Site: Fjell Festning

SpeciesScientific name2015
Northern SpinachEulithis populata1
Scalloped OakCrocallis elinguaria1
Iron ProminentNotodonta dromedarius1
Lesser Broad-bordered YellowNoctua janthe1
Antler MothCerapteryx graminis1
Barred Grass-veneerAgriphila inquinatella1
The ShearsHada plebeja1
Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba1
Dotted ClayXestia baja1
KobberflyChersotis cuprea1
The ChevronEulithis testata1
Gold SpotPlusia festucae1
Small Fan-footed WaveIdaea biselata1
Røddusket engflyApamea rubrirena1
Purple ClayDiarsia brunnea1
Broom MothCeramica pisi1
Swallow ProminentPheosia tremula1
Little GreyEudonia lacustrata1
Dark ArchesApamea monoglypha1
Scarce BrindleApamea lateritia1
Lesser Yellow UnderwingNoctua comes1
StengelflyAmphipoea sp.1