Site: Røyneberg

SpeciesScientific name201420152016
Juniper PugEupithecia pusillata 4 
Cherry Bark MothEnarmonia formosana 2 
Red-barred TortrixDitula angustiorana 4 
Barred RedHylaea fasciaria 2 
Poplar CosmetBatrachedra praeangusta 2 
Peppered MothBiston betularia 1 
Lesser Swallow ProminentPheosia gnoma  1
Pale Straw PearlUdea lutealis 6 
Pearl VeneerAgriphila straminella 4 
The SallowXanthia icteritia 1 
Flounced RusticLuperina testacea 2 
Map-winged SwiftKorscheltellus fusconebulosa  1
Small Square-spotDiarsia rubi 119
Shaded Broad-barScotopteryx chenopodiata 1 
Rose TortrixArchips rosana 2 
Garden TigerArctia caja 3 
Rannoch LooperMacaria brunneata 1 
Chestnut-coloured CarpetThera cognata 1 
Red-line QuakerAgrochola lota 3 
Smoky WainscotMythimna impura 1 
Tawny ShearsHadena perplexa 1 
Rosy RusticHydraecia micacea 13 
Mottled RusticCaradrina morpheus 13
 Bryotropha similis/senectella/affinis/umb.. 1 
Cinereous GroundlingBryotropha terrella 1 
Plain WaveIdaea straminata 2 
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica  2
Dusky PearlUdea prunalis 6 
Pale-shouldered BrocadeLacanobia thalassina  4
Scalloped OakCrocallis elinguaria 4 
Setaceous Hebrew CharacterXestia c-nigrum 6 
 Caloptilia betulicola/elongella  1
White-triangle SlenderCaloptilia stigmatella 1 
Grey ChiAntitype chi 3 
Peacock ButterflyAglais io 2 
FlameAxylia putris 4 
Iron ProminentNotodonta dromedarius 1 
Small RivuletPerizoma alchemillata  1
Spruce CarpetThera britannica 1 
Long-horned Flat-bodyCarcina quercana 1 
Lesser Broad-bordered YellowNoctua janthe 7 
Feathered BeautyPeribatodes secundaria  1
Brown House MothHofmannophila pseudospretella 2 
Grey Pine CarpetThera obeliscata 1 
Pine LappetDendrolimus pini 1 
Silver YAutographa gamma 143
Small PhoenixEcliptopera silaceata 156
Spruce CarpetThera variata 12
Dark Pine Knot-hornDioryctria abietella 1 
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis 9 
Green ArchesAnaplectoides prasina 1 
Willow BeautyPeribatodes rhomboidaria 13 
Marbled Orchard TortrixHedya nubiferana 94
Common CarpetEpirrhoe alternata 1 
The Fan-footHerminia tarsipennalis 1 
Turnip MothAgrotis segetum  2
Grey ArchesPolia nebulosa 5 
Autumnal RusticEugnorisma glareosa 1 
Gul båndviklerParamesia gnomana 1 
Sandy CarpetPerizoma flavofasciata  1
Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa 11 
Yellow ShellCamptogramma bilineata 51
Straw DotRivula sericealis 1 
The Dun-barCosmia trapezina 1 
The PhoenixEulithis prunata 3 
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba 37 
Bright-line Brown-eyeLacanobia oleracea 52
Yellow-faced BellNotocelia cynosbatella  2
Nut-tree TussockColocasia coryli  1
Bee MothAphomia sociella 22
Pale Mottled WillowCaradrina clavipalpis 73
Common White WaveCabera pusaria 2 
Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta 16
Feathered GothicTholera decimalis 2 
Small CopperLycaena phlaeas 1 
Jordbær-/buskflatviklerAcleris comariana/laterana 1 
Coxcomb ProminentPtilodon capucina 12
Dotted ClayXestia baja 8 
Many-plumed MothAlucita hexadactyla111
Clouded-bordered BrindleApamea crenata  2
Mother of PearlPatania ruralis 1 
Chequered Grass-veneerCatoptria falsella 6 
White-shouldered House MothEndrosis sarcitrella 73
Red-clover Case-bearerColeophora deauratella  2
The ChevronEulithis testata 1 
Double DartGraphiphora augur 1 
GraylingHipparchia semele 1 
Cabbage MothMamestra brassicae 1 
Honeysuckle MothYpsolopha dentella 1 
Small Spruce BellEpinotia nanana 1 
Small WhitePieris rapae 1 
Small Angle ShadesEuplexia lucipara  5
Barred Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis cerasana 1 
Light EmeraldCampaea margaritaria 1 
Tutts Burnished BrassDiachrysia stenochrysis 1 
Large Dark CosmetMompha conturbatella 1 
Clouded CosmetMompha langiella 34
Little CosmetMompha raschkiella 11
Kentish CosmetMompha sturnipennella 1 
Great BrocadeEurois occulta 6 
Small MagpieAnania hortulata  1
SnoutHypena proboscidalis 4 
Small TortoiseshellAglais urticae 1 
The GothicNaenia typica 31
Square-spot DartEuxoa obelisca 1 
Bordered StrawHeliothis peltigera 1 
Common Grass-veneerAgriphila tristella 7 
Common MarbleCelypha lacunana 12
Golden ArgentArgyresthia goedartella 2 
Poplar GreyAcronicta megacephala 1 
Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi  2
Tawny GroundlingPseudotelphusa paripunctella  1
Common LutestringOchropacha duplaris 1 
White ErmineSpilosoma lubricipeda  13
Small Fan-footed WaveIdaea biselata 2 
Clouded BorderLomaspilis marginata 11
Meadow BrownManiola jurtina 1 
Foxglove PugEupithecia pulchellata 1 
The V-MothMacaria wauaria 5 
Red Twin-spot CarpetXanthorhoe spadicearia  2
Spruce Bud MothZeiraphera ratzeburgiana 7 
White-triangle ButtonAcleris holmiana 2 
Dark Fruit-tree TortrixPandemis heparana 8 
Purple ClayDiarsia brunnea 1 
Broom MothCeramica pisi  1
True Lover's KnotLycophotia porphyrea 2 
July HighflyerHydriomena furcata 9 
Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata  3
Mottled BeautyAlcis repandata 5 
Scarce Silver YSyngrapha interrogationis 1 
Little GreyEudonia lacustrata 5 
Ingrailed ClayDiarsia mendica 32
Apple Leaf MinerLyonetia clerkella  1
Dusky BrocadeApamea remissa 1 
Rush VeneerNomophila noctuella 1 
Cloaked MinorMesoligia furuncula 1 
Flax TortrixCnephasia asseclana 6 
Mottled UmberErannis defoliaria 1 
Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila elpenor  1
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha 13 
Garden DartEuxoa nigricans 5 
Holly TortrixRhopobota naevana 3 
Knot GrassAcronicta rumicis  2
Lilac LeafminerGracillaria syringella 1 
Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosa 2 
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata  1
The ClayMythimna ferrago 1 
Double Square-spotXestia triangulum 11 
Common QuakerOrthosia cerasi  4
Golden PlusiaPolychrysia moneta 2 
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella 115
Lesser Yellow UnderwingNoctua comes 22 
The ChestnutConistra vaccinii  1
Clouded DrabOrthosia incerta  2
Common PlumeEmmelina monodactyla  1
Common PugEupithecia vulgata  3
Riband WaveIdaea aversata 9 
Dark Marbled CarpetDysstroma citrata 1 
Garden CarpetXanthorhoe fluctuata 63
Rustic Shoulder-knotApamea sordens  2
Heart and DartAgrotis exclamationis 105
Garden Grass-veneerChrysoteuchia culmella 22
 Argyresthia sp. 11
 Bryotropha sp. 4 
 Cnephasia sp. 10 
 Coleophora sp.  3
 Dioryctria sp. 1 
DvergmålereEupithecia sp. 1 
 Dysstroma sp. 2 
 Eudonia sp. 11 
GrasengflyMesapamea sp. 15 
 Hoplodrina sp. 1 
 Mythimna sp. 122
 Orthosia sp.  1
 Pasiphila sp. 1 
 Phyllonorycter sp. 1 
 Scoparia sp. 4 
StengelflyAmphipoea sp. 13 
 Yponomeuta sp. 2