Site: Neslandsvatn
Species | Scientific name | 2006 | 2007 |
White-letter Hairstreak | Satyrium w-album | 1 | |
Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus malvae | 1 | |
Buff Footman | Eilema depressa | 1 | |
Black Arches | Lymantria monacha | 1 | |
Scarce Tissue | Rheumaptera cervinalis | 1 | |
Early Tooth-striped | Trichopteryx carpinata | 1 | |
Early Thorn | Selenia dentaria | 1 | |
Fox Moth | Macrothylacia rubi | 1 | |
Scarce Dagger | Acronicta auricoma | 1 | |
Beautiful Brocade | Lacanobia contigua | 1 | |
Scarce Prominent | Odontosia carmelita | 1 | |
Pale Pinion | Lithophane socia | 1 | |
Dark Brocade | Mniotype adusta | 1 | |
Hebrew Character | Orthosia gothica | 1 | |
Hummingbird Hawk-moth | Macroglossum stellatarum | 1 | |
Flame | Axylia putris | 1 | |
Iron Prominent | Notodonta dromedarius | 1 | |
Spring Usher | Agriopis leucophaearia | 1 | |
Oak Beauty | Biston strataria | 1 | |
Plumed Prominent | Ptilophora plumigera | 1 | |
Dark-barred Twin-spot | Xanthorhoe ferrugata | 1 | |
Peach-Blossom | Thyatira batis | 1 | |
Scalloped Hook-tip | Falcaria lacertinaria | 1 | |
Pine Beauty Moth | Panolis flammea | 1 | |
Dwarf Pug | Eupithecia tantillaria | 1 | |
Peacock Moth | Macaria notata | 1 | |
Chequered Skipper | Carterocephalus palaemon | 1 | |
Dotted Chestnut | Conistra rubiginea | 1 | |
Common White Wave | Cabera pusaria | 1 | |
The Vapourer | Orgyia antiqua | 1 | |
Double-striped Pug | Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | 1 | |
Small Quaker | Orthosia cruda | 1 | |
Small Elephant Hawk-moth | Deilephila porcellus | 1 | |
Pale Brindled Beauty | Phigalia pilosaria | 1 | |
Emperor Moth | Saturnia pavonia | 1 | |
Pale Prominent | Pterostoma palpina | 1 | |
Small Magpie | Anania hortulata | 1 | |
Bordered Gothic | Sideridis reticulata | 1 | |
Bordered Pearl | Paratalanta pandalis | 1 | |
Buff-tip | Phalera bucephala | 1 | |
Brindled Beauty | Lycia hirtaria | 1 | |
Great Prominent | Peridea anceps | 1 | |
May Highflyer | Hydriomena impluviata | 1 | |
Alder Moth | Acronicta alni | 1 | |
Ospemåler | Epirranthis diversata | 1 | |
The Seraphim | Lobophora halterata | 1 | |
Dew Moth | Setina irrorella | 1 | |
Lead-coloured Drab | Orthosia populeti | 1 | |
Three-humped Prominent | Notodonta tritophus | 1 | |
Grey Birch | Aethalura punctulata | 1 | |
Maiden's Blush | Cyclophora punctaria | 1 | |
White Satin Moth | Leucoma salicis | 1 | |
Sallow Nycteoline | Nycteola degenerana | 1 | |
Pebble Prominent | Notodonta ziczac | 1 | |
Brimstone Moth | Opisthograptis luteolata | 1 | |
Brown Hairstreak | Thecla betulae | 1 | |
Puss Moth | Cerura vinula | 1 | |
Swallowtail | Papilio machaon | 1 | |
Purple Cloud | Actinotia polyodon | 1 | |
Scalloped Hazel | Odontopera bidentata | 1 | |
White-pinion Spotted | Lomographa bimaculata | 1 | |
Common Quaker | Orthosia cerasi | 1 | |
Clouded Drab | Orthosia incerta | 1 | |
March Moth | Alsophila aescularia | 1 | |
Small Engrailed | Ectropis crepuscularia | 1 | |
March Tubic | Diurnea fagella | 1 | |
Dotted Border | Agriopis marginaria | 1 | |
Yellow Horned | Achlya flavicornis | 2 | |
Rannoch Sprawler | Brachionycha nubeculosa | 1 | |
Kentish Glory | Endromis versicolora | 1 | |
Heart and Dart | Agrotis exclamationis | 1 |