-grassXylena vetusta 1      
Flame CarpetXanthorhoe designata 5      
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata 11     
Scarce BrindleApamea lateritia  1     
Large GroundlingTeleiopsis diffinis 1      
Common BluePolyommatus icarus1       
Hoary BellEucosma cana 21     
Pearl Grass-veneerCatoptria pinella  1     
Treflekket nebbmottCatoptria permutatellus  2     
Double Square-spotXestia triangulum  1     
Common QuakerOrthosia cerasi 3      
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella 21     
Lesser Yellow UnderwingNoctua comes 4      
The ChestnutConistra vaccinii12      
Clouded DrabOrthosia incerta 3      
Riband WaveIdaea aversata 12     
Early GreyXylocampa areola 3      
Holly BlueCelastrina argiolus11      
Garden CarpetXanthorhoe fluctuata 11     
Dotted BorderAgriopis marginaria  1     
Garden Grass-veneerChrysoteuchia culmella 2      
GrasengflyMesapamea sp. 2      
 Phiaris sp. 1      
StengelflyAmphipoea sp. 1