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Moths and butterflies
Vascular plant
Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana
Alder Kitten
Angle Shades
Antler Moth
Apple Fruit Moth
Archinemapogon yildizae
Ash-coloured Sober
Aspen Roller
Autumnal Rustic
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
Barred Marble
Barred Red
Barred Straw
Beautiful Brocade
Beautiful Golden Y
Beautiful Hook-tip
Beautiful Knot-horn
Beautiful Snout
Bedstraw Hawk-moth
Bird's Wing
Black Neb
Black-spot Marble
Black-veined Moth
Blomer's Rivulet
Blotched Marble
Bordered Gothic
Bordered Pug
Bordered White
Bramble Shoot Moth
Breckland Conch
Bright Neb
Bright-line Brown-eye
Brimstone Moth
Brindled Argent
Brindled Clothes Moth
Brindled Flat-body
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Broken-barred Carpet
Bronze Argent
Broom Moth
Brown Apple Midget
Brown Elm Bell
Brown House Moth
Brown Knot-horn
Brown Plume
Brown Rustic
Brown Smoke
Brown-barred Tortrix
Brown-line Bright-eye
Buff Arches
Buff Ermine
Buff-tipped Marble
Burnished Brass
Canary-shouldered Thorn
Chalk Knot-horn
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix
Chequered Grass-veneer
Cherry Bark Moth
Cherry Fruit Moth
Chestnut-coloured Carpet
Clay Fan-foot
Clifden Nonpareil
Cloaked Pug
Clouded Border
Clouded Cosmet
Clouded Silver
Clouded-bordered Brindle
Cocksfoot Moth
Colt’s-foot Bell
Common Blue
Common Carpet
Common Cloaked Shoot
Common Emerald
Common Footman
Common Grey
Common Marble
Common Marbled Carpet
Common Nettle-tap
Common Pink-barred
Common Plume
Common Pug
Common Roller
Common Spruce Bell
Common Sweep
Common Wainscot
Common Wave
Common White Wave
Copper Ermel
Copper Underwing
Cork Moth
Coxcomb Prominent
Cream Wave
Crescent Piercer
Dark Arches
Dark Aspen Bell
Dark Brocade
Dark Marbled Carpet
Dark Pine Knot-horn
Dark-triangle Button
Diamond-back Moth
Dingy Skipper
Dog's Tooth
Dotted Border Wave
Dotted Clay
Dotted Fan-foot
Dotted Grey Groundling
Double Lobed
Double Square-spot
Dusky Brocade
Dusky Marbled Brown
Dusky Peacock
Dusky Thorn
Elachista dispilella
Elder Pearl
Elephant Hawk-moth
Elm Groundling
European Corn Borer
Euspilapteryx auroguttella
Eyed Hawk-moth
Eyelet Sober
Figure of Eighty
Flame Carpet
Flame Shoulder
Flax Tortrix
Flounced Chestnut
Flounced Rustic
Four-dotted Footman
Frosted Orange
Fulvous Clothes Moth
Garden Cosmet
Garden Grass-veneer
Garden Rose Tortrix
Glyphipterix bergstraesserella
Gold Pine Ermel
Gold Swift
Gold-fringed Drill
Golden Argent
Golden Lance-wing
Great Tortrix
Green Arches
Green Carpet
Green Oak Tortrix
Green Pug
Green-veined White
Grey Arches
Grey Dagger
Grey Ermine
Grey Pine Carpet
Grå lundmåler
Grå svevefjærmøll
Grå syremåler
Heart and Dart
Heather Knot-horn
Hoary Bell
Hollyhock Seed Moth
Honeysuckle Bell
Honeysuckle Moth
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer
Horse Chestnut
Indian Meal Moth
Ingrailed Clay
Iron Prominent
Juniper Conch
Juniper Groundling
Juniper Pug
Knot Grass
Large Grey
Large Groundling
Large Ivy Tortrix
Large Long-horn
Large Purple Flat-body
Large Skipper
Large Twin-spot Carpet
Large Wainscot
Large Yellow Underwing
Latticed Heath
Lead-coloured Pug
Light Emerald
Light Know Grass
Light Streak
Lilac Beauty
Lilac Leafminer
Lime Bent-wing
Lime-speck Pug
Little Conch
Little Cosmet
Little Grey
Lobster Moth
Long-legged Tabby
Lyme Grass
Lyst urtefly
Many-plumed Moth
Map-winged Swift
Marbled Bell
Marbled Coronet
Marbled Minor
Marbled Orchard Tortrix
Marbled White Spot
Marsh Grass-veneer
Meadow Brown
Meadow Grey
Meadow Neb
Mompha idaei
Mother of Pearl
Mottled Beauty
Mottled Pug
Mottled Rustic
Mountain Argus
Mouse Moth
Narrow-winged Pug
Neofriseria peliella
Netted Argent
Northern Spinach
Oak Carl
Oak Nycteoline
Oak-tree Pug
Orache Moth
Orange Crest
Orange Footman
Orange Sallow
Painted Lady
Painted Neb
Pale Prominent
Pale Shining Brown
Pale Tussock
Pale Water-veneer
Pale-shouldered Brocade
Peacock Moth
Pearl Dwarf
Pebble Prominent
Peppered Moth
Pied Smudge
Pine Cosmet
Pine Hawk-moth
Pine Marble
Pink-barred Sallow
Plain Golden Y
Plain Wave
Plum Fruit Moth
Poplar Kitten
Poplar Lutestring
Privet Hawk-moth
Purple Argent
Purple Bar
Purple Cloud
Raspberry Moth
Red Admiral
Red Piercer
Red Twin-spot Carpet
Red-clover Case-bearer
Red-green Carpet
Red-necked Footman
Reddish Light Arches
Rhomboid Tortrix
Riband Wave
Round-winged Drill
Round-winged Muslin
Royal Mantle
Rust-blotch Cosmet
Sallow Kitten
Sandhill Knot-horn
Satin Beauty
Satyr Pug
Sauterina hofmanniella
Scallop Shell
Scalloped Hazel
Scarce Blackneck
Scarce Dagger
Scarce Footman
Scarce Hook-tip
Scarce Silver-lines
Scorched Wing
Sedge Fanner
September Thorn
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Shaded Broad-bar
Sharp-angled Peacock
Shore Marble
Short-barred Marble
Shoulder-striped Wainscot
Silky Wainscot
Silver Y
Silver-barred Bell
Silver-ground Carpet
Silvery Arches
Single-dotted Wave
Small Angle Shades
Small Barred Long-horn
Small Black Arches
Small Clouded Brindle
Small Dotted Buff
Small Dusty Wave
Small Elephant Hawk-moth
Small Fan-footed Wave
Small Grey
Small Heath
Small Magpie
Small Phoenix
Small Rivulet
Small Seraphim
Small Square-spot
Small Wainscot
Small White Wave
Smoky Wainscot
Sophronia sicariellus
Spotted Shoot Moth
Spruce Carpet
Spruce Carpet
Square-spot Crest
Square-spot Rustic
Stonecrop Fanner
Stor lakrismjeltsekkmøll
Straw Dot
Strawberry Bright
Summer Rose Bell
Sussex Emerald
Swallow Prominent
Tawny Groundling
Tawny Marbled Minor
Tawny Shears
Tawny Speckled Pug
Tawny-barred Angle
Thatch Tubic
The Brick
The Campion
The Clay
The Confused
The Coronet
The Fan-foot
The Grey
The Lychnis
The Phoenix
The Rivulet
The Shears
The Spectacle
The Uncertain
The V-Moth
The V-Pug
Thistle Conch
Three-humped Prominent
Thyme Marble
Toadflax Brocade
Toadflax Pug
Treflekket nebbmott
Triangle Plume
Triple-barred Argent
Tutts Burnished Brass
Twin-spot Plume
Two-coloured Bell
Valerian Pug
Variable Smudge
Vetch Sober
Vine Moth
Wainscot Veneer
Waved Black
White Ermine
White Satin Moth
White-banded Carpet
White-faced Tortrix
White-foot Bell
White-pinion Spotted
White-shouldered Smudge
White-shouldered Sober
White-speckled Clothes Moth
White-spotted Pug
White-triangle Slender
Woodland Marble
Yarrow Conch
Yarrow Plume
Yellow Oak Button
Yellow Rose Button
Yellow Satin Veneer
Yellow Shell
Yellow-barred Gold
Yellow-barred Long-horn
Yellow-faced Bell
Yellow-spot Tortrix
Yellow-triangle Slender
Site type:
Hyttefelt ved sjøen, hager og blandingsskog.
Species registrations
Brindled Clothes Moth (
Niditinea striolella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Archinemapogon yildizae
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Moseprydvikler (
Celypha aurofasciana
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Dusky Marbled Brown (
Gluphisia crenata
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Three-humped Prominent (
Notodonta tritophus
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Alder Kitten (
Furcula bicuspis
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Lobster Moth (
Stauropus fagi
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Scarce Silver-lines (
Bena bicolorana
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
White-spotted Pug (
Eupithecia tripunctaria
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Sophronia sicariellus
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Round-winged Muslin (
Thumatha senex
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Eyelet Sober (
Thiotricha subocellea
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Bordered Pug (
Eupithecia succenturiata
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
White Satin Moth (
Leucoma salicis
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-07-06)
Privet Hawk-moth (
Sphinx ligustri
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-06-29)
Valerian Pug (
Eupithecia valerianata
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-06-29)
Lakrismjeltfrøvikler (
Grapholita pallifrontana
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-06-29)
Royal Mantle (
Catarhoe cuculata
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-06-29)
Light Know Grass (
Acronicta menyanthidis
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-06-29)
Scarce Hook-tip (
Sabra harpagula
Kjell Mjølsnes (2015-06-29)
Bergmyntefjærmøll (
Merrifieldia baliodactylus
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-22)
Skogsalatpraktvikler (
Phalonidia gilvicomana
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-22)
Stonecrop Fanner (
Glyphipterix equitella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-20)
Stor lakrismjeltsekkmøll (
Coleophora gallipennella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-21)
Sauterina hofmanniella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-24)
Reddish Light Arches (
Apamea sublustris
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-19)
Gullrishettefly (
Cucullia gnaphalii
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-20)
Four-dotted Footman (
Cybosia mesomella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-20)
White-banded Carpet (
Spargania luctuata
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-20)
Pine Cosmet (
Batrachedra pinicolella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-19)
Elachista dispilella
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-19)
Mompha idaei
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-20)
Lilac Beauty (
Apeira syringaria
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-22)
Krattengmåler (
Idaea deversaria
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-22)
Dusky Marbled Brown (
Gluphisia crenata
Kjell Mjølsnes (2014-06-22)