Site: Skolten

SpeciesScientific name201920202021
Brindled Flat-bodyAgonopterix arenella1  
Gold Juniper ArgentArgyresthia aurulentella 1 
Ground-moss GreyEudonia truncicolella 1 
Peppered MothBiston betularia1  
Birch MarbleApotomis betuletana 1 
Lesser Swallow ProminentPheosia gnoma1  
Blek ringmålerYezognophos vittaria 1 
Cream WaveScopula floslactata1  
Glaucous ShearsPapestra biren1  
Beautiful SnoutHypena crassalis2  
Barred UmberPlagodis pulveraria1  
Brown Silver-linePetrophora chlorosata1  
Small Square-spotDiarsia rubi1  
Beautiful BrocadeLacanobia contigua1  
Dog's ToothLacanobia suasa1  
Dark BrocadeMniotype adusta1  
Cinereous GroundlingBryotropha terrella 1 
Hebrew CharacterOrthosia gothica1  
Pale-shouldered BrocadeLacanobia thalassina1  
Ringed CarpetCleora cinctaria1  
Pale Red SlenderCaloptilia elongella 1 
 Coleophora virgaureae 1 
Feathered BeautyPeribatodes secundaria1  
CameoCrypsedra gemmea 1 
Peach-BlossomThyatira batis1  
Pine Hawk-mothSphinx pinastri1  
Juniper GroundlingGelechia sabinellus 1 
Dark Pine Knot-hornDioryctria abietella 1 
Yellow-barred BrindleAcasis viretata2  
Dark-barred TortrixSyndemis musculana1  
Large Dark ProminentNotodonta torva1  
Gråbrunt metallflyAutographa buraetica 1 
Barred Grass-veneerAgriphila inquinatella 1 
Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa 1 
Nut-tree TussockColocasia coryli1  
Bird-cherry ErmineYponomeuta evonymella 1 
Dotted ClayXestia baja 1 
Clouded-bordered BrindleApamea crenata1  
The AnomalousStilbia anomala 1 
Lyst klippeflyEpipsilia grisescens 1 
Rosy Marsh MothCoenophila subrosea 1 
Large EarAmphipoea lucens 1 
Pale ProminentPterostoma palpina1  
Heather GroundlingNeofaculta ericetella1  
Brindled BeautyLycia hirtaria1  
Alder MothAcronicta alni1  
Nut Bud MothEpinotia tenerana 1 
Poplar GreyAcronicta megacephala  1
Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi1  
RognesmalmottAcrobasis advenella 1 
Rosa fugleskittviklerHedya atropunctana1  
Chocolate-tipClostera curtula1  
Twin-spot PlumeStenoptilia bipunctidactyla 1 
The SuspectedParastichtis suspecta 1 
Swallow ProminentPheosia tremula1  
Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata1  
Golden-rod BrindleXylena solidaginis 1 
Ingrailed ClayDiarsia mendica 1 
Brassy TortrixEulia ministrana1  
Elephant Hawk-mothDeilephila elpenor1  
Knot GrassAcronicta rumicis1  
Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosa1  
Scalloped HazelOdontopera bidentata1  
Diamond-back MothPlutella xylostella1  
Common PugEupithecia vulgata2  
Riband WaveIdaea aversata 1 
Small EngrailedEctropis crepuscularia1