Ash-coloured Sober | Acompsia cinerella | | | 2 |
High Brown Fritillary | Argynnis adippe | | 1 | |
Red Admiral | Vanessa atalanta | 1 | | |
Dark Green Fritillary | Argynnis aglaja | | 2 | 1 |
Angelica Flat-body | Agonopterix angelicella | | | 1 |
| Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana | 1 | | |
Brown Elm Bell | Epinotia abbreviana | | | 1 |
Blomer's Rivulet | Venusia blomeri | 1 | | 2 |
Horse-shoe Groundling | Altenia scriptella | | | 2 |
| Archinemapogon yildizae | | | 1 |
Ash Bud Moth | Prays fraxinella | | | 1 |
Orange Tip | Anthocharis cardamines | 2 | | |
Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus malvae | 2 | | |
Ground-moss Grey | Eudonia truncicolella | | | 1 |
Buff Footman | Eilema depressa | | | 1 |
Barred Red | Hylaea fasciaria | | | 1 |
Spruce Tortrix | Dichelia histrionana | | | 1 |
Satin Lutestring | Tetheella fluctuosa | | | 1 |
Little Emerald | Jodis lactearia | 1 | | |
Pearl Veneer | Agriphila straminella | | | 2 |
Cream Wave | Scopula floslactata | 1 | | |
Common Footman | Eilema lurideola | | | 2 |
Bilberry Pug | Pasiphila debiliata | | | 2 |
Beautiful Snout | Hypena crassalis | | | 1 |
Blåbærsigdvikler | Ancylis myrtillana | | | 1 |
Barred Umber | Plagodis pulveraria | 1 | | |
Map-winged Swift | Korscheltellus fusconebulosa | | | 2 |
Shaded Broad-bar | Scotopteryx chenopodiata | | | 2 |
Rannoch Looper | Macaria brunneata | | | 1 |
Large Twin-spot Carpet | Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata | | | 2 |
Chestnut-coloured Carpet | Thera cognata | | | 1 |
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary | Boloria selene | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Smoky Wainscot | Mythimna impura | | | 1 |
Mottled Rustic | Caradrina morpheus | | | 1 |
Plain Wave | Idaea straminata | | | 1 |
Silvery Arches | Polia hepatica | | | 1 |
Small Fan-foot | Herminia grisealis | | | 1 |
Common Marbled Carpet | Dysstroma truncata | 1 | | 2 |
Dusky Pearl | Udea prunalis | | | 1 |
Pale-shouldered Brocade | Lacanobia thalassina | 1 | | 1 |
Clouded Silver | Lomographa temerata | 1 | | |
Yellow-triangle Slender | Caloptilia alchimiella | 1 | | |
White-triangle Slender | Caloptilia stigmatella | | | 1 |
Grey-streaked Smudge | Plutella porrectella | 1 | | |
Round-winged Muslin | Thumatha senex | | | 1 |
Small Rivulet | Perizoma alchemillata | | | 2 |
Bitter-cress Smudge | Eidophasia messingiella | | | 2 |
Common Cloaked Shoot | Gypsonoma dealbana | | | 1 |
Diamond-back Marble | Eudemis profundana | | | 1 |
Common Fan-foot | Pechipogo strigilata | 1 | | 1 |
| Elachista adscitella | | | 2 |
Mazarine Blue | Cyaniris semiargus | 2 | 1 | |
Lesser Marbled Fritillary | Brenthis ino | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Thyme Marble | Celypha cespitana | | | 1 |
Large Skipper | Ochlodes sylvanus | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Green Pug | Pasiphila rectangulata | | | 2 |
Lilac Beauty | Apeira syringaria | | | 1 |
The Campion | Sideridis rivularis | 1 | | |
Square-spotted Clay | Xestia stigmatica | | | 1 |
Beautiful Golden Y | Autographa pulchrina | | | 2 |
Feathered Beauty | Peribatodes secundaria | | | 1 |
Pretty Pinion | Perizoma blandiata | | | 1 |
Spotted Beauty | Arichanna melanaria | | | 1 |
Arran Brown | Erebia ligea | | 1 | |
Grey Pine Carpet | Thera obeliscata | | | 1 |
Tawny-barred Angle | Macaria liturata | | | 1 |
White-banded Carpet | Spargania luctuata | 1 | | |
| Gelechiinae M. tenebrella/E. unicolorella | 1 | | |
| Glyphipterix bergstraesserella | 1 | | |
Cocksfoot Moth | Glyphipterix simpliciella | 1 | | |
Satin Beauty | Deileptenia ribeata | | | 2 |
Dwarf Pug | Eupithecia tantillaria | 1 | | |
Barred Carpet | Martania taeniata | | | 2 |
Antler Moth | Cerapteryx graminis | | | 2 |
Green Arches | Anaplectoides prasina | | | 1 |
Dark-barred Tortrix | Syndemis musculana | 1 | | |
Marbled Orchard Tortrix | Hedya nubiferana | 1 | | 2 |
Common Carpet | Epirrhoe alternata | | | 1 |
Large Dark Prominent | Notodonta torva | 1 | | |
Grå svevefjærmøll | Hellinsia didactylites | 1 | | 1 |
The Fan-foot | Herminia tarsipennalis | 1 | | |
Grey Arches | Polia nebulosa | | | 2 |
The Spectacle | Abrostola tripartita | 1 | | |
Peacock Moth | Macaria notata | | | 2 |
Common Wave | Cabera exanthemata | | | 2 |
Blood-vein | Timandra comae | | | 2 |
Ringlet | Aphantopus hyperantus | | 2 | 2 |
Gullrisengmott | Anania funebris | 1 | | |
Gulrandvikler | Spatalistis bifasciana | | | 1 |
Straw Dot | Rivula sericealis | | | 1 |
Yellow-faced Bell | Notocelia cynosbatella | 1 | | |
Nut-tree Tussock | Colocasia coryli | 1 | | |
Small White Wave | Asthena albulata | 1 | | 1 |
Black-brindled Bell | Epinotia signatana | | | 1 |
Small Grass Emerald | Chlorissa viridata | 1 | | |
Colt’s-foot Bell | Epiblema sticticana | | 1 | |
Currant Pug | Eupithecia assimilata | | | 1 |
Silver-ground Carpet | Xanthorhoe montanata | 2 | | 2 |
Common White Wave | Cabera pusaria | 2 | | 2 |
White-faced Tortrix | Pandemis cinnamomeana | | | 1 |
Least Bell | Gibberifera simplana | | | 1 |
Flame Shoulder | Ochropleura plecta | 1 | | 1 |
Twin-spot Carpet | Mesotype didymata | | | 1 |
Elder Pearl | Anania coronata | 1 | | 1 |
Idas blue | Plebejus idas | | | 1 |
Common Grey | Scoparia ambigualis | 1 | | |
Coxcomb Prominent | Ptilodon capucina | 1 | | 2 |
Silver-Washed Fritillary | Argynnis paphia | | 2 | |
Clouded-bordered Brindle | Apamea crenata | 1 | | 1 |
Cherry Fruit Moth | Argyresthia pruniella | | | 1 |
Large Emerald | Geometra papilionaria | | | 1 |
Chequered Grass-veneer | Catoptria falsella | | | 2 |
Large Wall Brown | Lasiommata maera | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Triple-stripe Piercer | Grapholita compositella | 1 | | |
Double Dart | Graphiphora augur | | | 1 |
| Lampronia rupella | | | 1 |
Bramble False-feather | Schreckensteinia festaliella | 1 | | |
Honeysuckle Moth | Ypsolopha dentella | | | 2 |
Scarce Hook-tip | Sabra harpagula | 1 | | 1 |
Sallow Kitten | Furcula furcula | 1 | | |
Small Festooned Roller | Ancylis diminutana | 1 | | 1 |
Narrow-winged Pug | Eupithecia nanata | | | 1 |
Barred Marble | Celypha striana | | 1 | 1 |
Light Emerald | Campaea margaritaria | | | 2 |
Lead-coloured Pug | Eupithecia plumbeolata | | | 1 |
Marimjelleengmott | Anania fuscalis | | | 1 |
Heath Fritillary | Melitaea athalia | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Netted Pug | Eupithecia venosata | 1 | | |
Tutts Burnished Brass | Diachrysia stenochrysis | | | 1 |
Large Dark Cosmet | Mompha conturbatella | | | 1 |
Moorland Clouded Yellow | Colias palaeno | | | 1 |
False-heath Fritillary | Melitaea diamina | | 2 | |
The Lychnis | Hadena bicruris | | | 1 |
Muslin Footman | Nudaria mundana | | | 2 |
Pale Prominent | Pterostoma palpina | 1 | | |
The Rivulet | Perizoma affinitata | 1 | | 1 |
Small Magpie | Anania hortulata | 1 | | |
Snout | Hypena proboscidalis | | | 2 |
Small Tortoiseshell | Aglais urticae | 2 | 2 | |
Nettkjukemøll | Montescardia tessulatellus | 1 | | |
The Lackey | Malacosoma neustria | 1 | | |
Buff-tip | Phalera bucephala | 1 | | |
Olive Pearl | Udea olivalis | 1 | | 2 |
Common Marble | Celypha lacunana | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Great Prominent | Peridea anceps | 1 | | |
Scarce Copper | Lycaena virgaureae | | 1 | 1 |
Golden Argent | Argyresthia goedartella | | | 1 |
Nut Bud Moth | Epinotia tenerana | | 1 | 1 |
Dingy Shell | Euchoeca nebulata | 1 | | |
Hornet Moth | Sesia apiformis | | | 1 |
Poplar Grey | Acronicta megacephala | 1 | | |
Ospeminérmøll | Phyllocnistis labyrinthella | | | 2 |
Poplar Admiral | Limenitis populi | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Poplar Hawk-moth | Laothoe populi | 1 | | 2 |
Great Marble | Pseudosciaphila branderiana | | | 1 |
Speckled Yellow | Pseudopanthera macularia | 2 | | |
Wood Groundling | Parachronistis albiceps | | | 1 |
Red Piercer | Lathronympha strigana | | 2 | 2 |
Red Birch Midget | Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella | | | 1 |
Striped Bright | Phylloporia bistrigella | 1 | | |
Buff Arches | Habrosyne pyritoides | | | 1 |
Prikkfjærmøll | Hellinsia tephradactyla | | | 1 |
Common Lutestring | Ochropacha duplaris | 1 | | 1 |
The Saxon | Hyppa rectilinea | | | 1 |
Small Fan-footed Wave | Idaea biselata | | | 2 |
Clouded Border | Lomaspilis marginata | 1 | | 1 |
Meadow Brown | Maniola jurtina | | 1 | |
Green-veined White | Pieris napi | 1 | | |
Black-veined Moth | Siona lineata | 1 | | |
Apple Fruit Moth | Argyresthia conjugella | 2 | | 1 |
Welsh Wave | Venusia cambrica | 1 | | 1 |
Red Twin-spot Carpet | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | | | 1 |
Yellow Rose Button | Acleris bergmanniana | | | 1 |
Minor Shoulder-knot | Brachylomia viminalis | | | 1 |
Brown-barred Tortrix | Epagoge grotiana | | | 2 |
Latticed Heath | Chiasmia clathrata | 2 | | 1 |
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix | Pandemis heparana | | | 2 |
Willow Tortrix | Epinotia cruciana | | | 2 |
Pearl-bordered Fritillary | Boloria euphrosyne | 2 | | |
Chocolate-tip | Clostera curtula | 1 | | |
Purple Clay | Diarsia brunnea | | | 1 |
Fulvous Clothes Moth | Tinea semifulvella | | | 1 |
Broom Moth | Ceramica pisi | | | 1 |
True Lover's Knot | Lycophotia porphyrea | | | 1 |
July Highflyer | Hydriomena furcata | | | 1 |
Pebble Prominent | Notodonta ziczac | | | 1 |
Brimstone Moth | Opisthograptis luteolata | 1 | | |
Brimstone | Gonepteryx rhamni | 1 | | |
Mottled Beauty | Alcis repandata | | | 2 |
Little Grey | Eudonia lacustrata | | | 1 |
Brown Rustic | Rusina ferruginea | 1 | | 2 |
Apple Leaf Miner | Lyonetia clerkella | | | 1 |
Scorched Wing | Plagodis dolabraria | 1 | | |
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer | Crambus lathoniellus | 1 | | 1 |
Chimney Sweeper | Odezia atrata | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Variegated Golden Tortrix | Archips xylosteana | | | 1 |
Alder Signal | Stathmopoda pedella | | | 1 |
Swallow-tailed Moth | Ourapteryx sambucaria | | | 1 |
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix | Archips podana | | | 2 |
Large White | Pieris brassicae | 1 | | |
Wood Carpet | Epirrhoe rivata | | | 1 |
Orange Moth | Angerona prunaria | 1 | | 1 |
Pinion-streaked Snout | Schrankia costaestrigalis | | | 1 |
The Fern | Horisme tersata | 1 | | 1 |
Common Spruce Bell | Epinotia tedella | 1 | | |
Burnished Brass | Diachrysia chrysitis | | | 2 |
Lesser Cream Wave | Scopula immutata | | | 1 |
Swallowtail | Papilio machaon | 2 | | |
Green Carpet | Colostygia pectinataria | | | 2 |
Flame Carpet | Xanthorhoe designata | 1 | | |
Svovelfjærmøll | Hellinsia osteodactylus | | | 1 |
Bird's Wing | Dypterygia scabriuscula | 1 | | |
Lilac Leafminer | Gracillaria syringella | | | 1 |
Small Dotted Buff | Photedes minima | | | 1 |
Scarce Footman | Eilema complana | | | 1 |
Yellow Satin Veneer | Crambus perlella | | | 1 |
Scarce Grass-veneer | Crambus pratella | | | 1 |
Scalloped Hazel | Odontopera bidentata | 1 | | |
| Teleiodes vulgella | | | 1 |
Common Blue | Polyommatus icarus | 2 | | 1 |
Hoary Bell | Eucosma cana | | | 1 |
Thistle Conch | Aethes cnicana | 1 | | |
Thistle Bell | Epiblema scutulana | 1 | | |
White-pinion Spotted | Lomographa bimaculata | 1 | | |
Double Square-spot | Xestia triangulum | | | 1 |
Diamond-back Moth | Plutella xylostella | 2 | | |
Common Roller | Ancylis badiana | 1 | | 1 |
Riband Wave | Idaea aversata | | | 2 |
Pale Shining Brown | Polia bombycina | | | 1 |
Small Engrailed | Ectropis crepuscularia | 1 | | |
Garden Grass-veneer | Chrysoteuchia culmella | 1 | | 1 |
| Agnoea sp. | | | 1 |
| Heliozela sp. | 1 | | |
| Parornix sp. | 1 | | 1 |