Gulhodefly (Eugraphe sigma) | | 2017-12-31 | 2017-07-23 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Dusky Groundling (Aroga velocella) | | 2017-12-31 | 2017-07-23 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Brown Scallop (Philereme vetulata) | | 2017-12-31 | 2017-07-23 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Double-striped Tabby (Hypsopygia glaucinalis) | | 2017-12-31 | 2017-07-23 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Orange-spotted Shoot (Rhyacionia pinicolana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Apple Leaf Miner (Lyonetia clerkella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Cherry Fruit Moth (Argyresthia pruniella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Lichen Sober (Dichomeris alacella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Common Drill (Dichrorampha petiverella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Little Conch (Cochylis dubitana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Gold-fringed Drill (Dichrorampha vancouverana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 |  | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Dark Sword-grass (Agrotis ipsilon) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Beautiful Knot-horn (Pempelia formosa) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Juniper Groundling (Gelechia sabinellus) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 |  | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
The Shark (Cucullia umbratica) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Smørbukkskuddvikler (Lobesia bicinctana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Sveveprydvikler (Celypha rurestrana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Treflekket nebbmott (Catoptria permutatellus) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Large White (Pieris brassicae) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Kentish Conch (Cochylimorpha alternana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Bird's Wing (Dypterygia scabriuscula) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
The Lychnis (Hadena bicruris) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Webb's Wainscot (Globia sparganii) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 |  | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Toadflax Brocade (Calophasia lunula) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Royal Mantle (Catarhoe cuculata) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |
Brown House Moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella) | | 2015-10-11 | 2015-08-15 | | Mølen (Vestfold, Norway) |  |