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The arcto-boreal intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides releases its nauplii in Spring, when they are able to take advantage of the phytoplankton bloom

Latitudinal effects on breeding in Semibalanus balanoides


The arcto-boreal intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides releases its nauplii in Spring, when they are able to take advantage of the phytoplankton bloom.  Semibalanus produces a single brood each year, and the eggs and nauplii develop over the autumn and winter, during a prolonged period of anecdysis. There is a large literature on the breeding system of the species (see Anderson, 1994 for review). Maturation and fertilization of the egg masses takes place in autumn, and it is easy to distinguish hard, fertilized egg masses from soft, developing masses; this is an all-or-nothing endpoint and requires minimal skill to monitor.


The environmental control of maturation and fertilization is still unresolved, though Tige-Ford (1967) long ago showed that constant light inhibited the process. Davenport & Crisp (1973: unpublished data) found that shortening daylength appeared to be a controlling factor, with very low continuous light intensities (rather more than starlight!) inhibiting breeding. However, it is not known whether there is any thermal modulation of the process. It is a general feature of ectothermic animals that development takes longer at lower temperatures. If Semibalanus breeding onset is solely controlled by autumn day length, then this would suggest an automatically longer developmental period the higher the latitude (reinforcing the thermal effect). The work proposed would help to elucidate environmental control, and determine whether time of egg mass hardening may be a useful tool for monitoring climate change (comparable perhaps to the shifts in breeding times shown for some passerine birds [Sanz, 2002]).


Three approaches will be adopted. First, the proportion of hard egg masses will be monitored in the autumn of two years at sites readily accessible to the project participants at as wide a range of latitudes as possible, and at which the Semibalanus are distributed densely enough to permit cross fertilization. During the first year, at least 50 barnacles taken from the middle shore will be assessed at weekly intervals from August until all egg masses are hard. The time (year-day) of 50% hardening will be assessed by Probit Analysis. When these data are available, the sampling programme for the second year will be designed in collaboration with all participants. 


Second, at at least two sites, the effect of shore height on time of egg mass hardening will be assessed. If hardening is controlled by a combination of day length and light intensity, then it might be predicted that hardening would start earlier the lower the shore position.


Third, laboratory experiments will be conducted on Semibalanus to determine whether egg mass hardening time is influenced by environmental temperature. Animals will be held in natural and artificial light regimes at two different temperatures, while egg mass hardening is monitored.





Anderson, D.T. (1994). Barnacles. Structure, function, development and evolution. Chapman & Hall, London.

Sanz, J.J. (2002). Climate change and breeding parameters of great and blue tits throughout the western Palaearctic. Global Change Biology 8: 409-422.

Tige-Ford (1967). Possible mechanism for the endocrine control of breeding in a cirripede. Nature, London 216: 920-921.



John Davenport            Wednesday, June 12, 2002