Site: Lista fyr

SpeciesScientific name19952007200820102011201320142015
Red AdmiralVanessa atalanta     212
Northern DrabOrthosia opima   11   
Rosy RusticHydraecia micacea     2  
The CrescentHelotropha leucostigma     2  
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica   11   
The SatelliteEupsilia transversa    1   
Setaceous Hebrew CharacterXestia c-nigrum  1     
Peacock ButterflyAglais io 1   2  
Mazarine BlueCyaniris semiargus      1 
Small HeathCoenonympha pamphilus      1 
Lesser Broad-bordered YellowNoctua janthe     2 1
Red ChestnutCerastis rubricosa   11   
Silver YAutographa gamma     21 
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis     2  
White-line DartEuxoa tritici     1  
Sandy CarpetPerizoma flavofasciata  1     
Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa     1  
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata      1 
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba     2  
Dingy Spruce BellEpinotia pygmaeana   1    
Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta     1  
Sand DartAgrotis ripae      1 
Small CopperLycaena phlaeas     211
Dotted ClayXestia baja     1  
The NutmegAnarta trifolii  1  1  
Dark Sword-grassAgrotis ipsilon  1     
Small QuakerOrthosia cruda   1    
Small WhitePieris rapae     11 
Pale Brindled BeautyPhigalia pilosaria    1   
Small TortoiseshellAglais urticae    11 2
Lead-coloured DrabOrthosia populeti    1   
Meadow BrownManiola jurtina     1 2
Green-veined WhitePieris napi     212
Flounced ChestnutAgrochola helvola  1     
July HighflyerHydriomena furcata     1  
Dusky BrocadeApamea remissa     1  
Chimney SweeperOdezia atrata      1 
Small WainscotDenticucullus pygmina  1  1  
Large WhitePieris brassicae     1 2
Common RusticMesapamea secalis     2  
SwallowtailPapilio machaon1  1    
Common BluePolyommatus icarus     1  
Painted LadyVanessa cardui     111
Common QuakerOrthosia cerasi    1   
Lesser Yellow UnderwingNoctua comes     2  
The ChestnutConistra vaccinii   11   
Clouded DrabOrthosia incerta    1   
Saltern EarAmphipoea fucosa     2  
March MothAlsophila aescularia    1   
Holly BlueCelastrina argiolus      1 
Dotted BorderAgriopis marginaria    1