Site: Sandaa

SpeciesScientific name201420152017
Ash-coloured SoberAcompsia cinerella14 
Small Barred Long-hornAdela croesella11 
Red AdmiralVanessa atalanta111
Brindled Flat-bodyAgonopterix arenella 1 
 Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana1  
Large Purple Flat-bodyAgonopterix liturosa1  
Brown Elm BellEpinotia abbreviana1  
Blomer's RivuletVenusia blomeri 21
Beautiful Knot-hornPempelia formosa13 
Vetch SoberAproaerema anthyllidella1  
 Archinemapogon yildizae 1 
Bright NebArgolamprotes micella 1 
Purple ArgentArgyresthia albistria1  
Bronze ArgentArgyresthia arceuthina  1
Brindled ArgentArgyresthia curvella11 
Netted ArgentArgyresthia retinella1 1
Triple-barred ArgentArgyresthia trifasciata  1
Dusky ThornEnnomos fuscantaria1  
The CoronetCraniophora ligustri 1 
Yellow-spot TortrixPseudargyrotoza conwagana12 
Dotted Grey GroundlingAthrips mouffetella11 
Juniper PugEupithecia pusillata1  
Scarce BlackneckLygephila craccae1  
Cherry Bark MothEnarmonia formosana 1 
Barred RedHylaea fasciaria 3 
Pine CosmetBatrachedra pinicolella11 
Grass-veneerCrambus pascuella 2 
BergmyntefjærmøllMerrifieldia baliodactylus1  
Cream WaveScopula incanata11 
Peppered MothBiston betularia 31
BjørnebærbladviklerPandemis dumetana 1 
Flounced RusticLuperina testacea1  
Common FootmanEilema lurideola 1 
BlåbærbladmålerJodis putata11 
Northern SpinachEulithis populata11 
Beautiful SnoutHypena crassalis 2 
Clifden NonpareilCatocala fraxini1  
Thatch TubicBorkhausenia minutella 11
Broad-bordered Yellow UnderwingNoctua fimbriata11 
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-mothHemaris fuciformis  1
Map-winged SwiftKorscheltellus fusconebulosa14 
Raspberry MothLampronia corticella  1
Small Square-spotDiarsia rubi 21
Scarce DaggerAcronicta auricoma 1 
Beautiful BrocadeLacanobia contigua  1
Shaded Broad-barScotopteryx chenopodiata14 
Large Twin-spot CarpetXanthorhoe quadrifasiata 1 
Chestnut-coloured CarpetThera cognata141
Spotted Shoot MothRhyacionia pinivorana1  
Dusky Marbled BrownGluphisia crenata11 
Smoky WainscotMythimna impura11 
Dog's ToothLacanobia suasa 2 
Dark BrocadeMniotype adusta12 
Tawny ShearsHadena perplexa  1
Mottled RusticCaradrina morpheus12 
Lime Bent-wingBucculatrix thoracella111
Plain WaveIdaea straminata 1 
Silvery ArchesPolia hepatica13 
Marbled MinorOligia strigilis 4 
Common Marbled CarpetDysstroma truncata11 
Bordered PugEupithecia succenturiata 1 
White-foot BellEpiblema foenella 2 
Round-winged DrillDichrorampha simpliciana 2 
Dark-triangle ButtonAcleris laterana1  
Pale-shouldered BrocadeLacanobia thalassina 4 
Pale TussockCalliteara pudibunda  1
Orange FootmanEilema sororcula  1
Scallop ShellRheumaptera undulata1  
The BrickAgrochola circellaris1  
Clouded SilverLomographa temerata1  
Small GreyEudonia mercurella 3 
Setaceous Hebrew CharacterXestia c-nigrum111
Yellow-triangle SlenderCaloptilia alchimiella1  
White-triangle SlenderCaloptilia stigmatella1 1
Elm GroundlingCarpatolechia fugitivella 1 
Gold Pine ErmelCedestis gysseleniella 1 
FlameAxylia putris 4 
Iron ProminentNotodonta dromedarius 1 
Round-winged MuslinThumatha senex 1 
Gold SwiftPhymatopus hecta 1 
Two-coloured BellEucosma obumbratana 1 
Small RivuletPerizoma alchemillata1 1
Spruce CarpetThera britannica1  
Scarce Silver-linesBena bicolorana 1 
Small Black ArchesMeganola strigula13 
Oak-tree PugEupithecia dodoneata  1
September ThornEnnomos erosaria1  
Common Cloaked ShootGypsonoma dealbana111
Oak CarlTischeria ekebladella1  
Oak NycteolineNycteola revayana 3 
Juniper ConchAethes rutilana1  
Lobster MothStauropus fagi 2 
Pearl DwarfElachista apicipunctella 1 
 Elachista dispilella141
Satyr PugEupithecia satyrata 21
Large GreyScoparia subfusca12 
Thyme MarbleCelypha cespitana 1 
Small HeathCoenonympha pamphilus12 
Large SkipperOchlodes sylvanus1  
Green PugPasiphila rectangulata11 
Painted NebEulamprotes wilkella 1 
 Euspilapteryx auroguttella11 
FagerklokkemøllOrophia ferrugella 1 
Lilac BeautyApeira syringaria1  
The CampionSideridis rivularis 2 
Beautiful Golden YAutographa pulchrina12 
Pink-barred SallowXanthia togata1  
Single-dotted WaveIdaea dimidiata12 
Pale Water-veneerDonacaula forficella 1 
FredløsmålerAnticollix sparsata12 
Brown House MothHofmannophila pseudospretella 3 
Grey Pine CarpetThera obeliscata11 
Pine MarblePiniphila bifasciana11 
Tawny-barred AngleMacaria liturata141
Bordered WhiteBupalus piniaria12 
Pine Hawk-mothSphinx pinastri 2 
Silver YAutographa gamma131
Small PhoenixEcliptopera silaceata1  
White-banded CarpetSpargania luctuata1  
Juniper GroundlingGelechia sabinellus1  
Broken-barred CarpetElectrophaes corylata111
 Glyphipterix bergstraesserella  1
Stonecrop FannerGlyphipterix equitella231
Sedge FannerGlyphipterix forsterella1  
Cocksfoot MothGlyphipterix simpliciella 11
Satin BeautyDeileptenia ribeata1  
Spruce CarpetThera variata12 
Dusky PeacockMacaria signaria 2 
Dark Pine Knot-hornDioryctria abietella1  
Sandhill Knot-hornAnerastia lotella1  
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis1  
Green Oak TortrixTortrix viridana12 
Green ArchesAnaplectoides prasina 1 
Sharp-angled PeacockMacaria alternata11 
Small Dusty WaveIdaea seriata1  
Poplar KittenFurcula bifida 1 
Marbled Orchard TortrixHedya nubiferana14 
Grå lundmålerPerizoma hydrata  1
Short-barred MarbleApotomis semifasciana 1 
Common CarpetEpirrhoe alternata1  
Grå svevefjærmøllHellinsia didactylites11 
Grå syremålerTimandra griseata21 
The Fan-footHerminia tarsipennalis 1 
Grey ArchesPolia nebulosa 2 
Autumnal RusticEugnorisma glareosa1  
The SpectacleAbrostola tripartita12 
Mouse MothAmphipyra tragopoginis1  
Peacock MothMacaria notata12 
Yellow Oak ButtonAleimma loeflingiana14 
Buff-tipped MarbleHedya ochroleucana11 
Common WaveCabera exanthemata12 
Buff ErmineSpilarctia lutea13 
Reddish Light ArchesApamea sublustris14 
Clay Fan-footParacolax tristalis12 
Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa1  
The ShearsHada plebeja141
Brindled Clothes MothNiditinea striolella 1 
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata14 
GullrishetteflyCucullia gnaphalii1  
GulrandviklerSpatalistis bifasciana 1 
Straw DotRivula sericealis13 
The PhoenixEulithis prunata11 
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba14 
Bright-line Brown-eyeLacanobia oleracea13 
Yellow-faced BellNotocelia cynosbatella131
Common WainscotMythimna pallens 1 
Chequered Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis corylana1  
Small White WaveAsthena albulata111
Orange CrestHelcystogramma rufescens12 
Triangle PlumePlatyptilia gonodactyla111
Colt’s-foot BellEpiblema sticticana1  
Silver-ground CarpetXanthorhoe montanata141
Lime-speck PugEupithecia centaureata111
Royal MantleCatarhoe cuculata 1 
Alder KittenFurcula bicuspis 1 
Common White WaveCabera pusaria121
White-spotted PugEupithecia tripunctaria 11
Brown-line Bright-eyeMythimna conigera11 
Marbled CoronetHadena confusa131
White-faced TortrixPandemis cinnamomeana1  
Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta12 
Marbled White SpotDeltote pygarga131
Elder PearlAnania coronata 1 
Square-spot CrestHypatima rhomboidella1  
Strawberry BrightIncurvaria praelatella1  
Jordbær-/buskflatviklerAcleris comariana/laterana1  
Common GreyScoparia ambigualis141
Coxcomb ProminentPtilodon capucina11 
Dotted ClayXestia baja1  
Many-plumed MothAlucita hexadactyla141
Common Pink-barredRhodostrophia vibicaria13 
Clouded-bordered BrindleApamea crenata121
Cherry Fruit MothArgyresthia pruniella12 
Mother of PearlPatania ruralis  1
Waved BlackParascotia fuliginaria 2 
Chequered Grass-veneerCatoptria falsella14 
Red-clover Case-bearerColeophora deauratella121
Silver-barred BellEpinotia fraternana1  
Shoulder-striped WainscotLeucania comma 2 
Common EmeraldHemithea aestivaria 1 
KrattengmålerIdaea deversaria14 
Summer Rose BellNotocelia roborana11 
The V-PugChloroclystis v-ata 1 
Eyed Hawk-mothSmerinthus ocellata 2 
Long-legged TabbySynaphe punctalis13 
LakrismjeltfrøviklerGrapholita pallifrontana 2 
Marbled BellEucosma campoliliana 1 
Honeysuckle MothYpsolopha dentella1  
Privet Hawk-mothSphinx ligustri 3 
Orange SallowTiliacea citrago1  
Scarce Hook-tipSabra harpagula14 
Sallow KittenFurcula furcula 1 
Small Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila porcellus12 
Small Angle ShadesEuplexia lucipara 3 
Narrow-winged PugEupithecia nanata1 1
LyngheinebbmottCrambus ericella 1 
Heather Knot-hornPempelia palumbella 2 
The UncertainHoplodrina octogenaria 4 
Lyst urteflyCaradrina montana 3 
Barred Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis cerasana11 
Barred MarbleCelypha striana111
Light EmeraldCampaea margaritaria13 
European Corn BorerOstrinia nubilalis 2 
Lyme GrassLongalatedes elymi13 
Lead-coloured PugEupithecia plumbeolata  1
Garden Rose TortrixAcleris variegana1  
Bedstraw Hawk-mothHyles gallii 1 
Orache MothTrachea atriplicis14 
Meadow NebMetzneria metzneriella11 
Yellow-barred GoldMicropterix aureatella  1
Tutts Burnished BrassDiachrysia stenochrysis12 
 Mompha idaei1  
Rust-blotch CosmetMompha lacteella 1 
Clouded CosmetMompha langiella 1 
Little CosmetMompha raschkiella1  
Garden CosmetMompha subbistrigella 31
Black NebMonochroa lutulentella 1 
MoseprydviklerCelypha aurofasciana 2 
Light Know GrassAcronicta menyanthidis 1 
Red-green CarpetChloroclysta siterata1  
The ConfusedApamea furva 1 
The LychnisHadena bicruris 11
Pale ProminentPterostoma palpina 3 
The RivuletPerizoma affinitata  1
Large Long-hornNematopogon swammerdamella  1
Yellow-barred Long-hornNemophora degeerella14 
 Neofriseria peliella 1 
Common Nettle-tapAnthophila fabriciana121
Small MagpieAnania hortulata13 
SnoutHypena proboscidalis12 
Rhomboid TortrixAcleris rhombana1  
NettkjukemøllMontescardia tessulatellus 1 
Bordered GothicSideridis reticulata 21
Gold-fringed DrillDichrorampha vancouverana1  
OkerprydviklerOlethreutes arcuella 1 
Buff-tipPhalera bucephala141
Great TortrixChoristoneura hebenstreitella 1 
Common MarbleCelypha lacunana141
Woodland MarbleOrthotaenia undulana141
Golden ArgentArgyresthia goedartella 2 
Canary-shouldered ThornEnnomos alniaria1  
Poplar LutestringTethea or11 
Dark Aspen BellEpinotia maculana1  
Aspen RollerAncylis laetana 1 
Red PiercerLathronympha strigana241
Hollyhock Seed MothPexicopia malvella 1 
Brown Apple MidgetPhyllonorycter blancardella1  
Light StreakPleurota bicostella 1 
Plum Fruit MothGrapholita funebrana 1 
Buff ArchesHabrosyne pyritoides 2 
PraktskyggeviklerEana penziana1  
Three-humped ProminentNotodonta tritophus 1 
PrikkfjærmøllHellinsia tephradactyla11 
Meadow GreyScoparia pyralella14 
Tawny GroundlingPseudotelphusa paripunctella 2 
Grey DaggerAcronicta psi 2 
Dotted Border WaveIdaea sylvestraria 1 
White ErmineSpilosoma lubricipeda131
Dotted Fan-footMacrochilo cribrumalis 1 
Sussex EmeraldThalera fimbrialis 1 
Small Fan-footed WaveIdaea biselata1  
Clouded BorderLomaspilis marginata12 
Meadow BrownManiola jurtina14 
Green-veined WhitePieris napi1  
Chalk Knot-hornPhycitodes maritima 1 
Tawny Marbled MinorOligia latruncula 1 
Black-veined MothSiona lineata  1
The V-MothMacaria wauaria 1 
Copper ErmelRoeslerstammia erxlebella141
Apple Fruit MothArgyresthia conjugella11 
Red Twin-spot CarpetXanthorhoe spadicearia 11
Black-spot MarbleHedya atropunctana 1 
Yellow Rose ButtonAcleris bergmanniana12 
Brown-barred TortrixEpagoge grotiana13 
Tawny Speckled PugEupithecia icterata1  
Bramble Shoot MothNotocelia uddmanniana12 
Latticed HeathChiasmia clathrata 41
Yarrow PlumeGillmeria pallidactyla1  
Yarrow ConchAethes smeathmanniana111
Plain Golden YAutographa jota11 
Chocolate-tipClostera curtula 1 
Fulvous Clothes MothTinea semifulvella13 
Red-necked FootmanAtolmis rubricollis 1 
Twin-spot PlumeStenoptilia bipunctidactyla12 
Broom MothCeramica pisi12 
Flounced ChestnutAgrochola helvola1  
Copper UnderwingAmphipyra pyramidea1  
Small Clouded BrindleApamea unanimis11 
Mountain ArgusAricia artaxerxes11 
 Sauterina hofmanniella1  
White Satin MothLeucoma salicis 1 
Swallow ProminentPheosia tremula 1 
Small SeraphimPterapherapteryx sexalata11 
Brown SmokeTaleporia tubulosa 41
Beautiful Hook-tipLaspeyria flexula11 
Pebble ProminentNotodonta ziczac12 
Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata 11
The GreyHadena caesia  1
Mottled BeautyAlcis repandata13 
Large Ivy TortrixLozotaenia forsterana11 
SkogengflyApamea illyria  1
Little GreyEudonia lacustrata11 
SkogprydviklerPhiaris palustrana11 
SkogsalatpraktviklerPhalonidia gilvicomana1  
Ingrailed ClayDiarsia mendica 2 
Brown RusticRusina ferruginea  1
Barred StrawEulithis pyraliata 1 
Dusky BrocadeApamea remissa 1 
Scorched WingPlagodis dolabraria 11
Breckland ConchFalseuncaria degreyana  1
Hook-streaked Grass-VeneerCrambus lathoniellus141
Silky WainscotChilodes maritima 1 
Horse ChestnutPachycnemia hippocastanaria  1
Grey ErmineYponomeuta sedella 11
White-shouldered SoberSophronia semicostella 1 
 Sophronia sicariellus 1 
Brown Knot-hornPyla fusca111
Flax TortrixCnephasia asseclana11 
Small WainscotDenticucullus pygmina1  
Cloaked PugEupithecia abietaria 1 
Stor lakrismjeltsekkmøllColeophora gallipennella121
Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila elpenor 11
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha 2 
Shore MarbleLobesia littoralis 1 
Mottled PugEupithecia exiguata 21
Common Spruce BellEpinotia tedella1  
Burnished BrassDiachrysia chrysitis 3 
Double LobedLateroligia ophiogramma 1 
Marsh Grass-veneerCrambus uliginosellus 1 
SumpviklerneBactra lacteana/lancealana/robustana11 
SwallowtailPapilio machaon1  
Common SweepPsyche casta 1 
Green CarpetColostygia pectinataria14 
Flame CarpetXanthorhoe designata211
Little ConchCochylis dubitana  1
Blotched MarbleEndothenia quadrimaculana  1
SvovelfjærmøllHellinsia osteodactylus11 
Bird's WingDypterygia scabriuscula 41
Knot GrassAcronicta rumicis13 
Lilac LeafminerGracillaria syringella  1
Small Dotted BuffPhotedes minima 2 
Scarce FootmanEilema complana 1 
Yellow Satin VeneerCrambus perlella11 
Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosa11 
Large WainscotRhizedra lutosa1  
Wainscot VeneerChilo phragmitella 2 
Purple CloudActinotia polyodon12 
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata  1
The ClayMythimna ferrago13 
Large GroundlingTeleiopsis diffinis211
Eyelet SoberThiotricha subocellea 1 
Common BluePolyommatus icarus11 
Dingy SkipperErynnis tages11 
Hoary BellEucosma cana11 
Thistle ConchAethes cnicana12 
Painted LadyVanessa cardui  1
Frosted OrangeGortyna flavago1  
White-pinion SpottedLomographa bimaculata 1 
Four-dotted FootmanCybosia mesomella13 
Toadflax PugEupithecia linariata11 
Toadflax BrocadeCalophasia lunula 2 
Treflekket nebbmottCatoptria permutatellus11 
Double Square-spotXestia triangulum 3 
Vine MothEupoecilia ambiguella 1 
Brown PlumeStenoptilia pterodactyla 1 
Indian Meal MothPlodia interpunctella1  
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella251
Cork MothNemapogon cloacella 2 
Valerian PugEupithecia valerianata 21
Crescent PiercerGrapholita orobana1  
Common RollerAncylis badiana121
Common PlumeEmmelina monodactyla1  
Common PugEupithecia vulgata  1
Riband WaveIdaea aversata13 
Pale Shining BrownPolia bombycina 1 
Dark Marbled CarpetDysstroma citrata1  
Honeysuckle BellEucosmomorpha albersana12 
Golden Lance-wingEpermenia chaerophyllella11 
White-shouldered SmudgeYpsolopha parenthesella1  
Pied SmudgeYpsolopha sequella1  
Variable SmudgeYpsolopha ustella1  
Figure of EightyTethea ocularis 1 
Purple BarCosmorhoe ocellata 1 
Heart and DartAgrotis exclamationis141
Garden Grass-veneerChrysoteuchia culmella141
 Parornix sp.1  
 Phycitodes sp.1