Site: Liset

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Liset (Vestland, Norway)
Lampronia rupella
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Liset (Vestland, Norway)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Sumpviklerne (Bactra lacteana/lancealana/robustana)
Manchester Treble-bar (Carsia sororiata)
Pearl-band Grass Veneer (Catoptria margaritella)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Dotted Shade (Eana osseana)
Purple-edged Copper (Lycaena hippothoe)
Rannoch Looper (Macaria brunneata)
Triangle Plume (Platyptilia gonodactyla)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Liset (Vestland, Norway)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Kobberfly (Chersotis cuprea)
Flax Tortrix (Cnephasia asseclana)
Ingrailed Clay (Diarsia mendica)
Grey Mountain Carpet (Entephria caesiata)
Double Dart (Graphiphora augur)
Iris Rover Moth (Hillia iris)
Cork Moth (Nemapogon cloacella)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Klokkeengmott (Udea nebulalis)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Liset (Vestland, Norway)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Minor Shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
Dark Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma citrata)
Common Marbled Carpet (Dysstroma truncata)
Bluebell Shade (Eana incanana)
Grey Mountain Carpet (Entephria caesiata)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Lyst klippefly (Epipsilia grisescens)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Juniper Pug (Eupithecia pusillata)
Great Brocade (Eurois occulta)
Double Dart (Graphiphora augur)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)
Small Rivulet (Perizoma alchemillata)
Chestnut-coloured Carpet (Thera cognata)
Pale Straw Pearl (Udea lutealis)
Red Carpet (Xanthorhoe decoloraria)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Liset (Vestland, Norway)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)