Species: Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Hyttetomta, Svanes (Rogaland, Norway)
Yellow Rose Button (Acleris bergmanniana)
Strawberry Tortrix (Acleris comariana)
Rognesmalmott (Acrobasis advenella)
Broad-barred Knot-horn (Acrobasis consociella)
Thistle Conch (Aethes cnicana)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella)
Heart and Dart (Agrotis exclamationis)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Yellow Oak Button (Aleimma loeflingiana)
Brindled Plume (Amblyptilia punctidactyla)
Stengelfly (Amphipoea)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Red Roller (Ancylis mitterbacheriana)
The Confused (Apamea furva)
Scarce Brindle (Apamea lateritia)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Bilberry Marble (Apotomis sauciana)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
Pine Tortrix (Archips oporana)
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
Downland Argent (Argyresthia abdominalis)
Gold-ribbon Argent (Argyresthia brockeella)
Apple Fruit Moth (Argyresthia conjugella)
Brindled Argent (Argyresthia curvella)
Juniper Argent (Argyresthia dilectella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Cherry Fruit Moth (Argyresthia pruniella)
Netted Argent (Argyresthia retinella)
Heather Neb (Aristotelia ericinella)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Plain Golden Y (Autographa jota)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Flame (Axylia putris)
Rush Marble (Bactra lancealana)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Cinereous Groundling (Bryotropha terrella)
Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Light Emerald (Campaea margaritaria)
Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)
Mottled Rustic (Caradrina morpheus)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Haworth's Minor (Celaena haworthii)
Thyme Marble (Celypha cespitana)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Barred Marble (Celypha striana)
Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Flax Tortrix (Cnephasia asseclana)
Purple Bar (Cosmorhoe ocellata)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria)
Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)
Purple Clay (Diarsia brunnea)
Fen Square-spot (Diarsia florida)
Ingrailed Clay (Diarsia mendica)
Dark Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria abietella)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
Buff Footman (Eilema depressa)
Triple-spot Dwarf (Elachista maculicerusella)
Cherry Bark Moth (Enarmonia formosana)
Heath Marble (Endothenia ericetana)
White-shouldered House Moth (Endrosis sarcitrella)
Crescent Bell (Epinotia bilunana)
Small Spruce Bell (Epinotia nanana)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Arran Brown (Erebia ligea)
Marbled Bell (Eucosma campoliliana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Little Grey (Eudonia lacustrata)
Small Grey (Eudonia mercurella)
Marsh Grey (Eudonia pallida)
Ground-moss Grey (Eudonia truncicolella)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Wormwood Pug (Eupithecia absinthiata)
Lime-speck Pug (Eupithecia centaureata)
Tawny Speckled Pug (Eupithecia icterata)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Juniper Pug (Eupithecia pusillata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Yarrow Plume (Gillmeria pallidactyla)
Double-striped Pug (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata)
White Cloaked Shoot (Gypsonoma sociana)
The Lychnis (Hadena bicruris)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Grå svevefjærmøll (Hellinsia didactylites)
Prikkfjærmøll (Hellinsia tephradactyla)
The Fan-foot (Herminia tarsipennalis)
The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda)
The Uncertain (Hoplodrina octogenaria)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Barred Red (Hylaea fasciaria)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Pale-shouldered Brocade (Lacanobia thalassina)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Rosy Minor (Litoligia literosa)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Rannoch Looper (Macaria brunneata)
The V-Moth (Macaria wauaria)
Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)
Common Rustic (Mesapamea secalis)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Lesser Yellow Underwing (Noctua comes)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Yellow-faced Bell (Notocelia cynosbatella)
Summer Rose Bell (Notocelia roborana)
Bramble Shoot Moth (Notocelia uddmanniana)
Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Muslin Footman (Nudaria mundana)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus)
Common Lutestring (Ochropacha duplaris)
Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta)
Middle-barred Minor (Oligia fasciuncula)
Brimstone Moth (Opisthograptis luteolata)
Swallow-tailed Moth (Ourapteryx sambucaria)
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana)
White-faced Tortrix (Pandemis cinnamomeana)
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis heparana)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Blåbærblomstmåler (Pasiphila debiliata)
Green Pug (Pasiphila rectangulata)
Feathered Beauty (Peribatodes secundaria)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Small Dotted Buff (Photedes minima)
Pine Marble (Piniphila bifasciana)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Straw-barred Pearl (Pyrausta despicata)
Scallop Shell (Rheumaptera undulata)
Orange-spotted Shoot (Rhyacionia pinicolana)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Larch-bud Moth (Spilonota laricana)
Swammerdamia compunctella
Large Groundling (Teleiopsis diffinis)
Chestnut-coloured Carpet (Thera cognata)
Fulvous Clothes Moth (Tinea semifulvella)
Dusky Pearl (Udea prunalis)
Welsh Wave (Venusia cambrica)
Dotted Clay (Xestia baja)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Larch Tortrix (Zeiraphera griseana)
Spruce Bud Moth (Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Sandhåland (Rogaland, Norway)
Apple Fruit Moth (Argyresthia conjugella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Red-clover Case-bearer (Coleophora deauratella)
Skvallerkåltannmøll (Epermenia illigerella)
Willow Tortrix (Epinotia cruciana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Blodtoppraktvikler (Eupoecilia sanguisorbana)
Purple-shaded Piercer (Pammene gallicana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Grønning
Tengesdal (Rogaland, Norway)
Yellow Oak Button (Aleimma loeflingiana)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
The Coronet (Craniophora ligustri)
Marbled Bell (Eucosma campoliliana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Barred Red (Hylaea fasciaria)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Triangle Plume (Platyptilia gonodactyla)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Orchard Ermine (Yponomeuta padella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Sandvatn (Rogaland, Norway)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Common Case-bearer (Coleophora serratella)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Pearl Dwarf (Elachista apicipunctella)
Common Spruce Bell (Epinotia tedella)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Marsh Oblique-barred (Hypenodes humidalis)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Nodland (Rogaland, Norway)
Juniper Conch (Aethes rutilana)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Rush Marble (Bactra lancealana)
Cinereous Groundling (Bryotropha terrella)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Tiriltungeglansvikler (Cydia succedana)
Colt’s-foot Bell (Epiblema sticticana)
Small Spruce Bell (Epinotia nanana)
White Sallow Bell (Epinotia subocellana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Yarrow Plume (Gillmeria pallidactyla)
Raspberry Moth (Lampronia corticella)
Large Wall Brown (Lasiommata maera)
Red Piercer (Lathronympha strigana)
Rannoch Looper (Macaria brunneata)
Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)
Rush Veneer (Nomophila noctuella)
Triangle Plume (Platyptilia gonodactyla)
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Vaulen, Brusand (Rogaland, Norway)
Strawberry Tortrix (Acleris comariana)
Yarrow Conch (Aethes smeathmanniana)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Heart and Club (Agrotis clavis)
Heart and Dart (Agrotis exclamationis)
Turnip Moth (Agrotis segetum)
Marimjelleengmott (Anania fuscalis)
Sandhill Knot-horn (Anerastia lotella)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Rustic Shoulder-knot (Apamea sordens)
Heibladvikler (Aphelia viburniana)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Short-barred Marble (Apotomis semifasciana)
Garden Tiger (Arctia caja)
Sallow Argent (Argyresthia pygmaeella)
Netted Argent (Argyresthia retinella)
Ribwort Slender (Aspilapteryx tringipennella)
Gråbrunt metallfly (Autographa buraetica)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Plain Golden Y (Autographa jota)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Rush Marble (Bactra lancealana)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Sandhill Groundling (Bryotropha umbrosella)
Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Yellow-triangle Slender (Caloptilia alchimiella)
Light Emerald (Campaea margaritaria)
Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)
Mottled Rustic (Caradrina morpheus)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Little Conch (Cochylis dubitana)
Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)
Green Carpet (Colostygia pectinataria)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Marsh Grass-veneer (Crambus uliginosellus)
Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)
Clouded Buff (Diacrisia sannio)
Fen Square-spot (Diarsia florida)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Dotted Shade (Eana osseana)
Triple-spot Dwarf (Elachista maculicerusella)
Willow Tortrix (Epinotia cruciana)
Dark Bordered Beauty (Epione vespertaria)
Marbled Bell (Eucosma campoliliana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Two-coloured Bell (Eucosma obumbratana)
Marsh Grey (Eudonia pallida)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
The Phoenix (Eulithis prunata)
Barred Straw (Eulithis pyraliata)
The Chevron (Eulithis testata)
Lime-speck Pug (Eupithecia centaureata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Double Dart (Graphiphora augur)
Rosa fugleskittvikler (Hedya atropunctana)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Grå svevefjærmøll (Hellinsia didactylites)
Barred Red (Hylaea fasciaria)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Shoulder-striped Wainscot (Leucania comma)
Obscure Wainscot (Leucania obsoleta)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
Lyme Grass (Longalatedes elymi)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)
Thistle Ermine (Myelois circumvoluta)
Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura)
Southern Wainscot (Mythimna straminea)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac)
Beautiful China-mark (Nymphula nitidulata)
Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta)
Chimney Sweeper (Odezia atrata)
Brimstone Moth (Opisthograptis luteolata)
Oblique Carpet (Orthonama vittata)
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana)
Paraswammerdamia conspersella
Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Swallow Prominent (Pheosia tremula)
Small Dotted Buff (Photedes minima)
Silver-edged Knot-horn (Pima boisduvaliella)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Straw-barred Pearl (Pyrausta despicata)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Large Grey (Scoparia subfusca)
Shaded Broad-bar (Scotopteryx chenopodiata)
Bordered Gothic (Sideridis reticulata)
White Ermine (Spilosoma lubricipeda)
Twin-spot Plume (Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla)
White-streak Sober (Syncopacma cinctella)
Chestnut-coloured Carpet (Thera cognata)
Lemon Bell (Thiodia citrana)
Rusty-dot Pearl (Udea ferrugalis)
Dusky Pearl (Udea prunalis)
Setaceous Hebrew Character (Xestia c-nigrum)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Mjåvatn (Rogaland, Norway)
Juniper Argent (Argyresthia dilectella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Melbærkveldvikler (Epinotia nemorivaga)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Notch-wing Neb (Monochroa suffusella)
Paraswammerdamia conspersella
Light Streak (Pleurota bicostella)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Stokkastrand (Rogaland, Norway)
Apple Fruit Moth (Argyresthia conjugella)
Yellow-triangle Slender (Caloptilia alchimiella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Bluebell Shade (Eana incanana)
White-headed Dwarf (Elachista albifrontella)
Elachista nobilella
Nut Bud Moth (Epinotia tenerana)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
Common Plain Neb (Monochroa tenebrella)
Hazel Slender (Parornix devoniella)
Red Hazel midget (Phyllonorycter nicellii)
Oak Carl (Tischeria ekebladella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Even Mjaaland
Hyttetomta, Svanes (Rogaland, Norway)
Barred Grass-veneer (Agriphila inquinatella)
Common Grass-veneer (Agriphila tristella)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Many-plumed Moth (Alucita hexadactyla)
Sumpengmott (Anania perlucidalis)
Common Roller (Ancylis badiana)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Rustic Shoulder-knot (Apamea sordens)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
Variegated Golden Tortrix (Archips xylosteana)
Gold-ribbon Argent (Argyresthia brockeella)
Apple Fruit Moth (Argyresthia conjugella)
Brindled Argent (Argyresthia curvella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Light Emerald (Campaea margaritaria)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
The Annulet (Charissa obscurata)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Birch Conch (Cochylis nana)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Tiriltungeglansvikler (Cydia succedana)
Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)
Yellow-headed Dwarf (Elachista luticomella)
Broken-barred Carpet (Electrophaes corylata)
White-shouldered House Moth (Endrosis sarcitrella)
White Sallow Bell (Epinotia subocellana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Honeysuckle Bell (Eucosmomorpha albersana)
Little Grey (Eudonia lacustrata)
Ground-moss Grey (Eudonia truncicolella)
Lime-speck Pug (Eupithecia centaureata)
Edinburgh Pug (Eupithecia intricata)
Common Pug (Eupithecia vulgata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Sallow Kitten (Furcula furcula)
The Shears (Hada plebeja)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Small Fan-foot (Herminia grisealis)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Raspberry Moth (Lampronia corticella)
Middle-barred Minor (Oligia fasciuncula)
Brimstone Moth (Opisthograptis luteolata)
Woodland Marble (Orthotaenia undulana)
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana)
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Sandy Carpet (Perizoma flavofasciata)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Small Dotted Buff (Photedes minima)
Gold Swift (Phymatopus hecta)
Lempke's Gold Spot (Plusia putnami)
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina)
Brown Knot-horn (Pyla fusca)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Swammerdamia compunctella
Brown Smoke (Taleporia tubulosa)
Large Groundling (Teleiopsis diffinis)
Grey Pine Carpet (Thera obeliscata)
Welsh Wave (Venusia cambrica)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Stiklevatn (Rogaland, Norway)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Common Spruce Bell (Epinotia tedella)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Common Plain Neb (Monochroa tenebrella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Rustic Shoulder-knot (Apamea sordens)
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Denisia stipella
Tutts Burnished Brass (Diachrysia stenochrysis)
Fen Square-spot (Diarsia florida)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Marbled Bell (Eucosma campoliliana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Grumset dvergmåler (Eupithecia subfuscata)
Dwarf Pug (Eupithecia tantillaria)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Common Rustic (Mesapamea secalis)
Yellow-faced Bell (Notocelia cynosbatella)
Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta)
Scalloped Hazel (Odontopera bidentata)
Middle-barred Minor (Oligia fasciuncula)
Marbled Minor (Oligia strigilis)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Stigmella myrtillella
Brown Smoke (Taleporia tubulosa)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta evonymella)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Sandvatn (Rogaland, Norway)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Michael Fredriksen
Varane, Erdal (Vestland, Norway)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Hyttetomta, Svanes (Rogaland, Norway)
Yellow Rose Button (Acleris bergmanniana)
Strawberry Tortrix (Acleris comariana)
Alder Moth (Acronicta alni)
Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Pearl Veneer (Agriphila straminella)
Heart and Dart (Agrotis exclamationis)
Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata)
Clouded-bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata)
The Confused (Apamea furva)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Birch Marble (Apotomis betuletana)
Bilberry Marble (Apotomis sauciana)
White-shouldered Marble (Apotomis turbidana)
Pine Tortrix (Archips oporana)
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)
Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
Gold-ribbon Argent (Argyresthia brockeella)
Apple Fruit Moth (Argyresthia conjugella)
Golden Argent (Argyresthia goedartella)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Flame (Axylia putris)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)
Bordered White (Bupalus piniaria)
Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Light Emerald (Campaea margaritaria)
Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)
Mottled Rustic (Caradrina morpheus)
Chequered Grass-veneer (Catoptria falsella)
Pearl Grass-veneer (Catoptria pinella)
Gold Pine Ermel (Cedestis gysseleniella)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)
Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer (Crambus lathoniellus)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Purple Clay (Diarsia brunnea)
Ingrailed Clay (Diarsia mendica)
Gulrandsivmott (Donacaula mucronella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
Cherry Bark Moth (Enarmonia formosana)
Small Birch Bell (Epinotia ramella)
Little Grey (Eudonia lacustrata)
Ground-moss Grey (Eudonia truncicolella)
The Spinach (Eulithis mellinata)
Northern Spinach (Eulithis populata)
The Phoenix (Eulithis prunata)
Cloaked Pug (Eupithecia abietaria)
Lime-speck Pug (Eupithecia centaureata)
Edinburgh Pug (Eupithecia intricata)
Narrow-winged Pug (Eupithecia nanata)
Foxglove Pug (Eupithecia pulchellata)
Netted Pug (Eupithecia venosata)
Small Angle Shades (Euplexia lucipara)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria)
Double-striped Pug (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata)
The Shears (Hada plebeja)
Rosa fugleskittvikler (Hedya atropunctana)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Prikkfjærmøll (Hellinsia tephradactyla)
Small Fan-foot (Herminia grisealis)
The Fan-foot (Herminia tarsipennalis)
Brown House Moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda)
Barred Red (Hylaea fasciaria)
Riband Wave (Idaea aversata)
Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata)
Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Pale-shouldered Brocade (Lacanobia thalassina)
Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)
Large Wall Brown (Lasiommata maera)
Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)
Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)
True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)
Rannoch Looper (Macaria brunneata)
Cabbage Moth (Mamestra brassicae)
Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)
Common Rustic (Mesapamea secalis)
Bracken Neb (Monochroa cytisella)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Summer Rose Bell (Notocelia roborana)
Bramble Shoot Moth (Notocelia uddmanniana)
Muslin Footman (Nudaria mundana)
Common Lutestring (Ochropacha duplaris)
Middle-barred Minor (Oligia fasciuncula)
Tawny Marbled Minor (Oligia latruncula)
Brimstone Moth (Opisthograptis luteolata)
White-faced Tortrix (Pandemis cinnamomeana)
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)
Gul båndvikler (Paramesia gnomana)
Green Pug (Pasiphila rectangulata)
Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala)
Lesser Swallow Prominent (Pheosia gnoma)
Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa)
Small Dotted Buff (Photedes minima)
Large White (Pieris brassicae)
Pine Marble (Piniphila bifasciana)
Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Yellow-spot Tortrix (Pseudargyrotoza conwagana)
White Plume (Pterophorus pentadactyla)
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Larch-bud Moth (Spilonota laricana)
Large Groundling (Teleiopsis diffinis)
Poplar Lutestring (Tethea or)
Chestnut-coloured Carpet (Thera cognata)
Grey Pine Carpet (Thera obeliscata)
Fulvous Clothes Moth (Tinea semifulvella)
Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Welsh Wave (Venusia cambrica)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha)
Dusky Brocade (Apamea remissa)
Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina)
Starrsumpvikler (Bactra lacteana)
Cinereous Groundling (Bryotropha terrella)
Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria)
Light Emerald (Campaea margaritaria)
Mottled Rustic (Caradrina morpheus)
Common Marble (Celypha lacunana)
Antler Moth (Cerapteryx graminis)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Common Rush Case-bearer (Coleophora alticolella)
Grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)
Yellow Satin Veneer (Crambus perlella)
Burnished Brass (Diachrysia chrysitis)
Small Square-spot (Diarsia rubi)
Buff Dwarf (Elachista subalbidella)
Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata)
White-shouldered House Moth (Endrosis sarcitrella)
Marbled Bell (Eucosma campoliliana)
Hoary Bell (Eucosma cana)
Grumset dvergmåler (Eupithecia subfuscata)
Marbled Conch (Eupoecilia angustana)
Yarrow Plume (Gillmeria pallidactyla)
Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana)
Brown House Moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Map-winged Swift (Korscheltellus fusconebulosa)
Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)
Cork Moth (Nemapogon cloacella)
Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba)
Muslin Footman (Nudaria mundana)
Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta)
Scalloped Hazel (Odontopera bidentata)
Middle-barred Minor (Oligia fasciuncula)
Marbled Minor (Oligia strigilis)
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana)
Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa)
Chalk Knot-horn (Phycitodes maritima)
Diamond-back Moth (Plutella xylostella)
Ash Bud Moth (Prays fraxinella)
Yellow-spot Tortrix (Pseudargyrotoza conwagana)
Brown Rustic (Rusina ferruginea)
Common Grey (Scoparia ambigualis)
Large Groundling (Teleiopsis diffinis)
Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata)
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