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Reporter:Victor Boullet
Observers:Victor Boullet
Site:Myra Bjørkeåsen ()
Aktivitet:Fugler og fuglekasser


Species:Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Antall egg:7
Antall uklekte egg:7
Antall døde unger:7
Flaggspett attack took two chicks 24 June
© Victor Boullet (04.07.2017)
Bird box repaired. Blue tit still feeding the chicks repaired right after the attack.24th June.
© Victor Boullet (04.07.2017)
The bird box came under an attack from a large ginger cat. It climbed up to the nest boxs and manage to get its front paw through the entrance and destroyed the nest. all the chicks died.
© Victor Boullet (04.07.2017)