Site: Ankolm, Levanger kommune

Fugler ved foringsplassen
hanne Holthe Munkeby
Ankolm, Levanger kommune (Trøndelag, Norway)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (33)
House Sparrow (27)
Black-billed Magpie (6)
Great Tit (4)
Blue Tit (3)
Common Blackbird (1)
Pictures of the site
hanne Holthe Munkeby
Ankolm, Levanger kommune (Trøndelag, Norway)
Spring phenology
hanne Holthe Munkeby
Ankolm, Levanger kommune (Trøndelag, Norway)
2007-01-07 Flowering colt's-foot
2007-04-15 Flowering wood anemone
2007-04-09 Pussy willows goat willow
2007-04-15 Adult bumble-bee